Indian Agricultural Universities Association

Member Universities

Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri Dist. Ahmednagar- 413 722, Maharashtra

Name of the University: Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri Dist. Ahmednagar- 413 722, Maharashtra

Year of Establishment: 29th March, 1968

The University has developed its Vision 2020 document encompassing a detailed review of mission, objectives, achievements and long and short-term plans in research, education and extension education.

The MPKV is committed to continuous improvement in agriculture and allied fields by development of quality human resource in various disciplines, carrying out the basic and applied research for providing appropriate technological solutions and piloting the frontline extension activities for efficient technology transfer to the farming community and agro-business entrepreneurs.

Jurisdiction / Area of Operation:
The MPKV jurisdiction is spread over 10 districts of Western Maharashtra (Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara, Solapur, Pune, Ahmednagar, Nasik, Dhule, Nandurbar and Jalgaon). Out of nine-agro-climatic zones of Maharashtra, four agro climatic zones viz; Western Ghat Zone, Sub-montane Zone, Western Maharashtra Plain Zone and Scarcity Zones fall under the jurisdiction of MPKV.

Educational Programmes offered (PG / UG / Ph. D/Diploma):

UG programs:

  • B. Sc. (Hons) Agriculture
  • B. Sc. (Hons) Horticulture
  • B. Sc. (Hons) Agri. Business Management
  • B. Sc. (Hons) Animal Husbandry
  • B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.)
  • B. Tech. (Food Technology)
  • B. Tech. (Biotechnology)


  • Master’s program in 21 disciplines of Agriculture and 04 disciplines of Agriculture Engineering
  • Ph.D. in 17 disciplines of Agriculture and 04 disciplines of Agriculture Engineering.

Post Doctoral Program

  • (1 or 2 Years) in Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Management

Diploma in Agriculture

  • Agril. Tech. Schools (2 Years)
  • Agril. Polytechnics (3 Years)

Mali Training Course (1 Year)

Major Area of Research

The university has a very good network of research stations spread over 5 different agro-climatic zones with 27 research stations. At present, there are 82 non-plan schemes funded by State Government 45 AICRPs on different aspects of crop production and crop improvement, in addition to this there is one Centrally Sponsored Research Schemes funded by the Central Government. The university has concentrated its efforts to develop suitable technologies for dryland agriculture, irrigated farming as well as hi-tech agriculture.

Dryland Research: The university is proud to have a research station on Dry Farming, first of its kind in the country, established at Solapur in 1933. Identification of Bombay Dry Farming Method was a land mark. During 1970 when nation wide network for dry farming research was created, the research at Solapur made significant contributions to the dry farming technology not only for Maharashtra but for the entire country.

Sorghum, Sugarcane, Chickpea and Horticulture crops: The MPKV, Rahuri released varieties and technologies of sorghum, sugarcane, chickpea and horticulture crops has been widely adopted by the farmers.

Biotechnology research: Biotechnology with its vast potential and challenges is important to agricultural development. This university is developing biotechnological competence in the areas of plant tissue culture, genetic engineering, molecular biology, and molecular characterization for IPR issues, biocontrol and biofertilizers.

Highlights of Extension Education Activities (Including Number of KVKs, Training Programmes/ Certificate Courses, etc.)

Total KVKs under MPKV jurisdiction : 17
(University KVKs: 4, YCMOU, Nashik :1 NGO KVKs: 12),
Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC) : 1,
Regional Extension Centres : 4,
District Extension Centres : 5
Communication Centre : 1

  • During last five years (2016 to 2021) the university has trained 108470 human resource through 1857 training programmes. During Covid 19 pandemic situation online trainings were organized for various stakeholders.
  • -The Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) is a single window delivery system of the University. This center started its actual functioning w.e.f. 13th August, 2001. The extension activities like field visits, replying the queries of the farmers and other stakeholders, diagnostic services in coordination with the other departments of University are being performed by the ATIC. Besides, the seed and seedlings, bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, processed products and publications are also sold through ATIC to the end users. Further, the ATIC is supervised by the Manager with four subject matter specialists (SMS) from the disciplines viz., Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant protection and Animal husbandry and Dairy Science and Public Relation Officer (PRO).
  • The University in its jurisdiction has formulated 54 Farmers-Scientists Forum (1668 farmers have been registered as the members), to demonstrate and to educate the farmers about the technologies generated by the University at different locations. The farmer members of these Farmers-Scientists Forums have been made by the university as a model for the village and thus, these farmers are serving as farm-leaders to disseminate the technologies. Participatory research model is being promoted through Farmers-Scientists Forum.
  • During the Covid-19 Pandemic situation our university extension scientists organized various virtual webinars, training programmes, workshops for farmers and other stakeholders on different themes viz., digital marketing, precision farming, post-harvest technologies, crop production, livestock production. In Covid-19 situation also the University has made concentrated efforts for the up-liftment of farming community. In all more than 415 programmes were organized with participation of 25000 + various stakeholders alongwith farmers. These programmes are available through various social media platforms of university viz., YouTube, Facebook for the farming community.
  • The National level project funded by ICAR under Farmer FIRST programme is in operation at Chinchvihire, Kangar. Tambhere and Kanadgaon villages of the Ahmednagar district. The university is implementing the Integrated Farming System (IFS) model for enhancing the farmer’s income. This comprises of crop based module, horticulture based module, livestock based module and other activities like dal mill processing for SHGs and farm pond fishery. The project is covering 750 farm families and conducted 600 technology demonstrations which includes five point rabi sorghum, bajara, red gram, chickpea production technologies, backyard poultry, IFS model, fish farming, dairy, goatary and various capacity development programmes.
  • The project entitled Farmer FIRST under RKVY with budget outlay of Rs 5.91 crore is an MPKV initiative to move beyond the production and productivity and to privilege the complex, diverse and risk prone realities of majority of the farmers through enhancing farmers-scientists contact with multi stakeholder’s participation. Through this project University reached 5550 farmer participants.
  • The university has implemented different novel initiatives for farm technology application through adaptive research and implemented different projects viz., Farmer’s Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP), Scaling up of Water Productivity through Capacity Building of Farmers and Trainers (Officers) through training cum demonstrations, National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) entitled “Sustainable Rural Livelihood Security for backward districts of Maharashtra” , Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE) of Rabi Sorghum project, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-Transfer of Integrated Crop Management Technologies developed by MPKV, Rahuri, Climate Change Knowledge Network-Indian Agriculture (CCKN-IA) Project for increasing reach our university technologies to the farming community and Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security (ProSoil) Project under German collaboration where our university is involved in contenet creation and its validation.
  • This University brings out informative publications viz. Krishidarshani, Shri Sugi, MPKV Happenings, e-varta, Periodicals, Booklets, Books, Folders and Bulletins for farmers. In the era of digital India, we have launched Krishidarshani Mobile App i.e Phule Krishidarshani and also Phule Jal, Phule Irrigation Scheduler, Location Spatial ETr, Phule Pest and Disease management, Phule SAM, Phule SANMAN and Phule AutoPIS android based Apps for the benefit of farmers.
  • A programme on “Retrospection” is regularly organized by the University for depicting the significant activities of the university related to education, research and extension education. On this occasion the university publication “Krishi Darshani” is released every year. This innovative programme has been started from 1992.
  • A massive tree plantation programme Vanmohotsav was organized at MPKV, Rahuri. On this occasion saplings of different species were planted in all university affiliated Colleges and Agricultural Technical Schools along with the Agricultural Research Stations and Central Campus, Rahuri. In all during 2016 to 2021 more than 4 lakh saplings of different plants including horticultural crops planted with 80 per cent survival rate.

Strength of the University (Including 5 important achievements)


  • Strong network of agricultural education with 73 constituent and affiliated agricultural and allied sciences colleges and 75 Agricultural Technology Schools and Agril. Polytechnics.
  • The meritorious students opt for seeking admissions in the constituent colleges of this university both for undergraduates and post graduate studies.
  • Excellent available e-resources in libraries
  • The university has a very good network of research stations spread over 5 different agro-climatic zones with 27 research stations, at present, there are 82 non-plan schemes funded by State Govt., 45 AICRPs on different aspects of crop production and crop improvement in addition to the 1 Centrally Sponsored Research Schemes funded by the Central Govt. The university has concentrated its efforts to develop suitable technologies for dryland agriculture, irrigated farming as well as hi-tech agriculture. The university has released 270 varieties /hybrids, 1577 recommendations and 39 farm implements since 1969.

Impact of Research

  • Sugarcane The area under sugarcane variety CO- 86032 is 45-50 %, and COM- 0265 (Phule 265) is 30-35 % out of total sugarcane area of Maharashtra State. The sugarcane variety contributed gross revenue of Rs. 1,00,787 Cr. and net revenue of Rs. 11,059 Cr. in the state economy (1995-2017). Similarly, the sugarcane variety (CoM 265) contributed gross revenue of Rs. 31,681 Cr. and net revenue of Rs. 2,215 Cr. in the economy of Maharashtra state (2008-2017). This variety has brought revolutionary changes in the lives of farmers and made farmers rich and prosperous.
  • Chickpea research: MPKV, Rahuri has developed 14 chickpea varieties which are resistant to Fusarium wilt and drought tolerant with a high yield potential viz., Vikas, Vishwas, Phule G-12, Vijay, Vishal, Virat, Digvijay, Kripa, Vihar, Rajas, Himali, Phule Vikram, Phule Vikrant and Phule Vishvaraj (Phule G 15109). There is also highest indent for nucleus and breeder seed of MPKV varieties which contributes 14.75 per cent at National level. The chickpea varieties of MPKV, Rahuri viz; Vikas, Vishvas, Vijay, Digvija and Vikram contributed gross revenue of Rs. 29,120 Cr. and net revenue of Rs. 6,189 Cr. in the state economy during 1990-91 to 2017-18.
  • Sorghum research: MPKV, Rahuri has developed varieties on the basis of soil types viz., Phule Anuradha for shallow soil, Phule Suchitra for medium soil and Phule Vasudha for deep soil of rainfed condition while Phule Revati for protective irrigation. Rabi sorghum varieties of MPKV, Rahuri contributes 25 % rabi sorghum area of the Maharashtra state. The average productivity of grain and fodder yield has increased by 38 and 40 per cent, respectively on the basis of 20100 field demonstrations on farmers field in three districts. During the year 2007-08 to 2017-18 the MPKV, Rahuri varieties viz; Phule Vasudha, Phule Revati, Phule Suchitra etc contributed gross revenue of Rs. 8,482 Cr. and net revenue of Rs. 1188 Cr. in the state economy of Maharashtra.
  • Onion - MPKV, Rahuri has released the Phule Samarth, Basvant-780, N-53 and N-2-4-1 onion varieties which has contributed 44,957 Cr. of gross revenue and Rs. 4686 Cr. of net revenue in the state economy of Maharashtra during 2002-03 to 2019-20. Phule Samarth is popular in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh especially for kharif and late kharif cultivation. The large scale seed production is undertaken by university and private seed companies. Around 40 % area of kharif onion cultivation is under this particular variety.
  • Pomegranate varieties: MPKV, Rahuri released highly popular pomegranate varieties viz., Ganesh, Mridula, Arakta, Bhagwa and Phule Bhagwa Super. Bhagwa and Phule Bhagwa Super contributed gross revenue of Rs. 21,426 Cr. and net revenue of Rs. 6,428 Cr. in the state economy of Maharashtra during 2004 to 2017.
  • The varieties of eight crops viz; sugarcane, pomegranate, chickpea, rabi sorghum, onion, rice, citrus and pearlmillet released by university had contributed in gross revenue of Rs. 2,40,188 Cr. and net revenue contribution of Rs. 32,206 Cr in the economy of Maharashtra state. Bhagwas and super Bhagwa varieties contributes 90 per cent of total pomegranate area of the state.


  • Sardar Patel Award: The University has been awarded with Sardar Patel Outstanding Institute Award-2002 of ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Institute of Excellence: The University has been awarded special funds of Rs. 100 cores by the Government of India in its Union budget of 2007-08 as an Institute of Excellence. The University has procured various states of art equipments and strengthened its laboratories, farms and hostels from these funds.
  • The Hi-Tech Floriculture and Vegetable Production Project at College of Agriculture, Pune has been best owed with an International Award “Golden Eagle for Prestige and Quality Europe 2010” by the ACTUALIDAD, Magazine of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Spain during March, 2010.
  • Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri received the prestigious World Bank aided Project of Indian Council of Agricultural Research under National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) entitled “Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology for Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Management” (CAAST-CSAWM) with a total budget of Rs. 20.00 Cr.
  • MBA (Agri.) Programme at College of Agriculture, Pune, Agricultural Technical School, Solapur and Dispensary at College of Agriculture, Pune achieved ISO: 9001: 2015 Certification for its Quality Management System for the period of three years (2019 to 2022).
  • The Project Phule Robo-Orchad Spraying Rover received First Prize in Agri India Hackathon 2020 organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and ICAR, New Delhi
  • Sweet Sorghum variety CSH- 47 having high biomass hybrid suitable for ethanol, biofuel and silage making and Wingedbean variety PWB 11-2 (Phule Chardhari Wal) having high pod yield and protein content are recently dedicated to the Nation by Hon. Prime Minister of India on 28 September, 2021.
  • The Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri has released 270 varieties of field and fruit crops, 39 tractor drawn and manually operated farm implements & machineries and 1577 research recommendations for benefit of the farming society since the inception.
  • Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri is doing research on 126 crops.

Niche Area of Excellence (Area in which University is strong) :

Crop diversification in horticulture

Status of Autonomy : Limited autonomy due to the presence of MCAER, an intermediary body between Govt., Chancellor and the university to co-ordinate the education and research activities including sanction and approval and admissions and appointment of Professor and above posts of the university.

Funding support received :(From state and other agencies)

ICAR and State Govt.

Faculty Position (Upto November, 2021) :

  • Sanctioned : 885
  • In position : 483
  • Vacant : 402

Student intake :

  • UG : 5584
  • PG : 373
  • Ph.D. : 82

Contact Details

Name of Vice Chancellor : Dr. P. G. Patil
Telephone (Office) : 02426-243208
Telephone (Residence) : 02426-243311
Fax : 02426-243302
Email :
Website :