The Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU)
started functioning with effect from June, 1972. The University was established
with specific mandates of promoting productivity of agriculture through
pursuation of research in agriculture and allied sciences. The unique feature of
the Gujarat Agricultural University is that it is a multi-campus University. The
other three campuses are located at Junagadh, Navsari and Anand. The Gujarat
Agricultural University has now 11 constituent colleges located in different
faculties which impart under-graduate and post graduate teaching under semester
system. The total number of students, graduated from the Gujarat Agricultural
University so far, are 8532 in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Dairy Science,
Agricultural Engineering, Horticulture and Forestry, Home Science, Fisheries
also 2159 students have obtained Masters and 393 have acquired their Ph. D.
degree upton!996. Extension education programmes are carried out through four
Krishi Vigyan Kendras. University offers diploma courses in agriculture and
allied fields through 14 agricultural (One exclusively for girls) schools.