Indian Agricultural Universities Association

IAUA Awards

IAUA Awards for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research



The Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA) instituted IAUA Awards in 2023 for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research to recognize outstanding original research, to provide incentive for enhancing the quality research and to promote high quality research in emerging priority areas. These awards are meant exclusively for Ph.D. thesis research related to Agricultural Sciences including Agriculture Engineering, Horticultural Science including Forestry, Veterinary and Animal Sciences and Dairy and Fisheries Sciences from any of the IAUA member Agricultural Universities. Each individual award consists of Rs. 50,000/ (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) in cash, a certificate and a plaque. The Four awards will be given in following four categories (one each) every year, if recommended by the committee and approved by the competent authority of IAUA.

  • Agricultural Sciences including Agriculture Engineering (1)
  • Horticulture Science including Forestry (1)
  • Veterinary and Animal Sciences (1)
  • Dairy and Fisheries Sciences (1)

Name of Recepients