Indian Agricultural Universities Association

Member Universities

Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner (Rajasthan)

Name of the University

            Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner


Year of Establishment



·         To train and produce skilled and competent human resource;

·         To generate suitable technologies and transfer new technical knowledge to stakeholders; and

·         To enhance income of farmers and livestock owners through Animal Husbandry.



·         To augment livestock productivity, profitability and sustainability in Rajasthan;

·         To Promote liaisoning and linkages with National and International Research and educational Institutes, specialized in the field of veterinary, animal husbandry, dairy fishery science technologies; and

·         To plan, coordinate, organize and guide the extension education programmes to ensure efficient working of the extension education activities.


Role and Mandate

RAJUVAS envisages to accomplish the following roles under the mandate of University:

·         To plan, initiate, guide, co-ordinate and monitor research in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences;

·         To maintain liaison with State and central government, ICAR, DST and other National and International Funding agencies for obtaining financial support for various Veterinary and Animal Sciences research programmes;

·         To monitor animal health programmes through disease investigation and surveillance;

·         To impart quality professional education;

·         To develop technologies suitable for promoting animal production in the state of Rajasthan;

·         To transfer the technologies to field functionaries; and

·         To develop a centre of higher learning, research and extension in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences;


Goal: Empowerment of the society in terms of economic upliftment, entrepreneurship development and employment generation through Animal Husbandry.


Jurisdiction / Area of Operation

 Rajasthan State


Educational Programmes Offered



Major Area of Research

 Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Extension Education Activities

1. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Nohar

"Krishi Vigyan Kendra" at Nohar was started on 9th April, 2012. The KVK is actively engaged in on farm trials, front-line demonstrations, on-campus and off-campus farmers and farm-women trainings and other extension activities such as field day, kisan mela, kisan gosthi, exhibition, method and result demonstrations, scientific visit to farmers field, exposure visits of farmers, animal health camps and farm science club and self-help groups conveners meet etc. The KVK is involved in transfer of new techniques and technology to the farmers and livestock owners.

   During the year 2021-22, Total 49 training programmes were organized by KVK Nohar for farmers on different aspects of agriculture, horticulture, home science and animal husbandry and 1519 farmers participated out of the which 1297 were men and 222 were women.

2. Pashu Vigyan Kendras (PVKs)

(i) Trainings etc: There are 15 Pashu Vigyan Kendras in different districts of Rajasthan. Four principal functional areas of the PVKs are trainings, advisory services, transfer of technologies and diagnostic facilities. Trainings are regularly imparted as an extension service to livestock owners and farmers on different aspects of animal husbandry so as to improve animal husbandry practices in the state for improved productivity of animals and better livelihood of farmers. Total 817 off-campus and 153 on-campus trainings were organized and 26601 farmers participated and benefited.

(ii) Animal Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Services: Total 2336 samples Blood Samples, Faecal Samples, Urine Samples, Milk Samples and Skin Scrapping were analysed and 2131 farmers were benefitted during 2021-22.


3. Training programmes organized by other Centres of RAJUVAS

A total of 55 trainings were organized by CVAS, Navania, PGIVER, Jaipur, State Plan Centres and Livestock Research Station, Bikaner in year. Total 1972 participants were benefitted.  

4. Activities under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav

After launch of “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav” by Hon’ble Prime Minister on July, 2015 and the directives received from the ATARI, Jodhpur, Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Bikaner constituted 33 teams of multidisciplinary scientists. These teams adopted 143 villages. Out of these villages, 108 villages has been covered and 16610 farmers benefitted.

5. "Dhine Re Batya" Radio Programme

In 2021-22, total 10 programmes of "Dhine Re Batya" were broadcasted through 17 Aakashwani Kendras of Rajasthan for half an hour from 5.30 PM to 6.00 PM on third Thursday of every month. The sponsored programme is entirely based on animal husbandry and animal health aspects.

6. Initiation of Online Farmer Skill Development Abhiyan

A new programme for skill development of livestock owners under the Online Pashu paalak Kaushal Vikaas Prashikshan Abhiyaan was started from 17 May 2021. This online skill development training campaign would be run in series manner by all the Pashu Vigyan Kendras located in different districts of the state so that animal owners could develop their skills and increase their income by adopting livestock farming for self employment and income generation.

7. RAJUVAS e-Pashupalak Choupal

“e-Pashupalak Choupal” was launched on 2nd October 2020. Live telecast of “e-Pashupalak Choupal” is being done continuously on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month on the official Facebook page of the university. This online e-Pashupalak Choupal bring together the farmers, enterpreneurs and rural youth associated with animal husbandry and provide suitable digital medium to get acquainted with the latest technology of Animal husbandry for improvement of livestock based economy through raising livestock production. Sixteen online RAJUVAS e-Pashupalak Choupals were organized during year 2021-22.

8. Organization of exhibitions

Major activities of Department of Extension Education are to prepare exhibits, models, display boards, etc., arranging exhibitions, highlighting research achievements of the University in the fields of veterinary and animal science, and also to participate in exhibitions organised by other institutions/organisations at National and State levels. Directorate of Extension Education arranges several exhibitions at National, State, Zonal and District levels. One exhibition was organized by Pashu Vighyan Kendra, Kota at Veterinary Poyclinic, Kota on 22 February, 2022 and Progressive Farmers' Training Programme (in collaboration with Animal Husbandry Department, Kota), respectively.

9. Farmers Advisory through Whatsapp Groups

Pashu Vigyan Kendras located in various districts of Rajasthan initiated a unique programme by creation of Whatsapp Groups for providing livestock advisory to farmers in Corona pandemic. A total of 132 Whatsapp groups were created and 15646 farmers were added and benefitted.

10. Publications of RAJUVAS

Directorate of Extension Education is regularly publishing “Pashu Palan Naye Aayaam” a monthly magazine and also the training manuals and other bulletins. A Trimonthly RAJUVAS Newsletter and Trimonthly News Paper entitled as “Chara Bulletin” are being regularly published.

11. Toll free helpline of RAJUVAS

Toll free helpline i.e. 1800 180 6224 is working for the benefit of livestock farmers, veterinary doctors and students.


Strength of the University

1.      RAJUVAS has been recognized as one of the premier veterinary university in the country and accredited by ICAR with ‘A’ Grade upto the year 2026.

2.      RAJUVAS has implemented complete e-Governance in its working, various modules installed in IUMS i.e. OSES-On Screen Evaluation & Advanced Examination Management, Pre-Admission, Recruitment, Self Service Portal (SSP), HRMS, Payroll & Establishment, Stores & Purchase, Budget Management, Placement Service, VC & Administrative Offices, GPF & Pension, Financial Accounts, Admission &Academics, Examination & Results, Veterinary Hospital Management, Live-Stock & Farm Management, Industry University Interaction, Alumni Management, Research, Letter Movement System, File Movement System, Attendance & Fee management System, Meetings & Committee Management, Events & Seminar Management, Assets & Estate Management, Mail Server & SMS Server, Smart Class, Library Automation through RFID Technology. HRMS, Payroll, Preadmission, Examinations & results, Attendance management, Store & Purchase, Assets & Estate, Alumni, Livestock Farm, Hospital, Budget, Placement management modules. The unique feature is OSES which is first ever in country.

3.      The Veterinary Clinical Complex of RAJUVAS is well equipped with modern facilities which include large and small animal operation theatres, ICU for pets, and is fully operational in all the constituent veterinary colleges of university. Advanced diagnostic procedures like CT scan, radiography, sonography, digital X-Ray machine etc., alongwith advanced equipments & techniques for investigation of blood, serum, urine and faeces, medical/surgical/gynaecological are available in clinic. There is also facility for stay of attendants of animal patients. During 2021-2022 a total of 28250 cases were attended for treatment in our clinics.

4.      The efforts of RAJUVAS to save environment including establishment of rain water harvesting system, solar power stations and Bio-gas system etc. have become the model for state. RAJUVAS has set up solar power stations in all the constituent colleges in CVAS, Bikaner (491 KW), CVAS, Navania, Udaipur (93KW) and in PGIVER, Jaipur (125 KW).


Niche Area of Excellence

Conservation and up gradation of Indigenous cattle breeds (Rathi, Tharparkar, Malvi, Kankrej, Sahiwal & Gir) and forming the Heritage Gene Bank for these breeds.


Status of Autonomy



Funding support received (From State and Other agencies)

            From State Plan, RKVY, ICAR, New Delhi.


Faculty position   

Sanctioned:    1452

            In position:       335

            Vacant:           1117


Student Intake     

UG:     300 (B.V.Sc & A.H.) and 120 (80 B.Tech , Dairy Technology and 40 B. Tech.,

                         Food Technology)                             

PG:     113                             

Ph. D: 46

Diploma courses: 4726 para-veterinarian per year


Contact Details


Name of Vice Chancellor:                Prof. (Dr) Satish Kumar Garg

Telephone (Office):                           0151-2543419

Telephone (Residence):                    0151-2240380

Fax:                                                    0151-2549348

