Indian Agricultural Universities Association

Past Presidents

Past Presidents

Dr Rameshwar Singh
President IAUA (2023)
Bihar Animal Sciences University,
Patna 800014 India

Prof. (Dr) Rameshwar Singh is a distinguished scientist known for his contribution in microbial culture collection, fermented milks and probiotics, dairy starter cultures, rumen fermentation and animal nutrition, and science communication and knowledge management. He is the Founder Vice Chancellor of Bihar Animal Sciences University w.e.f. 13 June 2017. He established the second campus of the university at Kishanganj, with two new colleges, College of Fisheries and College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and a new Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Jamui. He also established the Embryo Transfer Technology and In-vitro Fertilization Centre and Poultry Research and Training Centre at Patna. He led the progress of the new university with the institution of state fellowships for Masters and Ph. D students. The University has been noted for the development of its Master Plan and construction of new Campus at Patna (20,000 sq meter covered area, layout of ? 9,000 million with state-of-the-art infrastructure), faculty recruitment from across different states of India, developing standards of quality education and research, and collaboration with several national and international organizations. Within a short period of time, the University has developed modern research facilities and laboratories by securing substantial funds through competitive grants from different funding agencies and world bank funded scheme on National Agricultural Higher Education Project leading to the accreditation of the university by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for a period of five years.

Dr Singh also led the Indian Agricultural Universities Association as President from September 2022 to March 2024. Earlier he also served as Treasurer and Vice president of IAUA. He also served as the member of Rastriya Kamdhenu Aayog, New Delhi. He is also member of the Governing Council of Agricultural Skill Council of India, founder fellow of National Academy of Dairy Sciences (India), founder fellow of Animal Nutrition Association of India, and founder patron of Society for the Promotion of Companion and Farm Animals, Patna.

Before joining BASU, Patna, Dr Singh was Project Director at ICAR-Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for five years (2012-2017). His contribution in enhancing the visibility of ICAR and provisioning expansion and access of online of e-resources and online journals to ICAR institutions and state agricultural universities through Consortium of e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA); and awareness campaigns and trainings to promote the usage of CeRA are noteworthy. He coordinated ICAR support to strengthen the content and programmes of the newly established national TV Channel for Agriculture i.e. DD Kisan, for which Prasar Bharati bestowed special honour for his services on the occasion of first Annual function. He also showcased ICAR on important science exhibitions, strengthened ICAR publications and e-publication platform and successfully brought out the ASEAN-India Newsletter on Agriculture and Forestry along with other popular and research journals of ICAR.

Earlier he also served as Registrar, National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal (Deemed University), for around 09 years (2004-2012); Principal Scientist and Head Dairy Microbiology Division, NDRI, Karnal; Curator, National Collection of Dairy Cultures, NDRI Karnal; and In-charge Microbiology Section, Animal Nutrition Division, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (1978-1995).

Dr Rameshwar Singh graduated from Kurukshetra University and then did his Master’s degree in Dairy Microbiology from NDRI, Karnal. He joined Agricultural Research Services of ICAR as a Scientist and obtained Ph.D. from Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar in Microbiology. He served at prestigious institutions of ICAR i.e. IVRI Izatnagar for 17 years (1978-95), NDRI Karnal for 17 years (1995-2012) and ICAR Head Quarters at New Delhi for around 05 years (2012-2017).

Dr Singh has been an excellent teacher and researcher. He published more than 150 research papers in national and international journals and has very high citations. He also guided a large number of Master’s and Ph.D. scholars as major advisor. He established the National collection of Dairy Cultures at NDRI Karnal. He led ICAR Network project on Dairy Microbes and also steered the NDDB sponsored project on development of new microbial culture strains for fermented milks and technology for development of Direct Vat Starter Cultures. His freeze-dried starter culture strains and training of cooperative unions in the country heralded the manufacturing of dahi, lassi, cheese, yoghurt and other fermented milk products in the organised sector in India.

Dr Singh represented India to participate in the World Dairy Congress held by International Dairy Federation at Shanghai in 2006. He also chaired several award committees, selection committees and technical committees of ICAR and many Universities. He has been recognised by National Academy of Dairy Sciences (India), Animal Nutrition Society of India, Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists and Specialist in infectious Diseases, Animal Nutrition Association, Agriculture Today Dairy Awards, Dr C M Singh Memorial Trust, and many other societies and institutions. He has been on the Governing Body of NDRI, Karnal; DUVASU Mathura, and Research Council of NIFTEM, Sonipat; Academic Council of CIFE, Mumbai; and Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar, and many other institutions. He has been chairman of Editorial Board of ICAR research journals and popular magazines and ASEAN-India Agriculture and Forestry Newsletter. He also initiated online book manuscript processing system at DKMA, ICAR, New Delhi under which nearly eighty books were published during his tenure.

Dr Singh has also travelled to reputed US universities, Utah State University, Logan; Cornell University, Ithaca (New York) and USDA Washington as Visiting Scientist. He also visited the University of Melbourne, Australia for mutual collaboration with the Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna. His footprints are engraved on the development path of the Bihar Animal Science University, which no time-sand will be able to cover.

Dr. R.K. Mittal
President IAUA (2022)
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University
of Agriculture and Technology, NH-58,
Roorkee Road,Meerut – 250110 (U.P.)

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Mittal has an extensive experience of about forty five years in research, education, management and administration. Recently, on 6th September 2022, he completed his tenure of three years with about two months extension, as Vice Chancellor, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. Earlier, he was Vice Chancellor, Rajendra Agricultural University (now Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University), Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar; OSD (International Relations) and Assistant Director General (Education Quality Assurance & Reforms), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. He established several new academic institutions, initiated several new programmes, made significant policy level contribution in enhancement of quality of agricultural education and international cooperation in agricultural research and education.

Dr. Mittal has worked on field and seed pathology of pulse and oilseed crops in NW hills, seed pathology of forest tree species and mycorrhiza in forestry. Associated in development of four improved crop varieties, identified 36 new diseases/pathogens, and developed six integrated/cultural and 10 chemical management technologies for field diseases and five for management for tree seed mycoflora. He has done pioneering work in studying the characteristic (nature, occurrence, damage to seeds during germination and storage, management and seed health testing methods) of seed-borne fungi of 15 tree species. He worked as Danida Visiting Scientist in Denmark, NSERC Visiting Fellow in Canada, travelled to 14 countries as leader/ member of different delegations and published books, book chapters, technical bulletins and several articles in reputed national and international journals.

Dr. Mittal is recipient of the Visiting Fellowship of NSERC, Canada (1984-87); DANIDA Visiting Scientist in Denmark (1997-98); President of the IMS, Kolkata and ISMPP, Udaipur; Fellow of six scientific societies (IPS, ISMPP, IMS, ISST, ISNS, ISEPSA); Member of the ISTA Forest Tree Seed and Shrub Committee, ISTA Tree Seed Pathology Working Group, Switzerland, and American Phytopathological Society, USA; Man of the Year-1998 by the ABI, USA; Prof. H.K. Barua Memorial Lecture Award (2006) by the IMS, Kolkata; National Education Award 2015 for Outstanding Contribution to Education by the ABP News; Prof. S.S. Chahal Life Time Achievement Award- 2019 by the ISMPP, Udaipur; Rajesh Pilot Memorial Award- 2019 and Hukum Singh Memorial Award- 2020 by Hi-Tech Horticultural Society; Honorary Fellow-2019 by the U.P. Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lucknow; Member and Senior Consultant, TAAS, New Delhi; Lifetime Achievement Award- 2021 of Advance Research Institute For Development of Social Science, Meerut; Vice President and Acting President (2021) and now (2022, till 06 Sep 2022) President of the Indian Association of Agricultural Universities, New Delhi; Chairman/Member/Member Secretary of several academic and administrative committees of ICAR, ICAR Institutes, international delegations, agricultural universities, search-cum-selection of Vice Chancellors and others.

Prof. (Col.) Sanjay K. Patil
President IAUA (2021)
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur- 492 012
Chhattisgarh State, India

Dr. S.K. Patil, worked as Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya , Raipur, Chhattisgarh from 2011-21, is Ph.D. in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, and Post-Doctoral research from International Fertilizer Development Centre, AL, USA. He has also worked as officiating Vice Chancellor of Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Veterinary University, Durg.
He is a renowned agricultural educationists, one of the senior most VCs of the country and has worked as President of Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA),New Delhi. He has a proven record of successful administration & management of agricultural research, education & extension. He is a person with progressive thinking and modern ideas.
He has steered Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishvavidyalaya towards academic excellence, raised financial resources, started new multi-disciplinary research and extension programs, attracted the best students and faculty, and transformed the university to provide national & global visibility. He has been instrumental in improving quality and access of agricultural education and extension services by opening 23 new colleges and 12 new KVKs. During his tenure the IGKV has been ranked as 10th best university in 2018-19 by Indian Council of Agricultural Research among 74 universities of the country.
Under his leadership Sixteen research projects of university bagged National best project award by ICAR and Krishi Vigyan Kendras have received 9 National/ Regional best KVK awards by ICAR for their outstanding work.
He has long experience of planning & policy making as member of task force on Agriculture of Planning Commission, Government of Chhattisgarh, and was on the expert list of Planning Commission, GOI. He has worked as Chairman Research Advisory Committees of ICAR, Member of Project Management Committee, & several other high-power committees of ICAR, Chairman & Member of Board of Academic, Administrative, Research & Extension councils of universities, & as Board Member of several state & national agencies. He has also worked as Chairman and Member of search committee for the post of vice chancellor of several universities.
He is an internationally acclaimed scientist and has a long experience of working at International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines and International Fertilizer Development Center, USA as Visiting Scientist.
He has a strong background of research by working in ICAR’s Soil Testing, and Dry Land projects, Six International (IRRI & PPIC) and Five national projects (ICAR, DST, NATP, Spices board, NAIP), and developed several technologies, including India’s least expensive Soil Testing Kit (GoI Patent No 347189), and models of rural livelihood security. His innovative models for enhancing livelihood of tribes in Bastar have got special recognition. He has guided 22 Ph.D. and 67 M.Sc. students for research and credited with 219 research publications, manuals and books.
He is recipient of several awards, honours, and recognitions including the prestigious BOYSCAST fellowship of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad Award for his work in tribal areas of Bastar by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, Board of Governors of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Department of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, GOI, Recognition Award for biodiversity conservation by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, GOI, Honorary Rank of Colonel Commandant for personality development of youth by Ministry of Defense, GOI, National Award for e-governance by Department of Administrative Reforms, Ministry of Electronics and IT, GOI, and Lifetime Achievement Award for work on natural resource management by Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi.

Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon
President IAUA (2020)
Vice Chancellor
Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana- 141 004
Punjab State, India

Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon, currently the Vice Chancellor (VC) of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, is an internationally acclaimed scientist in the field of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources. He served the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) as Assistant Director General, and Director, ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi and Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar as Director of Research. Prior to holding the reigns of PAU as VC, he was working in the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Earlier, he has also served CIMMYT, Mexico as Associate Scientist.
As a Vice Chancellor since 2011, Dr Dhillon took numerous initiatives that catapulted PAU to greater heights. As a result of overall development in research, teaching and extension programmes carried out under his leadership PAU has (i) won the ‘Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award (2017)’ based on achievements during previous 5 years and their impact; (ii) occupied top ranking among all Indian Agricultural Universities in all ranking by ICAR.
Dr Dhillon’s constant guidance, encouragement and motivation to the faculty led to the development of outstanding crop varieties and their production-protection technologies. Early maturing, high yielding varieties of paddy having less biomass developed by PAU are now most popular among farmers and are instrumental in water and pesticide saving, and are also helpful in paddy straw management. PAU led the nation in the development of biofortified wheat (Zn rich), Bt cotton (bollworm resistant) and less seeded kinnow and vegetable hybrids/varieties to promote nutritional security, diversification and value addition. The University has developed/released 75 varieties of field crops and 84 varieties of horticultural crops since 2011. PAU has developed/strengthened linkages with industry particularly that of seed, food processing and farm machinery and created IPR and Technology Commercialization Cell which had significant effect on commercialization of technologies. During this period, 52 technologies have been commercialized, 43 patents have been filed and 13 patents have been granted.
As a maize breeder, Dr. Dhillon worked in the maize improvement team, and developed 16 varieties/hybrids including ‘Paras’, the first single cross hybrid in India (1995), and thereby, gave a new direction to maize breeding in the country. He has developed new methods of plant breeding and techniques of quantitative genetic analysis which have been included in the text books.
As Assistant Director General, Dr Dhillon assisted the ICAR in planning, facilitating, coordinating and monitoring the research in four institutes including Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, and eight All-India Coordinated Crop Improvement Projects on foodgrain and fodder crops, and in biotechnology at national level.
Dr Dhillon has bagged many prestigious scholarships/ fellowships that included post-doctoral fellowships namely German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship; University of Hohenheim fellowship to work at University of Hohenheim in Germany and Alexander von Humboldt Europe Fellowship to work at University of Birmingham, UK.
He has a strong flair for scientific writings and has published ~ 400 research and policy papers, besides authoring/editing 13 scientific books. For his outstanding contributions, Dr. Dhillon has been bestowed with several awards such as: Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Memorial Prize by ICAR; Dr BP Pal Memorial Award (the apex award) and Recognition Award by NAAS; Om Parkash Bhasin Award for Science and Technology; Dr. HB Singh Award by Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources; Dr. Joginder Singh Memorial Award by Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding; and Gold Medal by ICAR-IARI.
Based on his immense contributions to science and society, Dr. Dhillon has been conferred with prestigious ‘Padma Shri Award’ in 2019 by the President of India. Further, in recognition of his valuable contribution in the field of Education and Agricultural science, the Government of Punjab has conferred Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Achievers award upon Dr Dhillon.

Dr. A.R. Pathak
President IAUA (2019)
Vice Chancellor
Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh- 362 001
Gujarat State, India

Dr. A. R. Pathak was born on 25thOctober, 1949. He did his B.Sc. in 1970 in Agriculture from Sardar Patel University, VallabhaVidhyanagar, Gujarat; M. Sc. In 1978 in Plant Breeding & Genetics from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar and Ph. D. in in 1987 in Plant Breeding & Genetics from Gujarat Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar. From Assistant Research Scientist to Research Scientist in S k Nagar (24years), in AAU, Navagam(for 9 years) than served as Director of Research & Dean PG Studies in AAU, Anand for 4 years.
He was Vice Chancellor NAU(2010-2014), and JAU (2014-2019). He has 47 years of experience in Agricultural Education, Research, Extension and Administration.
He developed twenty-five new varieties of various crops and received awards like Sardar Patel Agricultural Research Award 1995-96 and 1996-97, SadvicharPariwar Research Award 1998 and 2002byGAAS.
He developed technology of Modified method for maintenance of pistillate line for castor seedproduction which maintains purity of breeder/foundation seed,hybrid Rice programme at Navagam (AAU) and NAU. He also developed fourteen technologies on Castor and Rice on agronomical and plant protection issues. He has also initiated an Android based mobile application "Kisan Mitra".
As Director of Research, AAU, contributed for development of Soil Health Card and the eKrishi Kiran Programme (Soil Health Card) was awarded by GOI. Heguided 8 M.Sc. and 9 Ph.Dstudents for their research programme at GAU, AAU and JAU. He published more than 100 research articles i.e. 15 in international journal, 34 in national journals and also more than 50 in various conferences proceedings. He alsocontributed 20 book chapters andmany vernacular articles for farmers. He participated in more than 100 training/workshop/symposium/seminars/conference including 5conferences aboard (IRRI,2000, Sweden,2008, USA2007, Bangkok,2014, APAARI, 2019). He received eight awards in the field of Agriculture and allied science.He was conferred honorary rank of ‘Colonel’ by NCC in 2013.
He served as expert member in various organizations/Institutes like Member in Governing Body of ICAR appointed by Dept. of Agr.&FW, GOI;Member of Accreditation board; Finance and Administrative committee of ICAR; Chairman of ICAR Accreditation committee of BCKV,Mohanpur;Chairman 3rd QRT on NRC on Seed Spices, Ajmer; Board of Directors Aspee Foundation;Member, Research Advisory Committee of GSFC foundation, Baroda.He was member of EC2015, then treasurer, Secretary and President of Indian Agricultural Universities Association, New Delhi 2019. He was Chairman of the State Level Coordination Committee for strategy of "Doubling the Farmersincome by 2022 in Gujarat" formulated by DG, ICAR and was also expert member in selection committee for recruitment of scientists/teachers, University officers in ASRB and various SAUs of India.
As a Vice-Chancellor in NAU, JAU and Director of Research & Dean, PG studies, AAU, he started new UG and PG programmes and colleges, University and colleges were accredited by ICAR, VCI, ICFRE, state of art infrastructure in University and Colleges. Intake capacity was increased. Implemented adoption of e-governance in administration and academics. Andgroup of subject’s meetings were introduced to review academic programmes andstudents’ amenities were strengthened.
Top priority was given to provide pure seed and other products of University at reasonable cost to farmers with Govt. subsidy. Seed production, bio fertilizers and bio pesticides were produced at AAU, JAU and NAU made available to farming community resulted to enhance the production and income.

Dr. N.C. Patel
President IAUA (2018)
Vice Chancellor,
Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110
Gujarat State, India

Dr. N.C. Patel graduated in Agricultural Engineering from University of Udaipur, Udaipur (Rajasthan) in 1978 with first class. He obtained his M. Tech. and Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in crop process engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (West Bengal) in 1980 and 1993, respectively. He served as the Principal and Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (CAET), Junagadh (Gujarat) from the year 2001 to 2009. Morever, 13 Post Graduate students were guided for research and dissertation and published more than 50 research papers in International/ National journals. He wrote 7 books and many popular articles.
Looking to his overall contributions and vision in the development of agriculture in Gujarat, the State Government appointed him as the Vice Chancellor of Junagadh Agricultural University from 7th August, 2009 for a period of five years. In view of the noteworthy developments made by him at Junagadh Agricultural University, Anand (Gujarat) for a period of five years. Dr. Patel is working as Vice Chancellor at Anand Agricultural University since 7th August, 2014.
Dr. Patel is the recipient of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers Fellow Award-2011 (during 46th Annual Convention of ISAE) and the ISAE Commendation Medal (during 42nd Annual Convention of ISAE). He is also the recipient of “Scientific Councilor Award- 2011” given by Indian Society of Health, Environment, Education and Research, Jodhpur Centre for his commendable work in the field of Crop Process Engineering and Crop Production. He is the recipient of the Commendation Award given by the Western Agri. Seeds (Pvt.) Ltd., Gandhinagar. He has received Meritorious Service Award of CTAE Alumni Society, Udaipur given by Hon’ble Home Minister of Rajasthan on 26th December, 2014 during the CTAE Golden Jubilee Function at Udaipur. He has been awarded as the “Best Personality of the Year (Agriculture) 2015” by Computer Society of India on 9th October, 2015 at Udaipur, Rajasthan. He has also been awarded as Dewang Mehta National Education Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education at Mumbai on 25th November, 2016. He is also awarded the Honorary Fellow Award by the Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists, Kanpur on 6th December, 2016.
He worked as the Director in the Board of Management of three corporations of Govt. of Gujarat (Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation, Gujarat State Land Development Corporation and Gujarat State Seeds Corporation) during 2009 to 2014 for a period of five years. He is again appointed as the Director in the Board of Management of GLDC and Gujarat State Seeds Corporation Ltd. from Aug., 2014 onwards for a period of five years. He worked as a member in 25 other Professional/ Government bodies of the state. He was involved in the development of a number of processing equipments/ technologies to help the entrepreneurs and agro-processors.
He worked as the President of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi during 2015 to 2017, the Vice President for the year 2017 and President for the year 2018 of Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA), New Delhi. He also worked as the Chairman of the Quinquennial Review Team for Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (QRT-CIRCOT), Mumbai for the period of 2012-17.

Dr. K. M. Bujarbaruah
President IAUA (2017)
Vice Chancellor
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat- 785 013
Assam State, India

Dr. Kamal Malla Bujarbaruah, Ph.D, DSc (hanoris causa), a 1976 batch of ARS is a distinguished agricultural scientist with an illustrious service record as Deputy Director General, ICAR, New Delhi; Director of two ICAR institutes and OSD for another; Joint Director and Scientist at ICAR Research Complex, Meghalaya and presently the Vice Chancellor of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam has contributed immensely to the agriculture and allied sector. In his long service career at different places, Dr Bujarbaruah left an indelible mark contributing to the cause of overall agricultural sciences notable among which were conservation and utilization of crop (several rice accessions at NBPGR) and animal germplasm (mainly Mithun and Pig) for food and agriculture; development of six number of IFS models; initiation of research on organic agriculture, soil and water resources across the region including the state of Sikkim in a watershed approach; developing and getting developed several crop and an animal varieties; initiation of research on crop and animal biotechnology the output of some of which have been commercialized now; introduced and worked upon high-tech horticultural modules including floriculture; got implemented roof top gardening; initiated research on climate resilient agriculture; introduced e-learning facilities in the university for the first time; worked with farming community of North East in general and the state of Assam in particular demonstrating and injecting the power of technology in enhancing productivity; developed bilateral partnership with different countries on research collaboration and the likes. Dr Bujarbaruah was also the Country Co-Ordinator for FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome, Italy) besides working as sectorial director for World Bank funded project.
Several Awards including Best Vice Chancellor Award, 2016; Life Time Achievement Award of the Indian Society of Animal Production and Management (ISAPM), 2017; Sardar Patel Outstanding Institution Award from ICAR, 2014; 2 times Life Time Achievement Award’, Agricultural research Leadership award of the country, 2015; DSC (hc) from Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, 2012; N N Dastur Memorial Award, from National Dairy Research institute, Karnal, Haryana; C R Sane Oration award from Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University, Mumbai; Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Award of ICAR; ‘Prani Mitra’ Award from Blue Cross Society of India, ‘Food for Future award, “ Harit Ratna (Green Gem) Award, 2015” for outstanding contribution on empowerment of Youth in Agriculture; “Krishak Ratna” (Farmers Gem) Award, 2015 for taking the university to farmers door for improved technology injection and economic benefit there from. The team under his guidance received Basant Rao Naik Award and 2 more Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed awards of ICAR.
He is also the Fellows of prestigious national academies like NAAS & NAVS The University under his leadership received country’s recognition as Best Rice Research Centre Award (2015), Best Centre Award for Dry land Agricultural Research (2014) and Excellent Centre award for Soil Arthropod Pests Project (2017), Best Apiculture Centre, Best Seed Production Centre etc. Six of the farmers covered under the university programmes received Best Farmer Award of ICAR at All India level. Dr. Bujarbaruah has around 151 research papers, 22 research bulletins, 4 books and guided 6 Ph.D and 3 Master’s degree level students besides guiding the research of around 500 scientists of ICAR and 700 faculty members at AAU. Such guidance earned the university prestigious projects like 'Obama–Singh Award', 'Erasmus Mundas' fellowship, collaborative research with national and overseas institutions.
He participated in a number of national and international seminars and discussions in countries like USA, UK, France, Italy, Greece, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Philippines, Dubai, China, Thailand, Nepal etc.

Dr M.C. Varshneya
President IAUA (2016)
Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar-382 010
Gujarat State, India

Prof (Dr) M.C. Varshsneya took over as President, IAUA from 5 Aug. 2015. He was born on 1 Jul. 1945 at Mathura (U.P.). He is M.Sc. from Agra University and got Ph.D. training in Agricultural Meteorology from University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. He is having 45 years of experience in teaching, research, extension education and university administration. He also worked as a member of High Level Committee constituted by the Government of Maharashtra under the Chairmanship of Dr M.S. Swaminathan to prepare an Action Plan in Agriculture for coming 25 years. He was the member of Committee on Higher Education appointed by the Governor of Gujarat. He started his career as Lecturer, Hindu Inter College, Kiratpur, Bijnor from 1964 onwards, he was also Head, Department of Agricultural Meteorology, MPKV, Rahuri, Maharashtra.Prof Varshneya joined as First VC of AAU, Anand from 21 May 2004 to 1 Jul. 2010. Since 19 Aug. 2014, he joined as First VC of the KU, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. He guided 75 M.Sc.(Agri.), 2 M.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) and 6 B.Tech (Agri. Engg) students. He has at his credit 11 Books, 79 Research Papers, 40 Book Chapters, 13 General Articles, besides 47 Reports and 29 Papers presented in Seminars.He was decorated with several awards, few are: Bronze Medal in 2009 for e-krishi kiran program by Ministry of Administrative Reforms and Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi; "Glory of India Award- 2009", presented by India International Friendship Society, New Delhi; and FAO Fellowship, 1988, Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome.He was elected as President of the Association of Agro-meteorologists, Anand for the period of 2009-11. He is also a Member of Board of Management of Agricultural Finance Corporation of India, Mumbai.

Dr. M.L. Chaudhary
President IAUA (2015)
Vice- Chancellor
Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour-813 210
Bihar State, India

Dr. M.L. Chaudhary acquired his Master's and Doctorate Degree in Horticulture from Banaras Hindu University; and Post Doctorate from USA during 1992-95. He was deputed by the Govt. of India for conducting an advanced study on Hi-Tech Horticulture and Precision Farming in Israel, and Chile. In a career spanning 30 years, he has occupied several executive positions like Vice-Chancellor, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour; Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur); President (2015), Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA); Horticulture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India; Chairman, Coconut Development Board, Kochi (Kerala); Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, National Project Director, FAO; Visiting Scientist in the Rutger University, USA; Head of the Department of Ornamental Crops, IIHR, Bangalore and Head of the Division in Floriculture at IARI, New Delhi. During this period, he has proved his managerial skills in strategic policy planning, implementation and monitoring of programmes, manpower planning, management and training.Besides, he has been credited with exceptional skills in partnering with national and international organizations. As the Vice-Chancellor of Rajendra Agricultural University, Bihar, Pusa (Samastipur) and Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, he has made perceptible development and improvement of agricultural education, research and extension. As the Horticulture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India he has conceived, conceptualized and implemented flagship programmes of the Govt. of India such as National Horticulture Mission, National Bamboo Mission and Micro-irrigation. He has made a revolutionary development of Horticulture in the States of North Eastern Region during his tenure as the Horticulture Commissioner. In his professional career he was also the Chairman and Member Secretary of various committees constituted by the Govt. of India as well as the State Governments. He has supervised 18 Ph.D. students and 21 M.Sc. students in the field of Horticulture and published 135 research papers, 20 books, 64 Book chapters, 6 laboratory manuals, 22 compendia, 7 proceedings of National and International repute. Dr. Chaudhary has represented India at various International forums in the capacity of Chairman and Member. He has released 29 varieties including 10 in ornamental crops and 19 in Vegetable crops besides developed and released 24 technologies and obtained 2 patents. He was also the Chairman of Codex Committee, Scientific Committee for Organic Standard of Ministry of Commerce. He has been conferred with 17 awards from various scientific and non-scientific organizations and government committees for his outstanding contribution in the field of Horticulture/ Floriculture.Some of the important one are HSI-Sivashakthi Lifetime Achievement Awards (2014); Harit Ratna award (2014): Debang Mehta Business School Award for Excellence in Education (2014); Amity Academic Excellence Award (2011); Pravasi Ratna Award(2009); Flori Show (2008) by Govt. of Sikkim FLOREX (2007); B.P. Gupt Medal (2006); HSI Gold Medal in Floriculture (2005); Suchakra (2005) AIKGA Gold Medal (2005); UriviVikram Charitable Trust Award (2004); Ayurved Vigyancharya Award ; Overseas Fellowship (of DBT for USA); AHRD Fellowship (of World Bank for Israel); Merit Award (1977); Outstanding Research Award in Ph.D besides Fellow of the Horticultural Society of India and Founder Fellow, Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture, New Delhi. Dr.Chaudhary in his 30 years of academic, research and administrative career has visited more than 15 countries to participate in various professional meetings.

Prof. A. K. Srivastava,
President IAUA (2014)
ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal- 132 001
Haryana State, India

Dr Anil Kumar Shrivastava took over as Director and Vice-Chancellor of NDRI on 25th April 2008, He did BVSc & AH from Veterinary College, Mathura in 1979 followed by MVSc in 1981. He did Ph.D from PAU, Ludhiana in 1984. He was awarded the German Academic Exchange Fellowship to work as DAAD Fellow at Munich (Germany) 1988 to 1990. Dr Srivastava served for 20 years in different capacities including Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology; and Controller of Examinations at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. He authored 7 books and manuals, edited 14books, proceedings, monographs and bulletins, and published more than 200 research papers in journals of national and international repute. He guided 14 MVSc and 10 Ph.D scholars. Before joining NDRI he was working as Director, Resident Instructions and Dean Postgraduate Studies at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Jammu (J&K) and also served as Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry from 2004 to 2007.Prof. Anil Kumar Srivastava was granted second term of 5 years as Director, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal from 25 April, 2013. Prof Srivastava is President, National Academy of Dairy Science; was Secretary-General and President (2014), Indian Agricultural Universities Association, and was also Secretary, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He is President, Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology; also President, Probiotic Association of India; Chairman, Sub-group of Planning Commission Advisory Committee on Processing and value addition of milk and milk products; Chairman, FAD 19 Bureau of Indian Standards Committee; Member, DBT Task Force on Biotechnological approaches for food and nutritional security, and also of Animal Biotechnology. Prof Srivastava is a Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Academy of Veterinary Sciences; National Academy of Dairy Sciences; Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research; Society of Toxicology; Society of Environmental Sciences; International Society for Ecological Communications. He received numerous awards and honours including: ICAR Jawaharlal Nehru Award; International NOCIL Award; “National Alarsin Award”; Rashtriya Vidya Saraswati Puraskar; Indira Gandhi Excellence Award; Gold medals of Indian Science Congress Association; Indian Association of Science and Technology and Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology. He was founder chief Editor, Indian Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Dr. V.K. Taneja
President IAUA (2013)
Vice- Chancellor
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Ludhiana- 141 004, Punjab State, India

Dr. Vijay Kumar Taneja born on 19th March 1945 joined as VC of GADVASU, Ludhiana on 20 December 2006, got 2nd term till 2014. He did his B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Animal Genetics and Breeding). He served as DDG (AS), ICAR; Animal Husbandry Commissioner; ADG (ICAR); Project Leader and Coordinator of Embryo Biotechnology etc. He contributed his expertise in various policy planning, direction and co-ordination areas like National Policy for Management of Animal Genetic Resources, National Breeding Policy on Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat and Rabbit; Livestock Policy Perspective (Bovines in India’s Livestock Sector), Animal Husbandry and Daring (Vision Statement 2020) etc. He held various special assignments in the ICAR, SAUs and other departments such as National Coordinator (FAO project on “Conservation and use of animal genetic resources” in Asia and Pacific), Expert Member (Task Force, DAH & D), Cattle and Buffalo Breeding Policy etc. He received various national and international awards and visited 15 countries like the USA, France, Sweden, Pakistan, Indonesia etc, as member of delegation to participate in technical meetings or conferences as well as present research and policy papers. He published 142 research papers, 36 policy papers and 34 books and guided 21 students.

Prof. C.S. Chakrabarti,
President IAUA (2012)
Vice- Chancellor
West Bengal University of Animal and Fisheries Sciences,
Kolkata- 700 037, West Bengal State, India

Prof. C.S. Chakrabarti was born in Dacca on 22 January, 1952. He obtained B.Sc. with Honours in Zoology from the University of Calcutta with gold medal (1973); M.Sc.(Zoology) with gold medal from university of Calcutta (1975); Master of Philology (Zoology) from University of Burdwan (1986) and Ph.D.(1991) from University of Burdwan. Dr Chakrabarti started his career as Lecturer in Zoology in 1978 and rose to the position of Reader in University of North Bengal (1990-98). He joined University of Burdwan in 1998 and served in various capacities, viz. Reader, Professor, Head of Department of Zoology, till joining as VC, WBAUFS, Kolkata on 7 August 2006. He has expertise in Autoradiography, Flurescence and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Gel Electrophoresis, PCR-based Experiments Karyotyping and FISH technology. He has published 33 research papers, both in Indian and foreign journals and excelled in various research works on Cytogenetics of Drosophilla, Silkworm and system and Human Molecular Genetics. He guided a large number of students in M.Phil and Ph.D. He undertook various administrative assignments like Member of various academic bodies, Member of Court and Executive Council in both North Bengal University and University of Burdwan. He is a life member of various scientific societies like Indian Science Congress Association, Zoological Society, Kolkata; Indian Cell Biology Society and All India Cytology and Genetics Congrassess.

Dr. Tej Partap
President IAUA (2011)
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Srinagar- 190 025
Jammu & Kashmir State, India

Dr Tej Partap took over as VC, SKUAST, Srinagar on 26 July 2010, after completing his second term as VC at DSKKV, Palampur (18 April 2001 to 30 June 2004 and 5 July 2007 to 4 July 2010). Earlier he was Head, Mountain Farming Systems Programme, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal. He formulated and managed several international projects and fund-raising activities for sustainable agricultural research, education and extension system for hilly areas, having small farms. In recognition of his contributions to agriculture in Tibet, Tibet Academy of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, China designated him as Honorary Professional, in 1995; and Mountain Agriculture at Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, China, made him Honorary Professor (Mountain Agriculture). Dr Partap is presently Asia-Pacific representative in Mountain Forum Board of Directors for promoting inter-regional co-operation among mountain regions of the world. Dr Tej Partap published more than 50 research papers, written or edited 15 books and monographs and produced 5 video-films on mountain agriculture.

Dr. Rajendra B.Lal
President IAUA (2010)
Vice- Chancellor
Allahabad Agricultural University (now Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences)
Prayagraj -211 007, Uttar Pradesh State, India

Dr Rajendra B, Lal took over as Vice-Chancellor of Allahabad Agricultural University (now Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences), (deemed university), Allahabad, U.P. since 15 March 2000. Before this, he rose to the position of its Director from the position of Professor and Head from 16 June 1992 to 15 March 2000. His specialization is in soil and environmental sciences. As the Post-Doctoral Fellow in environmental quality(1990-91) at Kansas State University, USA, he worked on degradation of atrazine under saturated and unsaturated flow. He did his Ph.D in Soil Science from this university in 1990, with specialization in soil physical chemistry/fertility. Before that he did his Ph.D in Agricultural Botony(Physiology in 1983), from Kanpur; M.Sc Agronomy in 1978 and B.Sc.(Agriculture) in 1960 in first class from Allahabad University. He guided 8 M.Sc and Ph.D. students and has written a few papers for international and national programmes. Dr. Lal was a fellow of Bioved Research Society (1995), Member of Gamma Sigma Delta (1988); USA ‘STEP’ award winner (1989) from Soil Science Society of America; ‘Olsons’ award (1989) from Kansas State University, USA; Fellow award from Indian Society of Agricultural Chemists; and Education Pioneer award.

Dr. Anwar Alam
President IAUA (2009)
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Srinagar-190 025
Jammu & Kashmir State, India

Dr. A. Alam did his B.Sc (Agric. Engng) from Allahabad Agricultural Institute in 1963 in first division with distinction; M. Tech(Farm Machines and Power) in 1965 from IIT, Kharagpur; and Ph. D. (Agricultural Engineering) in 1972 from University of lllinois, Urbana-Champign, U.S.A.
Dr Alam started his career as Assistant Engineer at SHAITS, Allahabad, and rose to the position of Deputy Director-General (Agric. Engng), ICAR (1 January 1998 to April 2003). He has held many responsible positions such as Research Engineer, Project Coordinator, AICRP (Agric. Structures and Process Engng, 1978 to 1981), Assistant Director-General (1981 to 1995) and Vice-Chancellor IGAU, Raipur (September 1995 to January 1998).
He was elected fellow of National Academy of Agriculture Sciences (2000), President and Fellow of Indian Society of Agriculture Engineers, and Vice-President (Tech.) for 2 years. He got ISAE Commendation Medal for Research in Agriculture Processing (1981), Distinguished Service Award, and Outstanding Scientist in Agriculture Engineering Award (1998). He is Member of Institute of Engineers (India), Member, Asian Association of Agriculture Engineering, and Member, Alpha Epsilon, Gamma Sigma Delta and Sigma-XI of the USA.He was also decorated with D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) in 1999 from CSAUAT, Kanpur.
Dr Alam developed many agricultural engineering machineries such as manual groundnut decorticator, solar-cum-wind aspirator, solar cabinet dryer and solar batch-in-bin dryer. He also worked as a high-level Chief Technical Advisor (January 1992 to December 1994) to FAO-IJO Regional Network on Improved retting and Extraction of jute, involving Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal and Thailand.
He has also been Chairman/Member of Academic Councils (4); Member/Chairman, Board of Management of SAUs (5), ICAR institutes (4); Board of Advisor, IDBI; and Board of Director, Agro-Industries, U.P. He has 298 papers to his credit, including 58 papers, 21 technical articles, 15 books and book chapters, 18 bulletins and 58 technical reports, and also 128 presentations and keynote addresses. Dr Alam took over as Vice-Chancellor of SKUAST, Shalimar Campus, Srinagar on 5 April, 2003 and relinquished office of VC on 04/07/2010.

Dr. S. A. Patil
President IAUA (2008)
ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi-110 012, India

Dr. S. A. Patil was the President, IAUA during the year 2008. Dr. S.A. Patil was born on 5 August 1946 at Hirebiral in Gulbarga district, Kanataka. He did his B.Sc. (Agric-Hons) in 1967, M.Sc. (Agric.) in 1975 and Ph.D. (Genetics and plant Breeding) in 1990. He was a holder of General Merit Scholarship of the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore. Dr. Patil had held many important positions at UAS, Dhawad and rose from the position of Assistant Plant Scientist (1973) to that of Director of Research (1999-2000) and Vice-Chancellor (2000-06) before joining as Director, IARI on 1 September 2006. Dr. Patil developed 16 hybrids and high-yielding varieties in important commercial crops, namely cotton, groundnut, niger, sunflower and castor. He is a life member of 25 agricultural scientific periodicals of international, national and state levels and has 299 publications to his credit. He served as Chairman & Member in 50 organizations. He has been a senior member of IAUA Executive Committee (2005), its Secretary-Treasurer (2006) and its Vice-President (2007).

Dr M. P. Yadav, Past President Profile
President IAUA (05-07-2006 to 22-10-2007)
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agricultural and Technology, Meerut- 250 110
Uttar Pradesh State, India

Dr M. P. Yadav, Vice-President, IAUA and VC, SVBPUAT, Meerut, takes over as President, IAUA, on 5 July 2006, on superannuation of Dr S. S. Magar and his relinquishment of the office of President, IAUA and VC, DBSKKV, Dapoli. Dr Yadav, a veterinary microbiologist, was earlier Dr M . P. Yadav Director, IVRI, Izatnagar before taking over as VC, SVBPUAT Meerut. He is a recipient of many international and national awards like Dr P. Richard Masillamony Oration Award, World IPO Geneva Award, OIE International Meritorious Award, Special Award by ICAR, Distinguished Award by IAAVR, Netaji S. C. Bose Centenary Award etc. He was a Fellow and member and also officer-bearer of many national and international scientific societies like NAAS, NAVS and IAAVR. He has to his credit many successful research reports like an epidemic of equine influenza vaccaine, killed goat-pox vaccine and attenuated ILT vaccine. He has also guided 25 Doctoral and Masters students and published a number of research (148), technical (31) and review papers (7) as well as laboratory manuals (13), and authored three independent books. He has served the Executive Committee of IAUA in many capacities such as Member (2004), Secretary-Treasurer (2005) and Vice-President (2006). The IAUA works for excellence and promotion of Agricultural Education, Research and Extension, besides Technology Generation and Transfer. Presently the IAUA has 45 universities including SAUs, DUs and Central universities as its members.

Dr. S. S. Magar
President IAUA (Jan 2006 - 4 July 2006)
Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli- 415 712
Maharashtra State, India

Dr S. S. Magar was born on 1 June1942. He obtained B.Sc. (Agric. Sci.) in 1965 and M.Sc. (Agric. Engng.) from University of Pune and Ph.D. (Soil Science) in 1977 from IIT, Kharagpur. He joined MPKV, Rahuri as Soil Scientist. He was appointed Professor and Head Interfaculty Dr S. S. Magar Department of Irrigation and Water Management 1990; Associate Dean and Principal, Agricultural College (1994) and Director of Instruction and Dean, Faculty of Agriculture (1996) at Rahuri. He was appointed Vice-Chancellor of DBSKKV, Dapoli on 17 February 2000, and re-appointed for 3 years on 25 February 2003. Dr Magar has guided 24 M.Sc. and 3 Ph.D. students. He has authored 6 books and published 4 proceedings, 5 bulletins, and 50 scientific and 55 technical papers besides 257 research articles. Presently, he is a member of Standing Committee of AIU, New Delhi and ICAR Society, New Delhi. He is Honorary Colonel Commandant, NCC and recipient of Vasantrao Naik Horticulture Development Award, 2003 and Shikahan Ratna Award, 2004 He visited Australia, the USA, Israel and Mexico on various assignments.Dr. Magar served as member of the Executive Committee of IAUA from 1.4.2003 to 31.12.2004;Vice-President from 1 Jan 05 till 31 Dec 05 and President from1 Jan 06 till upto 4 July 06 when he relinquished the charge of VC DBSKKV, Dapoli on his superannuation.

Dr. S. N. Puri
President IAUA (2005)
Vice- Chancellor
Central Agricultural University, Imphal – 795 004
Manipur State, India

Dr S. N. Puri was the President of IAUA for the year 2005. He was born on 24 January 1945 in a small village of Kharsoli in Distt. Nagpur (MS). Right from the very beginning Dr Puri was an bright student. He completed his B.Sc (Agri.) in 1968 from Nagpur University and M.SC. (1970) and Ph.D. (1975) on ‘Persistence of monocrotophos on virus’ from IARI, New Delhi. He was the VC MPKV, Rahuri from 14.5.99 to 15.12.2004 and he is at CAU, Imphal from 18.12.2004 till date. Before that he was also the VC DBKKV, Dapoli (1.9.99 to 20.2.2002) and Director NCIPM (19.1.95 to 13.5.99). He has also held number of special assignments like Examiner, IAS, examination of UPSC., examiner for many Ph.D. candidates, Member – Project screening committee in Entomology of ICAR etc. He has more than 118 papers to his credit and has worked extensively on ‘Integrated Pest Management of cotton’. He has also been on the Board of number of prestigious professional, academic and social organizations/committees. In discharging of his management and research duties he has visited some foreign countries viz. Japan, USA, Israel, Thailand, Switzerland and Spain. He is a renowned Entomologist and is the recipient of Hexamer Foundation Award and Distinguished Achievement Award. He has also been a Senior Member, Secretary-Treasurer and Vice-President of the Executive Committee of IAUA.

Dr. S. S. Baghel
President IAUA (July 2003-18 December 2004)
Central Agricultural University, Imphal- 795 004
Manipur State, India

Dr. S. S. Baghel has his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the IARI, New Delhi securing first position in M.Sc. and ICAR Gold Medal at Ph.D. level. He started his career in 1968 as Assistant Professor at the G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, and later joined as Associate Professor (1971-80) at the JNKVV, Jabalpur and rose to the position of Professor in Plant Breeding and Genetics (1980-85). He worked as Production Chief (1982-85) at the M.P. State Seeds and Farm Development Corporation, Bhopal on deputation and became the Dean/Director and Acting Vice-Chancellor (1985-87) at the IGKVV, Raipur, before taking over as VC, CAU, Imphal, on 18 January 1999. Dr Baghel has served as a 'Seed policy consultant' to the Royal Government of Bhutan from 1997 to 1998. He has also been member on a few of the ICAR Scientific panels, MP Seeds Certification Agency, CRRI, Cuttack and DDR, Hyerabad. He visited many international organizations, i.e. IRRI (Phillipines), CIAT (Colombia), CIMMYT (Mexico), IFPRI (USA), Bhutan, Penang (Malaysia) etc. He published 35 research papers and wrote 37 technical reports. He mainly focused on upgrading of education curricula and on modernizing the research and extension activities in the universities.

Dr. S. B. Singh
President, IAUA (up to July 2003)
C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology,
Kanpur – 208 002, Uttar Pradesh State, India

Dr. S. B. Singh, born on November 1, 1941, did Ph. D. (Genetics & Plant Breeding) from IARI, New Delhi and undergone an Advance Training on Crop improvement and certification in Australia. Before taking over as Vice-Chancellor, CSAUA&T, Kanpur (2002-2003) he was the Vice-Chancellor, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (1997-2000). He has also held many senior and prestigious positions like Managing Director, U.P Seeds and Trai Development Corporation, Pantnagar (1997-2000), General Manager, Chief Seed Production officer and Dy. Director, UPS&T DC (1971-1985) and also officer-in-charge, IACP at Pantnagar University (1967-1970). As President - IAUA, President - Seed Association of India and Vice-President - Asia Pacific Seed Association, Dr. Singh has contributed a lot for strengthening the Agricultural Education, Research and Development in the country and Asia Pacific region. He is also a recipient of IMM - KRIBHCO “Gold Award” MD in (1990) of the ‘Institute of Marketing Management, New Delhi’.

Dr. I. V. Subba Rao
President, IAUA (2001)
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur- 522 034
Andhra Pradesh State, India

Dr. I. V. Subba Rao, a Soil Scientist by Profession, is an eminent agricultural scientist of international repute. Born on 20-12-1934 in a farmer's family of Andhra Pradesh, he had brilliant academic career throughout, culminating in Ph.D with Division First from Indian Agricultural Research Institute. He has risen from the rank of Agricultural Demonstrator to the highest position of Vice-Chancellor. His research work on nutrients, especially phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, zinc and molybdenum in soils and crops has substantially contributed towards increased food production in India. His efforts as Director of Research have led to the release of two rice hybrids (APHR 1 and APHR 2) for the first time in the country and next to China in the world. He has more than 160 research papers to his credit. As a specialist in cyclone, flood disaster and drought management, he has helped the farmers and administration immensely. In recognition of his outstanding contributions in agriculture and services to the farmers, he was conferred the titles "Rythu Bandhava" and "Karshaka Ratna" by several organizations and farmers. He is also a recipient of several awards like India 2000 Millennium Award by IAEWP affiliated to UNICEF, Man of the year 1985 - Best Service Award of Rotary International, Vijaya Shree Award, Dr. Nannapaneni Narasimha Rao Memorial Award, 'Eminent Scientist' Award by A.P. Academy of Sciences etc. Dr. Rao is currently Vice-Chancellor, A.N.G. Ranga Agricultural University. He is Chairman/ Member on the Boards, Committees of several institutions and organizations. His dynamic leadership and unique contributions in several capacities, enabled the A.N.G.R. Agricultural University bag the prestigious "ICAR Best Institution Award for the year 1999" and "ICAR Best Performance Award for the year 2000". As President of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association (2002), he brought in several innovative measures to improve its functioning. Dr. Rao was honored with the Award of the Nations prestigious civilian Award "Padma Shri" in the year 2002.

Dr J.B. Chowdhury
President, IAUA (2000)
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture &Technology,
Pantnagar- 263 145, Uttarakhand State, India

Dr. J.B. Chowdhury, Vice-Chancellor, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, is a renowned plant geneticist and biotechnologist. Recently Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, has appointed him as the Chairman of the Task Force on Agricultural Biotechnology and Mebmer of Biotechnology Research and Promotion Committee. Dr. Chowdhury is also the member of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research Society and of the Governing Body of the ICAR.

Dr M. Mahadevappa
President, IAUA (1999-2000)
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad- 580 005
Karnataka State, India

Dr M. Mahadevappa is a distinguished plant breeder, who developed nine improved rice varieties and two hybrids for cultivation in Karnataka. He also pioneered in New Rice Rotation Cropping Pattern and Integrated Parthenium Weed Management. He is author of 12 books and about 200 research and 120 popular articles. He has 31 international presentations to his credit. He worked as Visiting Scientist for early 30 months at the IRRI, Manila and toured 21 countries as the member of the high-power team from India. He was bestowed international Watumull Foundation Award (1987) – Hawaii, Sir M. Visvesvaraya Memorial Award (1999), Hooker Award, IARI, New Delhi and Best Agricultural Scientist Award (2000), and at the State level Rajyotsana award (1984) besides two university awards. He is a fellow and member of about 15 prestigious State boards/ organizations/ Councils/Task Forces including Governing Body of the ICAR Society, New Delhi.

Dr A.G. Sawant
President, IAUA (1999)
Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (now Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth),
Dapoli- 415 712, Maharashtra State, India

Dr A.G. Sawant was born on 4 April 1940. He did his M. Sc. (Agriculture) from University of Pune and Ph. D. (Agricultural Extension) with Gold Medal of University of Agricultural Sciences, Banglore. From the past of Assistant Professor of Agriculture Extension, Kokan Krishi Vidyapeeth , Dapoli (1970-73), he rose to become its Vice-Chancellor on 12 December1993. (up to August 1999), serving as Registrar, and then Professor of Agricultural Extension and Director of Extension Education, K.K.V., Dapoli. He also served as Chairman, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board of ICAR from February 2000 to January 2001, and is continuing as its Member. Dr Sawant has also been the President of International Extension Forum, Coimbatore; President of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education, Akola; and Life Member Fellow of Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi; and President of the Editorial Board of Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural University, Pune. Under his Vice chancellorship, K.K.V., Dapoli got the Best Institution Award of the ICAR, New Delhi (1997) and Late Shri Vasantrao Naik Pratishthan Award of the Government of Maharashtra. He was also awarded India Priyadarshni Vrikoha Mitra Award of the Government of India (1994). Dr Sawant published more than 60 research articles. He visited Germany, France, the Netherlands and England under E.E.C. programme in 1998.

Dr M.P. Singh
President, IAUA (1998)
Central Agricultural University, Imphal- 795 004,
Manipur State, India

Dr M.P. Singh was born on 13 June 1941. He was awarded the Chancellor’s Gold Medal and then University Gold Medal for securing 1 position in M. Sc. (1966) from Bhagal University, a Gold Key by Bihar Research Foundation for the most outstanding P.G. research work in agriculture and Senior Research Fellowship of ICAR for doing Ph. D. at IARI New Delhi. He worked as Professor – cum-Chief Training Officer, RAU, Bihar (for 8 years), Director of Extension, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, UP/Uttaranchal (for 14 years), and was the first Vice-Chancellor, Central Agricultural. University, Imphal (for about 5 years). He was President of IAUA (1998-99). As C.T.O. and Director of Extension the established the first KVK, (1993) He was several national awards including the National Best Productivity Performance Award of the National Productivity Council of India, National Kishak Bharti Award of KRIBHCO, National Extension Award of ISEE, etc. Presently he is Consultant and Head, MTC (FES), Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Nagpur.

Dr. K. S. Chauhan
President, IAUA (1997 After April)
Rajendra Agricultural University (now Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University),
Pusa- 848 125, Bihar State, India

Dr. K. S. Chouhan was born on 12-02-1934. Dr. Chouhan, after completing his M.Sc. (Horticulture), did Ph.D. (Hort. Pomology from University of Florida. He has guided 28 M. Sc. & 18 Ph.D. students in Horticulture and has published 170 research papers in National & International journals. He has 32 years of teaching, research, extension and administrative experience. He has served as Vice-Chancellor, RAU, Pusa (Bihar), India, from January, 93 to February, 1999, Professor of Horticulture, CCS HAU, Hisar, India, from 1989 to 1993, Director of Extension Education, CCS HAU, Hisar, India, from 1986 to 1989, Professor of Horticulture, CCS HAU, Hisar, India, from 1983 to 1986, Teaching Assignment, Institute of Agril. Govt. of Iraq Kut. Iraq, from 1981 to 1982, Professor of Horticulture, CCS HAU, Hisar, India, from 1978 to 1981, Dean, Post Graduate Studies, University of Udaipur, India, from 1977 to 1978, Professor of Horticulture, University of Udaipur, India, from 1973 to 1978 and Reader in Horticulture, University of Udaipur, India, from 1964 to 1973.

Dr M.V. Rao
President, IAUA (1997 up to April)
Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur- 522 034,
Andhra Pradesh State, India

Born on 21 June 1928, Dr. M.V. Rao took his B. Sc. (1948) in second rank in the University from Andhra Pradesh and M. Sc. (Botany) (1951) in first rank from Agra University with Rockefeller Foundation scholarship, he obtained Ph. D. (1966) from Purdue University, the USA. Dr Rao worked in wheat research for 30 years (1952-81), in India in various capacities. He headed the All India Wheat Improvement Project of the ICAR (1971- 81) and was one of the key contributors in ushering in, and the successful spread of Green Revolution of India, particularly in wheat. He was Deputy Director-General (Crop Sciences) of ICAR (1981-86), and worked as Agricultural Expert with World Bank, and later served Vice-Chancellor of Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad (1991-97). Dr Rao was on the Wheat Advisory Committee of the FAO, served as the Trustee of the International Rice Expert of the International Rice research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, for 6 years and also as an External Panel Expert of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre , Mexico. He led Indian agricultural delegations to France, USSR, Canada and Bangladesh. He served as a consultant to the World Bank, in Uganda (1990) and in Ethiopia (1997). He was also Chairman of the Committee on the New National Seed Policy of the Government of India. Dr Rao was awarded PadmaShri by the Government of India; Norman Borlaug Award; Doctor of Agriculture, (Honoris Causa) by Purdue University, USA; Linker’s Award; Peddireddy Thimma Reddy Award; Padmabushan Dr P. Siva Reddy Award, and Dr. Srikantia Memorial Award of the Nutrition Society of India. Dr Rao published a number of scientific papers, and participated in many international conferences, symposia and meetings.

Dr V.K. Patil
President, IAUA (1996)
Marathwada Agricultural University (now Vasantrao Naik Marathawada Krishi Vidyapeeth),
Parbhani-431 402
Maharashtra State, India

Dr V.K. Patil was born on 2 January 1942. He did his M. Sc. (Agric.) from Nagpur (1964), and then graduated in law (1967).He then continued his Ph. D. in Horticulture from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana He joined as Agricultural Officer at Fruit Research Station, Aurangabad (1964) and then in different capacities as Research Officer, Associate Dean and Principal, Dean and Director of Instruction of the Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani. He acted as a Chief Editor of Journal of Horticulture in Maharashtra; and published 11 books and more than 500 research, review and extension papers. He travelled extensively as Visiting Professor and also as a delegate of Government of India to the USA, Germany and Bulgaria during 1985-90. Dr. Patil was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani (1991-todate).

Dr. U. C. Upadhyay
President, IAUA (1995)
Vice- Chancellor
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat- 785 013,
Assam State, India

Dr. Uttam Chandra Upadhyay was born on 1 August, 1933 in District of Ballia (U.P.). He passed his B.Sc. (Agri) in 1952 from B.H.U., Varanasi, M.Sc. (Agri) in 1954 from Agra University and Completed his Ph.D. in 1975 from M.A.U. Parbhani. Dr. Upadhyay, a well-known Agronomist had held many positions e.g. Professor of Agronomy, Dean, Director Research, A.D.G (ICAR) before his appointment as V.C. N.D.U.A.T. Faizabad (May, 1989 to May, 1992) and A.A.U. Jorhat (Dec, 1992 to Feb, 1996). He is a Member and on Executive Board of many Technical and Academic Bodies like / S.W.S., I.S.A., I.B.R., C.I.F.E. Mumbai, N.A.A.R.M. Hyderabad etc. He has a publication of approx. 100 Scientific Papers to his credit.

Dr D.K. Das Gupta
President, IAUA (1991-93)
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Mohanpur- 741 252,
West Bengal State, India

Professor Dilip Kumar Das Gupta was born on 3 November 1938. He obtained his M. Sc. (Agric.) (1961) and Ph. D. (Agric.) (1965) from the University of Calcutta. He then obtained Ph. D. (Agric.) the University of Nottingham (1968). On his return, he joined the University of Calcutta as Lecturer (1970) and promoted to Reader (1975), and finally became Professor of Crop Physiology (1979). He became Head, University College of Agriculture and Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Calcutta University (1982). He was elected President of the Section of Agricultural Sciences in the 70th Session of Indian Science Congress Association in 1983. Professor Das Gupta joined as the Vice-Chancellor of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, (1985-94), and on return he gained his parent post of Professor of Crop Physiology in the University of Calcutta (1994-continuing). He was elected President, West Bengal Universities Association (1989-93) and President Indian Agricultural Universities Association (1991-93). Professor Das Gupta Published more than 100 scientific papers and 4 books. He visited a number of countries like Bangladesh, Philippines, Luxemburg, Belgium, Australia, Switzerland, Australia, West Germany, United Kingdom, France, Canada, the USA etc. on various academic assignments.

Dr S.S. Kadrekar
President, IAUA (1993)
Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (now Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth),
Dapoli- 415 712, Maharashtra State, India

Dr Kadrekar did his B. Sc. (Agric.) (1950) and worked as Agricultural Officer at the Central Sugarcane Research Station, Padegaon (Bombay state) later on in Government agricultural colleges at Akola and Kolhapur as Assistant Professor and Professor respectively. While in service he completed M. Sc. (Agric.) and Ph. D. On establishment of Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli (1972), he was given the responsibility of Professor of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science at the College of Agriculture, Dapoli. Later he joined as its Principal/Associate Dean, and as Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, and Director of Instructions till he superannuation in 1986. He was appointed Vice-Chancellor, Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (1987-93). He was awarded the Late, Vasantrao Naik Award (1996) for his efforts in development of horticulture in the region. Dr. Kadrekar published more than 120 research papers. He visited USSR, Japan, Philipines and Israel to attend international conferences.

Dr A. Appa Rao
President, IAUA (1990-91)
Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (now Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University), Guntur- 522 034
Andhra Pradesh State, India

Dr Alapati Appa Rao was born on 1 July 1926. He obtained B. Sc. (Agric.) from Coimbatore, securing first position in the Madras University (1948), and did his Ph. D. (1957). He did his Post-Doctoral Research work at Kansas State University, USA. (1961-62).
Dr Rao started his career as a Research Assistant in Cotton (1948) and after his Ph. D. he joined teaching profession, rising to the past Professor in Plant Pathology (1967) in Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University. He worked as Director of Research, APAU (1973-82) and then joined World Bank as Agriculturist. He came back to APAU as Vice-Chancellor (1985-91).
Dr Appa Rao is a distinguished teacher, researcher and able administrator. He is a Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Member of several Boards and Committees involved in the development of agricultural research and planning. Dr. Rao has been honoured with R & D Linker Award of the Indian Society of Extension Education.

Dr Kirti Singh
President, IAUA (1989-90)
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (now Ch. Sarwan Kumar H.P. Krishi Vishwavidyalaya),
Palampur- 176 062, Himachal Pradesh State, India

Dr Kirti Singh was born on 26 May 1934. He did his M.S. and Ph. D. from the University of Florida, USA. He worked as Vegetable Specialist in Jammu & Kashmir; Associate Professor/ Vegetable Botanist; PAU and HAU, Ludhiana and Hisar; Dean of Agriculture, NDUAT, Faizabad; Vice-Chancellor, HPKV, Palampur; Vice-Chancellor, IGKV, Raipur; and Member, ASRB, New Delhi (1995 -99) and Chairman (1998 -99).
Dr Singh served as Chairman or Member of various Technical Committees and Boards such as Horticulture Panel of Scientific and Technical Terminology Commission, Government of India; Deans’ Committee (ICAR); Standing Policy Planning Committee of ICAR; Interdisciplinary Scientific Panel in ICAR; Scientific Panel on Horticulture; ICAR Scientific Panel on Agricultural Education; Norms and Accreditation Committee of ICAR; Planning Commission, Government of India; ICAR Scientific Panel on Vegetables and Floriculture; Research Advisory Committee of Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore; Specialist Panel on Food Sciences and Bioresources, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Government of India; Boards of Management of Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology and Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalya, Jabalpur, etc. He is a Fellow or Member of many professional Societies and was President of Indian Agricultural Universities Association (1990-91). He worked as Adviser, Planning Commission, Government of Nepal for the establishment of University of Agriculture and Forestry (August 1995) and FAO Consultant in Cambodia (June-July 1999). Dr Singh represented India in the FAO of many international workshops, conferences etc. Dr Singh received several awards and honours, such as Leonard Vaughan Award of American Society of Horticultural Science (1961); AISMAN Award of Seedsmen and Nurserymen Association of India (1986); R&D Linker Award of Indian Society of Extension Education (1991); Horticultural Society of India Gold Medal (1993); Nemichand Shrishrimal Abhinandan Award (1995). Doctors of Science (Honoris Causa) from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (2000) etc.
He published more than 100 research papers, 8 review papers, 2 bulletins, and 4 books.

Prof. Alluddin Ahmad
President, IAUA (1988-89)
Vice- Chancellor
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology,
Srinagar- 190 025, Jammu & Kashmir State, India

Prof. Allauddin Ahmad, was born on 15 January 1936. He did his B.V.Sc. & A.H. (Pat.), M.S. (USA), Ph. D. (Pat), D.Sc. (Hensis Causa), and F.N.A.V.Sc. He has more than 40 years of teaching, research and administrative experience in universities and national research organizations, out of which 18 years as Vice-Chancellor and equivalent (1982-2000), e.g. Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard (University), New Delhi; Deputy Director-General (Education) and National Project Director (UNDP) in ICAR (1991-95), founder Vice-Chancellor, S.K. University Agricultural Sciences and Technology (J&K) (1982-91) etc.
Prof. Ahmad has been the President, Association on Indian Universities (1999), New Delhi; Member, Council or Executive Committee of Association of Commonwealth Countries Universities, London, (1996-99); Chairman of ICAR Scientific Panel on Education (1988-91), and Member of Governing Body, Executive Council, Board of Management and Experts Committees of various universities, scientific organization and societies.
He published 80 research papers and a number of general articles, and visited the USA, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Syria, Saudi. Arabia, Thailand, Philippines and Nigeria to attend conferences, meeting and for professional activities. He is associated with various educational and social organizations as a member, expert or advisor.

Dr V. Rajagopalan
President, IAUA (1987-88)
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 641 003
Tamil Nadu State, India

Dr Vaithialingam Rajagopalan was born on 4 November 1928. He did his B. Sc. (Agric.) from the University of Madras (1951), M.A. (Economics) from the Nagpur University (1955) and then M.S. (1960) and Ph.D. (1967) in Agricultural Economics from the University of Tennessee USA.
He served as Consultant in Agricultural Economics; Advisor, Agro-Climatic Regional Planning Unit, National Planning Commission, Government of India, and Decentralized Planning for Agricultural Development: Project Design, Institutionalization and Participatory Planning; Chairman, Centre for Development and Policy Studies, Coimbatore and Thanjavur; and Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore; and Director, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies. He is an Agricultural Economist with specialization in Natural Resources Development and Use, Policy Planning for Agricultural Development and Growth and Rural Change. He is Life member, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Member, American Economic Association; and founding Member, Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences, Chennai, India.
He participated in many national and international meetings etc. in the USA, the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Egypt, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.

Shri Kripa Narain
President, IAUA (1986)
G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pantnagar- 263 145, Uttarakhand State, India

Mr. Kripa Narain was born in June 1923. He did his M. Sc. (Physics) in 1945.District Planning Officer and District Magistrate in Uttar Pradesh (1948-58). He was appointed Additional Director of Industries (U. P.) where As Project Administrator(1961-64), he set up what was then Asia’s largest antibiotics factory and then as Managing Director (1964) of the pharmaceutical company he controlled its two other projects. He served as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health, Government of India (1965-69) as well as the founding Chairman of Hindustan Latex Ltd. He then served as Chief Secretary of Goa, Daman and Diu (1969-72) and as Commissioner and Secretary of Medical, Health and Family Planning in U. P. Government (1972). In 1974 he was put in charge of the Departments of Labour and Public Works in U. P. while working as Chairman of U. P. Construction Corporation and U. P. Bridges Corporation, and took over as Commissioner and Secretary of Agricultural Production and Rural Development in 1975. He became Chief Secretary of the Government of U. P. (1976), Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs in the Department of Official Languages (1979), and Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as well as President of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (1979-81). From 1983 to1987 he served as vice-chancellor of Pantnagar University. He also helped open agricultural extension centers in remote. During 1988-90 he was again recalled to the U. P. State Government to serve as Chairman of the Pay Committee. Mr Narain founded Mangalam, a voluntary organization fighting for the welfare of the orthopedically disabled persons. He won the National Award from the President of India for his outstanding welfare work. He published Sanket Baharti and World State.

Dr Sukhdev Singh
President, IAUA (1985-86)
Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana- 141 004,
Punjab State, India

Dr Sukhdev Singh was born on 1 November 1919. He did his Ph. D. from Louisiana State, USA. He served as Assistant Sugarcane Agronomist in the Department of Agriculture, Punjab from 1941 to 1959; as Economist Botanist (Sugarcane) from 1959 to 1966; was appointed as Professor and Head, Department of Plant Breeding, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (1966). From 1967 to 1974 he served as Director of Research at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana; and Deputy Director- General (Crop Sciences), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (1974 – 79). Then he joined Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswa Vidalaya, Jabalpur as Vice-Chancellor (1979- 81), and remained Vice-Chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University(1981-89). He also remained Director, National Seeds Corporation, State Farms Corporation and Trustee on the Board of International Rice Research Institute, Manila.

Dr P.V. Salvi
President, IAUA (1984-85)
Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (now Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth),
Dapoli- 415 712, Maharashtra State, India

Dr Pratap V. Salvi was born on 1 June 1931. He received M.S. and Ph. D. degrees Agricultural Extension from Comell University, USA.
Dr Salvi worked as Professor of Agricultural Extension at the College of Agriculture, Pune. He became Associate Dean and Principal of the College of Agriculture, Dapoli in Maharashtra and subsequently, was appointed Dean, Faculty of Agriculture at Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli.
Dr. Salvi worked as Vice-Chancellor, DBSKKV, Dapoli from 1977 to 1987 and as Vice-Chancellor, Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani from 1987 to 1991. He was elected President of the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi for 1988.

Dr H.R. Kalia
President, IAUA (1983-84)
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (now Ch. Sarwan Kumar H.P. Krishi Vishwavidyalaya),
Palampur- 176 062, Himachal Pradesh State, India

Dr H.R. Kalia was the President of IAUA during 1983-84. He was born on 26August 1922. He did his M. Sc. from Kansas State University, Manhattan Kansas, (USA), and obtained Ph. D. from Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, (USA). Beginning his career as Assistant Professor (Vegetables), he rose to the position of Vice-Chancellor of H.P. University, Shimla and H.P. Agricultural University, Palampur (H.P.), after holding the position of Dean and Head of Department (Genetics) for a number of years. He is the founder Vice-Chancellor HPAU Palampur (H.P.) His other assignments are Chairman, Hill Agriculture Advisory Committee of ICAR (1995-97), Chairman, ICAR Committee on Establishment of Central Agricultural University at Imphal (Maanipur) and Honarary Advisor of Research Board of Advisor. ABI. Inc. Raleigh Nc. USA, since 2000. He was honoured for outstanding contribution in the field of agriculture by ‘Himotkrash’ an NGO of HP and selected for 2000 Millennium Medal of Honour (1999) by ABI Inc., Raleigh, NC (USA). He was wrote more than 100 research and scientific papers relating to genetics and breeding of farm and vegetable crops. He pioneered seed production of temperature vegetables in Kullu Valley and edited a book Recent Advances in Oilseed Brassicas.
Dr. Kalia is the life member of Tree Society of India, Society for Promotion of Wasteland Development. He visited a number of countries, eg. the U.S.A. , Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Pakistan to study the research and development patterns and programmes related to agriculture and animal husbandry. He was rewarded for teaching and organizational excelleres twice by PAU, Ludhiana . He is the Member (Finance) and Member Governing body of the ICAR, New Delhi.

Shri A. Venkataraman
President, IAUA (1981-83)
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003
Tamil Nadu State, India

Dr A. Venkataraman, born on 28 November 1929 graduated in agriculture from Agricultural College, Coimbatore, did his M.S. at Missouri University, Columbia, U.S.A. The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University conferred on him D. Sc. He was directly recruited as District Agricultural Officer by the state government of Madras (Tamil Nadu). Subsequently he was selected and inducted into I.A.S. His service is unique in that he held three senior positions in agriculture, viz Director of Agriculture, Vice-Chancellor of an agricultural university (TNAU) and Commissioner-cum-Secretary of agriculture in the state in succession for fairly long spells. After retirement from the government service, he worked for World Bank and State Planning Commission. He also served the Board of Management of the ICAR and of A.P. agricultural University. His major contributions include professionalizing the external service, of the state, strengthening the regional research system, promoting integrated agricultural development, introducing a large scale the concepts like adaptive research in farmers’ fields, mass campaigns and giant orchards, and of piloting agricultural human-resources development on a national scale

Shri N. Kaleesawaran
President, IAUA (1980-81)
Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur – 680 656,
Kerala State, India

Shri Narayanan Kaleesawaran was born on 1 January 1933 at Virudhunagar in Tamil Nadu. A distinguished B.A. (Hons) from Madras University (1954), he qualified/As in 1958. He started his career as Assistant Collector in 1958-59, worked as District Collector at Palghat, Alleppey and Kozhikode; Secretary, Board of Revenue, Director of Agriculture, Agricultural Production Commissioner and Vice-Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University from 1975 to 1982. He laid strong foundation for the agricultural university.

Dr A. B. Joshi
President, IAUA (1980)
Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413 722
Maharashtra State, India

Dr A. B. Joshi was born on 17 November 1916. After completing his post-graduation from Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi and from the University of Cambridge, he joined IARI in 1940 as Research Assistant and nice to the position of Professor and Dean, PG Studies and then Director, IARI, New Delhi (1965). In 1966 he joined ICAR as DDG and was again reposted as Director, IARI, New Delhi in 1972. In 1977 he joined Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri,as its Vice-Chancellor.
He was awarded Padma Shri by the Government of India in 1976, Borlaug Award and Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) by Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani and G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar respectively 1976.
Dr Joshi visited 19 countries on various assignments. He is a member and office-bearer of a number of learned societies Indian as well international. He has over 300 publications to his credit.

Dr P.S. Lamba
President, IAUA (1978-79)
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar- 125 004
Haryana State, India

Dr P.S. Lamba was born on 25 January, 1921. he did his M.Sc. (Agric.) (1943) from Lyallpur (now in Pakistan), M.S. (1948) as well as and Ph. D. in (1949) Agronomy and Soils from University of Wisconsin, USA.
Dr Lamba worked for about 50 years in the States of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, in Delhi Administration and in the Government of India, occupying responsible positions in the Departments of Agriculture, Rural Development and Technical Education; in agricultural universities and in Government of India public undertaking such as. He traveled widely to attend meetings, seminars, conferences and also to undergo advanced training. Besides the USA, he visited the U.K., a Phillipines, New Zealand, France, Morocco, Italy and Switzerland. He was facilated by Sir Chhotu Ram Memorial Society in 2000 for doing outstanding work as an agriculture scientist.

Dr V.R. Mehta
President, IAUA (1977-78)
Gujarat Agricultural University, Dantiwada- 385 506
Gujarat State, India

Dr V.R. Mehta had a brilliant career in Indian Administrative Service, and retired as Secretary, Education Department, Government of Gujarat.
He held the positions as Vice-Chancellor, Gujarat Agricultural University (1972-78), Member, Gujarat Pay Commission (1982-85), Vice-Chancellor, Gujarat Ayurved University (1985-91).
He was President of the Association of Indian Agricultural Universities (1977-78); VicePresident, Association of Indian Universities (1988-89); Member, Council of Association of Commonwealth Universities (1988); and Fellow, National Academy of Indian Medicine (1986), and is continuing as President, Ayurved Development and Research since (1994).
Dr Mehta received National Awaard for outstanding services in formation of herbal culture (1990), and award for National Unit (1991), for outstanding contribution in the field of Education in Gujarat State (1994-95), and for everlasting energy throughout life (1995). He attended several-institutional conferences and visited universities and research stations in the USA, Canada, Mauritius, Swaziland (southern Africa), Nairobi (Kenya) and Mexico.

Dr G. Rangaswami
President, IAUA (1976-77)
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 641 003
Tamil Nadu State, India

Dr Govinachetty Rangaswami was born on 10 May 1925 in Salem District of Tamil Nadu. He Graduated from Agricultural College, Coimbatore, Madras University (1946); and Post-graduate Associateship from the IARI, New Delhi, (1956); Ph. D. (Microbiology) from Rutgers State University, New Jersey, U.S.A. (1954). He was the first Dean of Agricultural College at Annamalai University, (1958-65), first Dean of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, (1965-71), founder Vice-Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, (1971-78) and was instrumental in starting new colleges of Horticulture, Fisheries, Agricultural Engineering and new Faculties of Forestry, Food Technology, Microbiology, Seed Technology, Environmental Biology etc. in the university. He is one of the pioneers in promoting Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Biology in the country.
He was the President of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association (1975-77), Indian Phytopathological Society, Indian Society of Agricultural Chemists, Indian Society of Horticultural Sciences, Association of Microbiologists of India, Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology etc. He was Honorary Fellow of the Association of Microbiologists of India, Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian Phytopathological Society etc. He has been associated with several international bodies, including World Bank, Commonwealth Association, F.A.O, UNESCO, Asian Development Bank, etc, and headed or was associated as a member of several Commissions of UGC, ICAR, DBT, etc. Dr Rangaswami published more than 400 scientific papers and 11 books.

Shri M.Ramakrishna Rai
President, IAUA (1973-74)
Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (now Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University),
Guntur- 522 034, Andhra Pradesh State, India

Shri M. Ramakrishna Rai was born on 17 October 1923. He graduated from as Christian College Madras (Chennai) and M. Sc. (Chemistry) from the University of Bombay (Mumbai). He then joined the IAS in 1950. He served in Kerala, Madras, (Tamil Nadu) and Andhra Pradesh in several capacities. Such as Secretary, of Department Food and Agriculture Department, and Health; Director (Industries), Commissioner (Land Revenue) and Commissioner, Institute of Administration. After his retirement, he was appointed Professor Emeritus, Institute of Administration. He passed away on 17 March 1991.

The Late Shri. A.L. Fletcher
President, IAUA (1972-73)
Haryana Agricultural University (now Ch. Sarwan Kumar H.P. Krishi Vishwavidyalaya),
Hisar- 125 004, Haryana State, India

Shri Anthony Leocadia, Fletcher, ICS, was born on 9 December 1909. He did his M.Sc. from Nagpur, joined ICS in London. He served in Punjab as Deputy Commissioner and as District and Sessions Judge, (1933-47); Secretary in the Department of Industries, Medicine, Labour and Transport of local Government, Legal Remembrance; Commissioner of Jullundur Division; and Financial Commissioner, (Revenue, Rehabilitation, Excise and Taxation) (1954-1958). He started Dandakaranya Project as its Chief Administrator (1958-60) and was Financial Commissioner, Development (1960-63) and Revenue, (1963-68) in Punjab. He was Vice- Chancellor, Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar, (1970-74).

The late Dr K.C. Naik
President, IAUA (1971-72)
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore- 560 065,
Karnataka State, India

Dr K.C. Naik did B. Sc. (Agric.) from Poona and masters degree from the Edinburgh University, U.K.
Dr K.C. Naik was one of the renowned horticulturists in the country. Prior to Independence he served in various capacities in the erstwhile Madras state. He served on the Managing Committee of Horticultural Society of India as Treasure from 1943 to 1945, as Vice-President from 1953 to 1955 and as acting President from 1952 to 1956. Dr K.C. Naik was the first Vice-Chancellor of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, who started many Colleges and laid foundation for a disciplined work culture.
Dr. Naik introduced an innovative system of ‘students meeting’ in the University to supplement the student counselling. He introduced series of innovations in the academic field, encompassing teaching, research and extension, which resulted in result-oriented system in the university.

Dr. D. P. Singh
Vice-Chancellor (1970-71)
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pantnagar- 263 145, Uttarakhand State, India

Dr. D. P. Singh an I.A.S. (Retd.), was born February 3, 1916 in Uttar Pradesh, India. Dr Singh is M.A. (Economics) with specialization in Agriculture (1940), L.L.B. (1941), L.L.D. (Hc - 1941) University of Illinois, U.S.A. He was awarded Padma Shree in 1969 by Govt. of India for outstanding service to the cause of Agriculture and National Award for Scientists and Innovator in 1976 by National Farmers' organization of India. At present he is the serving chairman of National Seed Corporation and appointments and served on many Boards - V.C G.B.P.U.A&T, Pantnagar, Consultant IBRD, FAO, Jt. Secy. Planning Commission, CDE (UN) to syria and UAR, D.M. Etawah (UP)., President IAUA, Member - Secretary - Balwant Rai Mehta Committee on Evaluation of Community Development Programme etc.

Dr M.S. Randhawa
President, IAUA (1968-70)
Punjab Agricultural University,
Ludhiana- 141 004, Punjab State, India

Dr M.S. Randhawa was born to Sh. Sher Singh and Bachint Kaur on 2 February 1909. He did his M. Sc. honours in Botany. He remained Vice-President of Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Additional Secretary Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India from 1955 to 1960. He was Advisor, Department of (Natural Resources), and in Planning Commission from 1961 to 1964. He was appointed Special Secretary, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India till 1966, and then Chief Commissioner, Chandigarh Union Territory from 1966 to 1968. He remained Vice-Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University from 1968 to 1976. He was President of National Academy of Sciences, Psychological Society (India), Association of Vice-Chancellors of Agricultural Universities; All India Fine Arts and Craft Society, New Delhi and Punjab Sahitya Academi. He was Chairman of ICAR Review Team on Agricultural Universities, Punjab Art Council and Central Museum Review Committee of the Government of India. He was trustee of Tribune, Chandigarh. He was a Fellow of Indian National Science Academy and Chief Editor of monographs on Algae Series and Botany Series, and of Roop Lekha. He was awarded Robe of Honour by Punjab Government for services to Punjabi literature in 1968. He was granted Gold Medal by Royal Agri-Horticultural Society of India in 1971. He was honoured with the Degree of D. Sc. (honoris causa) by University of Ohio State, Udaipur University, Punjabi University and Haryana Agricultural University. He was awarded Plaque by Punjab Cooperative Fruit Development Corporation and Commemoration Medal by Indian Science Academy. He was a great writer too. His publications included Beautifying India (1950); Flowering Trees in India (1957), Agricultural and Animal Husbandry in India (1958), Beautiful Trees and Gardens (1961), Evolution of Life (1968), Farmers of India (1959); Kangra Paintings of the Bhagawata Purana (1960), Kangra Painting of Love (1962) and Kangra Painting of jGeeta Govinda (1964). He was a co-author of Indian Paintings (1968) along with Prof. G.K. Galbraith. His other publications are Kumaon Himalayas (1971), Kangra Ragamala Paintings (1973), Travels in Western Himalayas (1974); Gardens through the Ages (1976), Kishnagarh Paintings (1980), Indian Miniature Paintings (1980) and A History of Agriculture in India (1981).

Shri P.N. Thapar
Founder President, IAUA (1967-69)
Punjab Agricultural University,
Ludhiana- 141 004, Punjab State, India

Shri. Prem Nath Thapar, ICS (Retd.), was the first Vice-Chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University and occupied this position from 1967 to 1969. He was born on 13 April 1903. He graduated from Punjab University, Lahore (now in Pakistan), received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Oxford University, and joined as ICS in 1926. He served as Deputy Commissioner, Settlement Officer and Colonization Officer till 1941. From 1941 to 1946 he remained Joint Secretary, Department of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India and then was appointed Secretary, Department of Foodand Civil Supplies, Punjab Government in 1946. He was Commissioner, Lahore and Jalandhar Division during 1947-48. He also served as Financial Commissioner (Rehabilitation) and Chief Administrator, Chandigarh Capital Project from 1948 to 1953, and then 1 joined as Advisor, Planning Commission till 1954. He was Secretary, Ministry of Food and Agriculture for from 1954 to 58, and then remained a member of Finance and Administration, Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary to the Ministry of Finance, Government of India from 1958 to 1962. He was also a member, Punjab Administrative Reforms Commission during 1964-65. He also remained Consultant, FAO Review Team and Trustee, International Rice Research Institute, Manila.