The first convention of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 23-26 February 1970.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Financial and administrative set-up and the related problems.


1.      Administration.

2.      Resident instruction.

3.      Research and extension.

4.      Campus planning.


1.      An Endowment should be created as a perennial source of financial resources, with comprehensive scope to secure liberal subscriptions from the public and other resources.

2.      There should be no financial ceiling for any agricultural university for a particular item or programme.  Each university should get minimum Rs 2 crores during the Fourth Five-Year Plan, and the Plan allocation for agricultural education should be raised from Rs 21.5 crores to Rs 28 crores.  The provision for research should be separately indicated.

3.      The agricultural universities, in association with the respective states, should plan for an efficient organization for the placement of graduates, have links with the employing agencies, and provide self-employment opportunities for the graduates.  An Employment Bureau should be established in each university, and emphasis should be laid on ‘Earn while you learn’.

4.      In view of great need for the development of our agricultural universities, internal as well as international collaboration should continue for a long time.

5.      To improve the manpower, inter-university mobility of the scientific personnel needs greater  strengthening.

6.      The Semester system should be adopted in  place of Trimester system, the number of examinations must be reduced and an internal comprehensive examination may be introduced at some stage.

7.      The Home Science colleges run by the State Governments should be transferred to the universities to ensure uniformity of curriculum and improve the quality of training.

8.      As per the policy decision of various states, the entire research should be transferred to the agricultural universities, and additional fund should be made available to conduct and strengthen research in core areas, as well as for the crops, livestock and disciplines requiring our immediate attention like pulses and oilseeds, water resources etc.

9.      Similar to research the training centres for extension education programmes should be transferred to the agricultural universities, along with sufficient funds, for effective farmers’ training and efficient communication and broadcast facilities.

10.  The space in the campus area should be effectively utilized through proper planning and quality control under professional  supervision, to help farmers by offering plan services for the farm structures, through design and architectural service, and through a construction service.


The second Convention of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, during 20-23 April 1971.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Financial and administrative as well as the research and extension set-up.


1.      General administration.

2.      Research and extension.

3.      Resident instruction.

4.      Student affairs.


1.      Enthused by the report that the Government of India is actively considering the creation of an  Endowment fund, the Convention Group urged that it should be a net addition to the resources presently available with the university and should be utilized by adopting a project approach.  A Planning Cell created at the Centre should assist in formulation of university development projects and in securing the necessary financial   commitment from the Centre and the States.

2.      The total Plan provision for agricultural universities should be at least 50% more than the floor-level Rs 2 crore per university.  The principle of matching contribution by the ICAR/ State Government for any project receiving public contribution should be accepted to create incentive for greater public support.

3.      All research in the university must originate in the subject-matter departments only, in the form of projects under the leadership of individual faculty members.  The Directorate of Experiment Station should exercise full control on financing the research projects and provision of physical facilities.

4.      The agricultural university should be responsible to make available necessary staff of the co-ordinated projects.  The ICAR can specify the nature and volume of work to be done by a particular centre, not the categories of staff for the project.

5.      The activities of the universities in the area of extension should be restricted only to its educational part, whereas the services and supply function, financial assistance and regulatory duties should be handled by the government and the private agencies.

6.      The ICAR should conduct common examination for admission and award of ICAR Fellowship to Postgraduate students in time, and there should be a common calender, grading system, basis of equivalence of OGPA and the percentage of marks, as well as a system of pooled admissions in various universities.  To maintain certain minimum standard of instructions, a common minimum programme must be evolved for all agricultural universities in the different degree programmes and the system of grading in multi-campus universities should be uniform.

7.      A Council of Students should be formed to serve as a common forum for student welfare, and there should be closer contact between Teacher-Taught-Parent through counselling and advicement.  Their curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities should be properly integrated.  ‘Earn while you learn’ and a comprehensive Placement Service Cell are essential components of student welfare that deserve better attention.


The third Convention of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore, during 22-25 March 1972.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Report of National Commission on Agriculture.


1.      Unemployment.

2.      Interim Report of National Commission on Agriculture.

3.      Draft working paper of the Association presented to National Commission on Agriculture.

4.      Linkage of services supporting agricultural development.

5.      Other relevant subjects.


1.      The unemployment among the graduates in agricultural sciences may be because they are not equipped for the types of jobs available to them, which requires closer linkage among various employment agencies.  It was proposed that the government should provide liberal loans to the graduates for raising livestock or agro-service centre, as well as allot culturable land to the desirous ones, and each university should establish an agricultural polytechnic and start agro-service centre with proper financial support.

2.      It was felt that some states were slow in transferring the state-wide research functions to the agricultural universities, and the National Commission has failed to solve the overlapping of functions between extension and training between the agricultural universities and the concerned State department, beside a similar overlapping in the field of research, despite a clear mandate to the universities.

3.      In the area of fundamental research, the ICAR should create centres of excellence in each discipline similar to the Advanced Centres set up by the UGC.  The Government should provide block grants, instead of project/scheme-wise grants, to the agricultural universities to ensure flexibility in research programmes.  The research programme in the universities has to be problem oriented, without distinction between fundamental, applied or adaptive research.

4.      It was proposed to the National Commission that the Association and the ICAR should have close collaboration and joint research units, accreditation board and joint trust for operation of funds, and project approach should be followed for the physical development and financial support to the university.  There were proposals for transferring the sub-centres of Central research institutes to the agricultural universities, provide greater flexibility and autonomy to the All India Co-ordinated Research Projects, development of plant protection as an integrated science, and free exchange of scientific material.

5.      Strong and viable linkages are essential between the associated agricultural services.  There should be a single agency at the State level and national level to relate all agricultural development programmes.

6.      Suggestions were given to improve practical training through integrated field practicals at undergraduate level, communicate new farming ideas and techniques to the cultivator in his/her mother tongue; to set up a Research Policy and Planning Committee by the IAUA to collaborate with the ICAR for developing a Master Plan of Agricultural Research in the country; and to redesignate ICAR as the Indian Council of Agricultural Development by bringing in extentsion education also under its ambit and integrate the teaching, research and extension functions at the all-India level.


The fourth Convention of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, during 21-22 March 1973.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Financial and administrative as well as the research and extension set-up.


1.      General administration including finance.

2.      Research and extension.

3.      Resident instruction.

4.      Student affairs.


1.      The Convention recommended the transfer of Gram Sewak Training Centres to agricultural universities in all the States as originally contemplated in the Model Act.

2.      The students should obtain at least one post-graduate degree from other university to widen the horizon of their knowledge.

3.      Modern methods of teaching should be imparted to a post-graduates before he/she adopts this profession, and periodic refresher courses should be started during each year for in-service teachers.  The teaching, research and extension faculties should be integrated, permitting their inter-transfers, besides exchange of teachers between universities.

4.      There should be a permanent research centre, and every university should establish a centre of Advanced Studies, exclusively for post-graduate teaching and research.

5.      For post-graduate programmes, some percentage of seats may be reserved for successful candidates of Junior Fellowship Examination conducted by the ICAR.

6.      Agricultural graduates should get preference in allotment of land.  The graduates should receive pre-recruitment training on joining the Development Departments.


The fifth Convention of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad during 8-10 February 1974.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Inter-university co-operation and evaluation of agricultural universities.


1.      Development of inter-university co-operation.

2.      Evaluation of agricultural universities – internal and external.

3.      Role of home science colleges.

4.      Role of basic sciences and humanities.


1.      For exchange of staff between the developing and fairly developed universities, the terms of specific proposals received should be viewed for assisting the host institution, even if it involves liberalization of the formula and additional funds.

2.      For enhancing research productivity and co-ordination, State or Regional workshops should be held periodically to enable all the research institutions within a State, belonging to different organizations, to supplement or complement each others’ efforts instead of working in isolation.

3.      Agricultural universities should avail of the facility of internship of their graduates at the Central/State Farms Corporations.

4.      Every agricultural university should be evaluated periodically, beginning from 3 years after its establishment. The university may have a small permanent organization headed by a whole-time officer of the university.  The IAUA might help the university with the services of a consultant.

5.      The courses (full as well as short-term) in Home Science should be reoriented to meet the rural needs, and these should be problem oriented, with aim to improve the socio-economic condition of the rural families.

6.      Each agricultural university should have a faculty of Basic Sciences and Humanities at post-graduate level, which can collaborate with other faculties/colleges in inter-disciplinary research with emphasis on fundamental aspects.


The sixth Convention of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Punjabrao Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, during 14-16 May 1975.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Role of agricultural universities and repatterning of agricultural education. 


1.      Role of agricultural universities in rural and agricultural development.

2.      Repatterning of agricultural education for first degree.

3.      Manpower planning and problem of unemployment of agriculture graduates.

4.      Institution building in agricultural universities.

5.      Research.


1.      The agricultural universities should have a well-defined mission, since they aim to conduct research and  impart training that will lead to strengthening of ecological, educational and social infrastructure.  The research policies should aim at increasing the overall productivity and developing labour-intensive technologies.

2.      As suggested by Education Commission, for link between education and productivity, science should be made a basic component of education, work as well as vocational education should be introduced at all levels of education, science and technological education and research especially of agriculture and allied sciences, should be improve at university stage, and the social and national service should be made an integral part of education.

3.      There was consensus that agricultural education should be need based and production oriented.  The students coming in agricultural colleges should have proper motivation to learn agriculture and work on farms.

4.      Besides evolution of cross-bred cattle, there is need to improve production capability and foreign-exchange potential of buffalo by proper management.  Research is to be intensified for fodder production and to evolve cropping patterns required for man and animal complex in agriculture.

5.      Immediate steps are necessary to meet the paucity of text-books in agriculture and teaching aids.

6.      The curricula need reorientation to suit job opportunities.  Short-duration courses may be started for this purpose.

7.      Each agricultural university should have a Communication Centre, each district should have a Krishi Vigyan Kendra, and Directorates of Extension Education should lay greater emphasis on intensive field-oriented training for extension functionaries of the State and skill-oriented training for the farmers.


The seventh Convention of the Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati, during 15-18 April 1976.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Role of agricultural universities, Model Act and philosophy of post-graduate education.


1.      Role of agricultural universities in rural and agricultural development.

2.      Revision of Model Act and strengthening of agricultural education system at university level.

3.      Philosophy of post-graduate education in agricultural universities.

4.      Institution building in agricultural universities.

5.      Population education.


1.      Each agricultural university as a leader, should identify a backward area in the respective State or region, prepare a resource inventory in collaboration with other organizations like CSIR and State Government Departments, and formulate an action programme as well as implement it in collaboration with District Administrative Group and Social Action Group.

2.      In the Model Act of the ICAR, there should be provision for non-lapsable grants to be given by the State Government for the maintenance of university as well as a Foundation Fund in each university.

3.      Integration of teaching, research and extension cannot be done unless it is done at the departmental level.

4.      Each university should streamline and monitor all research stations and farms, their size, location and the nature of research/experimental activity conducted in relation to their infrastructure, agro-climatic or agro-ecological requirements, major problems in the area and the nature of crops grown.

5.      Agricultural universities should be involved in shaping the curricula for the primary  and secondary schools, and planning a model curricular programme for 10+2+3 system of education.

6.      The concept of population education should be in the training of students in the agricultural universities, though without making it a compulsory credit requirement.


The eighth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during 18-20 February 1977.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Self-improvement of agricultural universities, new course curricula and need of fundamental research. 


1.      Self-improvement of agricultural universities.

2.      New courses and curricula in agricultural universities.

3.      Fundamental research in agricultural universities.


1.      The administration, finance, academic standards etc. of the university need continuous evaluation and monitoring to bring about increased efficiency and performance.

2.      Instead of asking the youth to go to villages, technology of developing food should crops develop under the shadow of industry, and the students should get specialized training to meet this end.

3.      The duration of degrees imparted in the agricultural universities should be of 4 years, and for Agricultural Engineering and the Veterinary and Animal Sciences should be of 5 years.

4.      Inventories of resources and manpower may be conducted by the States, so that admission of agricultural graduates could be linked with employment potentialities.

5.      In view of rapid advances in technology, the ICAR may consider introduction of new courses like Farm Forestry, Agricultural Meteorology, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation, Human Nutrition, Rural Credit and Population Education.

6.      The agricultural universities may start B. Ed. programme, in view of huge demand of teachers for vocationalization of education in Agriculture, Agro-mechanics and Home Science.

7.      The time has come to pay due attention to fundamental research in agricultural universities.  National institutes of the ICAR can take it up in their departments, and may have collaboration with general universities and the national institutes of the CSIR.


The ninth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Guajrat Agricultural University, Sardar krushi Nagar during 4-6 January 1978.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Undergraduate education, inter-institutional co-ordination and collaboration, and training of education functioning in agricultural universities.


1.      Recognizance and diversification of undergraduate education in agricultural sciences.

2.      Inter-institutional co-ordination and collaboration in agricultural research in India.

3.      Training of education functioning.


1.      The first degree should be broad based, and diversification can be done through suitable adjustment of elective course system.  Specialized training to meet the specific requirements of employees like nationalized banks, pesticide and fertilizer manufacturers could be imparted through short-duration training programmes.

2.      The ICAR should set up inter-disciplinary panels to examine the research proposals received from the universities for their quick processing, carry out collaborative projects and sort out regional problems.

3.      Strong extension education and training centres are necessary at the agricultural universities to provide refresher as well as specialist training programmes.

4.      All agricultural universities should establish a Regional Research Station in each agro-climatic zone by availing assistance under the NARP.

5.      The block grants given to the universities should be non-lapsable and should be enhanced at the end of every year to meet the increase in salaries and operational costs, as per recommendations of the National Commission on Agriculture (1976).

6.      The days of actual instructions should be at least 65 in a  trimester and 100 in a semester, excluding examination days.

7.      The marked answer books must be shown to the students after each test to generate confidence among them for internal evaluation system and to know about their own performance. 


The tenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 4-6 November 1979.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Internal evaluation and the lab-to-land technology.


1.      Internal evaluation and grading.

2.      Lab-to-land technology.

3.      Review of Randhawa Committee recommendations.


1.      The Convention reiterated the recommendations of ninth Convention that there should be at least 65 days of actual instruction in a trimester and 100 in a semester, and that the answer sheets should be shown to the students after the test.

2.      The Convention urged flexibility regarding the size of on farm demonstration plots, financial assistance per family, use of farm inputs etc.

3.      The Randhawa Committee had made several recommendations on aspects of governance of agricultural universities, including the conversion of existing agricultural complexes in Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh into separate agricultural universities.  The ICAR should approach the State Governments for speedy action to amend the Acts of their universities suitably in view of these recommendations.

4.      On the transfer of research responsibilities from State governments to agricultural universities also, the ICAR has to play a decisive role by persuading the State Governments to complete such transfer under pain of withdrawal of financial support, within a year.

5.      The agricultural universities can co-operate in economizing the water use by adopting measures like lining of channels, checking of seepage etc., thereby increasing the water-use efficiency.  Cropping patterns suited for low-moisture conditions have to be adopted, and contingent plans have to be drawn for identification of varieties and crops to be grown under low moisture or excess moisture during monsoon or winter months. There is urgent need to make water available for cattle too.

6.      The agricultural universities can play an active role under drought or unfavourable weather conditions by
 providing expert guidance, personnel and relief services, in collaboration with other agencies.


The eleventh Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during 20-22 September 1982.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Autonomy, funding, research and development, and evaluation system in State agricultural universities.


1.      Autonomy of State agricultural universities.

2.      Funding of State agricultural universities.

3.      Research and development tasks.

4.      Evaluation methods in research and education.


1.      The posts of Registrar and Comptroller should be kept on tenure basis.

2.      There should be periodic review of the sale rates of farm produce to keep in conformity with market rates.

3.      The university should undertake consultancy services on payment basis.

4.      Every university should have an internal audit system and should follow pre-auditing.

5.      The universities should explore the possibility of getting sizable grants from corporate bodies and from
organizations that are beneficiaries of the research and education programmes of the university.   
Donations may also be sought from its alumni.

6.      Each university should aim at establishing two centres of Advanced Studies.

7.      Efforts should be intensified to establish gene banks in all crops.

8.      Each agricultural university should adopt four villages for overall rural development.

9.      Each university may start an education cell to monitor the performance of educational programmes,
curriculum needs, development of new programmes etc.

10.  The research-evaluation models and processes may be worked out for agricultural  research system in
totality, and a guide-bank may be brought out.

11.  The State should fix Block Grants to the university at the beginning of each plan period. Sanction from the State government of State for each scheme should not be necessary.

12.  While determining the quantum of grant to be given to each university, the ICAR should consider the stage of its development, and the number of campuses and colleges it has to maintain, and the ability to absorb the funds.

13.  A portion of the education cess collected by the State governments should be made available to the universities towards agricultural education and research.


The twelfth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Himarchal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur during 30-31 May 1983.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Faculty improvement, internal assessment, degree courses and place of forestry education in agricultural universities.


1.      Place of Home Science education in agriculture.

2.      Review of internal assessment system.

3.      Restriction in admission to degree courses.

4.      Merit promotion scheme for teachers.

5.      Place of forestry education in agricultural universities.


1.      Diploma and degree courses might be started in higher education to attract rural clientale.

2.      Feasibility may be explored to establish Women’s Development Centre to provide appropriate technology for rural women, offer job-oriented diplomas, and serve as a training unit and monitoring cell for Home Science services.

3.      Teachers for internal evaluation system should be properly trained and regular orientation programmes should be conducted for the young teachers.

4.      In view of the desirability of obtaining one degree by the students from other university, it was proposed that they may be deputed to do Ph. D. at  other university and given study-leave benefit.  The candidates may do the research work at their parent university.  The universities may also earmark 25-30% seats for out-of-State candidates.

5.      As Government Departments grant at least two promotions to its employees during the service career and the UGC also has such a scheme for general universities, such personal/merit promotion scheme should also be implemented in agricultural universities.

6.      Forestry education should develop in two steps:  (a)  as an elective part of B. Sc. (Ag.) programme and (b)  B. Sc. Forestry programme.

7.      State-level institutions imparting forestry education and research should be transferred to the agricultural universities, which should also have research-based agro-forestry departments.

8.      The ICAR may develop bilateral exchange programme with international organizations for development of agroforestry-  based education in the universities.


The thirteenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad during 4-5 January 1985.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Consideration of Model Act and Dean’s Committee Report, and the rotation or Heads and games promotion in State agricultural universities.


1.      Modification of Model Act.

2.      Consideration of Dean’s Committee Report.

3.      Rotation of Heads of Departments, Deans and Directors.

4.      Promotion of games and sports in State agricultural universities.


1.      Some modifications relating to the officers of the university, Vice-Chancellor etc. are suggested for incorporation in the Model Act of the ICAR.

2.      Considering the Dean’s Committee Report, it was suggested that the duration of degree programme should be of 4 years after 10+2 stage.  One semester of supervised training programme of rural agricultural work experience should be a part of the curriculum.  The elective programmes should be employment oriented, not subject-matter oriented.

3.      The Veterinary Science course should be of 5 years duration, covering the disciplines Veterinary Sciences, Animal Husbandry and Production, and Products Technology.  The Internship should be a supervised programme conducted at polyclinics and well-established animal-production farms.

4.      For admission to the Agricultural Engineering course, there should be a common competitive entrance examination as done for other engineering institutions.

5.      The posts of Deans and Directors, as well as that of Heads of Departments, should be filled on tenure basis of 5 years.

6.      For promotion of games and sports in agricultural universities, the ICAR should have separate exclusive provision of 10-15% funds, besides the development grants earmarked for agricultural universities for this purpose.

7.      For admission under sports quota, participation is necessary in the games conducted by the Inter-Universities Sports Board or the Association of Indian Universities.


The fourteenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar during 5-6 July 1986.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


New education policy and autonomy in agricultural universities, and inter-state mobility of student and teachers.


1.      New education policy and agricultural education.

2.      Inter-State mobility of students and teachers.

3.      University autonomy.


1.      Research in Agricultural Education should be undertaken to evaluate various aspects of teaching and course curricula.

2.      Irrespective of following a trimester or semester system, all the State agricultural universities should follow uniform and fixed number of working days, number of examinations per term, method of working days, number of examinations per term, method of evaluation and grading, minimum and maximum course-credit load, essential ‘core courses’ etc.

3.      Course curricula for graduate programmes should be reviewed to include new courses required in view of social demands, manpower requirements and future development needs.

4.      To ensure proper growth and monitoring of education in agriculture, National Agricultural Education Project, on the pattern of National Agricultural Research Project, may be launched.  There is also need to establish Central Agricultural Universities and Indian Agricultural Education Service.  The ICAR should develop strategies for the New Agricultural Education Policy.

5.      The agricultural universities should enjoy full autonomy in academic, administrative and financial spheres, subject to the basic rules and guidelines.

6.      To ensure greater inter-State mobility, each agricultural university should admit 25% students from outside States in its undergraduate and post-graduate programmes.  All admissions should be through common entrance test conducted by the agricultural university of the State.

7.      All academic positions should be filled on merit.  Teachers from other States should be on deputation basis, granting them sabbatical leave and other facilities, including the service period at the other university.


The fifteenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Rajasthan Agricultural University, Udaipur during 4-6 October 1987.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Resident instruction, extension education, future agricultural research, inter-university linkage, and the administration and finance in agricultural universities.


1.      Review of resident instruction.

2.      Agricultural research: perspective for the future.

3.      Administration and finance management.

4.      Extension education.

5.      Inter-university and inter-institutional linkages.


1.      Dean’s Committee Report should be followed in all State agricultural universities regarding degree programmes, and refresher courses for teachers should be conducted periodically, followed by their evaluation.

2.      Discipline-wise workshops my be organized on resident instruction with emphasis on credit load, course content, practicals etc.

3.      To avoid duplication of research, most of the research stations under the ICAR institutes may be transferred to the State agricultural universities, along with their budget.

4.      The sluggish growth in agricultural production in several regions / States should be analysed in detail to identify and rectify the constraints.

5.      Research aimed at employment creation and income generation like bee-keeping, horticulture, livestock etc. should be given greater attention.

6.      In-built mechanisms need to be streamlined to develop effective linkages between several disciplines in the agricultural university and continuous linkages with State development departments.

7.      The sanction for revalidation within a Plan period from the ICAR needs to be waived.

8.      There should be a system of automatic increase in budget under the head of Contingency for research projects, keeping in view the escalation in prices.  In the ICAR budget 1% grant should be provided for maintenance of building.

9.      As recommended in the tenth and fourteenth Conventions, inter-university mobility of teachers should be encouraged, along with proper facilities including sabbatical leave and service consideration.  Similarly, 25% reservation for outside candidates in undergraduate and post-graduate courses would be necessary.


The sixteenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Kerala Agricultural University, Thiruvananthapuram during 16-18 December 1988.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Agricultural universities and rural development.


1.      Conceptual aspects.

2.      Current status.

3.      Future involvement.

4.      Plenary session.


1.      An inter-disciplinary forum may be constituted in each university to function as a centre for Rural Development.  It could be instrumental for planning in areas like agro-based small-scale industries, rural health and sanitation, communication and general welfare of the rural community.

2.      As the existing data pertaining to agricultural production are invariably unreliable, the Department of Agricultural Economics, Statistics, and Rural Sociology functioning in the agricultural university need to be strengthened.

3.      Proportionate weightage may be given to rural-development education and to the techniques in the course curricula of different degree and non-degree educational programmes.

4.      Inter-discipline fora (like Centre for Rural Development Studies) may be set up in State agricultural universities to function as nuclei for conceptual and analytical investigations, perspective planning and formulation of specific strategy for rural development.

5.      In view of the Government proposal for setting up Rural Institutes, the Convention recommended that as far as possible such institutes should function as part of the State agricultural universities, or at least in their close proximity, involving their representation in their various management and academic bodies.


The seventeenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar during 16-18 December 1988.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


The year 200 A.D. – major thrust of the agricultural universities.


1.      Structural and curricular changes in undergraduate programmes to meet emerging opportunities in the year 2000 A.D.

2.      Research for sustainable agriculture.

3.      Innovative approach for extension in 2000 A.D.


1.      A working group may be constituted to formulate a standard mode of operation of the field-oriented rural work experience of one semester for B.Sc. (Agric.) students.  Financial commitment in the form of stipend from the ICAR is necessary as has been done for Veterinary graduates.

2.      In the next decade the State agricultural universities have to lay stress on producing agricultural managers, and for this the course curricula have to be more flexible in preparing students for a more diverse job market and future managerial role.

3.      Instructional programmes have to lay greater stress on developing and using modern methods and aids of teaching, which requires appropriate instructional technology and adequate financial support.

4.      This is high time that Agricultural Education is declared a Technical Education and the degree a Technical Degree.  The ICAR and State Government should therefore move the Council of Technical Education to take early action for this long-felt need.

5.      In view of continuous deterioration and paucity of natural resources, greater research efforts are needed for conservation of genetic resources of plants and animal sources, land and water, as well as integrated pest management.

6.      The farm technology developed must be cost effective and appropriate.

7.      Every State agricultural university should establish a Department of Environmental degradation and suggest remedial measures.

8.      Central Agricultural Economics Institute should be established to take up studies on rural management, pricing, subsidy and alternative agricultural systems.

9.      As the second phase of Green Revolution would require greater extension effort and attention than in the past, the first-line extension education system needs to be strengthened structure-wise, programme-wise and resource-wise.

10.  The availability of improved seeds, saplings, fingerlings and animals are in short supply everywhere.  These require augmentation for strengthening extension programmes as also the production  programmes by the farmers.

11.  For manpower development in Extension, equal emphasis is necessary on training in subject-matter as well as in extension methodology/ pedagogy.  Therefore M. Sc. (Extension) should be so structured.   Besides, M. Sc. in subject matters (Agronomy, Horticulture etc.) may be allowed for Ph. D. in Extension with some remedial courses in Extension Education.


The eighteenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan during 30 November – 3 December 1990.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


National Agriculture Policy and the role of agricultural universities.


1.      Diversification of agriculture.

2.      Export oriented agriculture.

3.      Post-harvest and processing technology.

4.      Agro-based industries.

5.      New approach to agricultural research with employment orientation.

6.      Agricultural education.

7.      Vocational training.

8.      Institutional linkage.

9.      Research planning.

10.  New agricultural policy document.


1.      The agricultural universities should direct their research and extension efforts to develop labour- absorbing and cost-effective technologies for small, mixed farming units to suit the varied farming systems and situations where family labour too can be utilized gainfully.

2.      Export potential of agricultural produce and products should be tapped for horticulture, aquaculture, agri-cultural biomass- based commodities etc.

3.      Proper processing and improvement in shelf-life of perishable farm produce (fruits, vegetables, fish etc.), which account for 30% of production, can help in 100-200% value addition and provide additional avenues for rural employment.

4.      A neglected field with great potential is agro-based industries, where applied and adaptive research and development activities can increase employment as well as production and productivity of value-added products.  The areas needing attention are large-scale production of improved implements for small-scale machines and the mechanization of farm operations, as well as agro-based activities like sericulture, mushroom cultivation, home, and village level processing of grains and perishable products, cotton ginning and spinning, agro-waste/by-product processing and recycling etc.

5.      The universities should focus on research that is more applied and employment oriented, to develop technologies that are ecologically sound and knowledge intensive, paying greater attention to frontier areas like biotechnology, bio-processing, computer technology, satellite imagery, micro-electronics etc.

6.      Agricultural education has to be dynamic, need-based, farmer oriented, keeping pace with change in time and demand, with development of courses on management, energy mobilization, agro-based enterprises etc.

7.      New technologies need to be developed with increased modernization of agriculture, requiring  more skilled and efficient manpower.  Appropriate vocational training is therefore required and has to be generated by extension agencies, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, agricultural polyclinics etc.

8.      Research should be planned on the basis of agro-ecological and agro-climatic zones to develops location-specific technologies, especially for rainfed agriculture.  Besides, basic research is needed in advanced areas like biotechnology, genetic engineering etc. in collaboration with other similar organizations.

9.      The Agricultural Policy Document of the Government of India should specify the role  of State agricultural universities in raising the rate of growth of national agricultural products, and they should be involved in decision making related to implementation of the policies on all important aspects of farmers and farming.


The nineteenth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Rajendra Agricultural University, Samastipur during 29-31 October 1991.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Diversification and employment generation in agriculture.


1.      Identification of areas.

2.      Diversification and employment generation in agriculture through pisciculture.

  1. Diversification and employment generation in agriculture through sericulture and
    mushroom cultivation.
  2. Diversification and employment generation in agriculture through horticultural crops.
  3. Diversification and employment generation in agriculture through dairy and animal 
  4. Diversification and employment generation in agriculture through cereals and cash 
    crops- based industries.
  5. Diversification and employment generation in agriculture through farm mechanization.


1.      For poverty alleviation and employment generation, the agriculture has to be diversified by developing relevant  and viable technologies for varied aspects of farming operations, utilizing biotechnology, economic and marketing studies etc. through co-ordinated efforts of all concerned departments and organizations.

2.      The course curricula at undergraduate level may be restructured on the basis of manpower requirement, making the student a generalist with specialization in areas like pisciculture as per local needs.

3.      Emphasis is needed on social forestry on waste, saline etc. lands, or degraded forests, apiculture, sericulture etc. for sustainability and employment generation in agricultural sector.  It requires strengthening of extension infrastructure, location-specific nursery plantation and cottage-based industries, involvement of farmers in road-side plantations etc.

4.      An integrated approach in cropping systems is needed to evolve a perfect Agri-Horti-Silviculture system for achieving maximum output per unit area.

5.      For export of fruits and vegetables, the desired quality of product is required, needing research on varietal development and strengthening of the processing standards.

6.      Research and development deserve greater emphasis in areas like micro- propagation, tissue culture, post-harvest physiology, nursery network, development of cottage-scale as well as big horticultural estates for marketing and export, and also production of off-season vegetables for higher economic returns.

7.      Adequate budget is needed to develop livestock industry and proper processing and marketing facilities.  Livestock improvement, disease surveillance and forecast, exploitation of agro-industries waste for animal feed, study of animal husbandry practices of migratory livestock etc. deserve greater attention.

8.      There is pressing need for quality seed, improvement in the quality of produce for export purpose, utilization of by-products of sugarcane, soybean etc., rural industrialization at farm level, multi-byproduct industries for cereals and cash crops etc.

9.      As power supply is rare in rural areas, greater attention is needed for animal-drawn and mechanically operated agricultural implements for various crops and operations.

10.  Agro-service centres, training of artisans and communication of information regarding all technologies are essential for the rural farming community.


The twentieth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at the Veterinary College, Mumbai of the Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, during 28-30 October 1993.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Governance of State agricultural universities.


  1. Act
  2. Statute
  3. Regulations
  4. Financial management.


1.      The Model Act and the Statutes need some modification in view of the suggestions given at the Convention.

2.      Extension Education Council and Research Council should also be formed in all State agricultural universities uniformly, in addition to Academic Council.

3.      Assessment of theory and practical marks of students should be considered separately for the purpose of passing.

4.      The universities should try to generate internal resources also through sale of farm produce, consultancy service, as well as through sale of technologies (requiring ICAR’s policy decision), and having a revolving fund for utility services like printing press, engineering workshop etc.

5.      Delegation of financial powers should be decentralized for Dean, Directors, Heads of Departments and other functionaries.

6.      The State Governments should create separate budget head for State agricultural universities in the State Plan.  All the grants by the State as well as the ICAR should be released quarterly, in the beginning, and the universities should follow pre-audit system for efficient management.


The twenty-first Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at the Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat during 16-18 December 1994.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Agricultural education policy.


1.      Future directions and strategies in agricultural education.

2.      State agricultural universities-industry linkages; and Export scenario of agricultural products.

3.      Manpower requirements for agriculture, animal science and home science by 2010.

4.      Emergence of faculty-oriented universities in agricultural sharing of experiences; and Experiences in different agricultural universities.

5.      Financial stability in agricultural universities.


1.      An Agricultural Education Council should be established by the Government of India to improve the quality of education and bring about equity quality and relevance in it.

2.      The ICAR should create an Accreditation Board and co-ordinate manpower planning in the State agricultural universities and the States.  An Educational Technology Unit is also to be established, and need-based curricula to be developed and updated.

3.      The quality of teaching is to be improved, the proportion of science and technology in the curriculum is to be increased, and the undergraduate curriculum should have 50% of practicals.

4.      The course of export technologies should be introduced in agricultural education.

5.      The universities must recognize the importance and commercial value of obtaining patents and their products, and should have perfect wedlock between the teaching and research and the industries. They should provide consultancy services to business houses, as the latter’s support too depends largely on the improved, innovative and new technologies. Accordingly the industry should be made to spend lavishly on university research.

6.      The competitive advantage of India in having diverse agro-climatic conditions, wide range of crops, cheap labour etc. should be fruitfully utilized in promoting the export of our crops and agricultural products, which at present is quite meager.

7.      There is need for a national manpower planning centre with branches in States and State agricultural universities for better co-ordination as well as proper manpower assessment and development.

8.      Tentative estimates of manpower requirement was made at 50,000-55,000. It was urged to follow the Chinese model, where no agricultural graduate remains unemployed.

9.      The entire gamut of issues relating to the bifurcation of existing and the establishment of new disciplines in multi-faculty universities should be examined by a high-power committee, including the opening of new colleges in different disciplines.

10.  Foreign students may be admitted in the universities, charging suitable fees from them. The universities should receive non-lapsable grants instead of block grants and the Plan expenditure may be converted into non-Plan expenditure  regularly.


The twenty-second Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai Campus during 18-20 December 1995.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Role of agricultural universities in the light of changing agricultural Scenario.


  1. Agricultural education in the light of changing agricultural scenario.
  2. Agricultural extension education in the light of changing agricultural scenario.
  3. Animal sciences in the light of changing agricultural scenario.
  4. Support of agricultural universities in promoting agro-based industries.
  5. Micropropagation as an aid to high-density orcharding under irrigated conditions in India.


1.      The Personal Promotion Scheme is leading to deterioration in the quality of teaching, research and extension, and hence requires modification.

2.      Research should be programme oriented, not scientist oriented, and should have clear focus, mission-mode approach and regular monitoring.

3.      The State agricultural universities should explore the possibility of starting short-duration Diploma/Certificate courses based on local needs and employment opportunities.

4.      The Krishi Vigyan Kendras should be with State agricultural universities or under their management if associated with Non-Government Organizations having adequate infrastructure facilities.

5.      The syllabi may be revised every 5 years after thorough discussion in the Board of Studies and Academic Council.

6.      One-third of the research projects should be allotted to fundamental aspects.

7.      The Research and Extension Advisory Councils should draw members from the development departments, entrepreneurs and progressive farmers, whose suggestions can be valuable in identifying the areas of research.

8.      Subject matter specialists in Animal Husbandry should be appointed in Krishi Vigyan Kendras and Directorates of Extension Education in all State agricultural universities.

9.      With the globalization of agricultural markets, there is urgent need to pay special attention to post-harvest technologies and agro-industrial aspects of all agricultural land, and the animal science produce and products.  The products and processes of agro-industrial value should be patented.

10.  The primary processing as an integral part of production agriculure may rest with the ICAR and State agricultural universities, whereas the secondary processing may better be handled by the CSIR laboratories.

11.  High-density orcharding under irrigated condition gives high productivity per unit area, and it can be tried with moderate irrigation facility with the help of drip irrigation.  Studies are needed on resource base, crop-rhizosphere interaction, pest and disease management etc.


The twenty-third Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Marathwada Agricultural University, Sub-Campus Aurangabad during 21-23 November 1996.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Human resource development for meeting future challenges in agriculture.


  1. Human resource development in Indian agriculture.
  2. Marketing and export of agricultural commodities.
  3. Pre- and post-harvest technologies.
  4. Plant germplasm collection, evaluation, conservation and cataloguing.
  5. Animal germplasm collection, evaluation and cataloguing.


1.      To harness the fruits of technological developments, some specific measures are necessary like infrastructure development in rural sector, functional efficiency in the system, dynamic technology adoption, linkage improvement and industrial back-up to research.

2.      We must identify the ecological niches for cultivation of export commodities.  There is need to establish quality standards, testing facilities, and techno-economic assessment bodies.

3.      Specific funding is needed for research and development in pre- and post-harvest technologies, with emphasis on processed food of animal origin, and the engineering component needs to be strengthened.

4.      In the massive task of maintaining animal wealth in the country, financial support is quite inadequate, requiring decentralization in centres for specific animals and breeds.

5.      In the fast-changing international scenario (WHO, GATT), there is need to restructure course curricula of agricultural universities by incorporating the emerging subjects like agricultural business, computer technology, polyhouse, export-import issues etc. 

6.      Agri-polytechnic colleges and minimum-competence vocational courses in lower agricultural education faculty should be established in each region and district to facilitate better human resource development.

7.      The State agricultural universities have an important role to play in the marketing and export of agricultural commodities, specifically in market survey and identification of export commodities, establishment of quality standards and testing facilities etc., techno-economic survey and the socio-economic survey of farmers showing potential of exporting the agricultural produce.

8.      The ICAR should establish a separate All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Agricultural Marketing.

9.      Greater efforts are needed in the research and development of male buffaloes and marine products in view of the demand for good-quality processed meat and fish from the Gulf and other countries.

10.  A separate discipline of Post-Harvest Technology may be created in each agricultural university.


The twenty-fourth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa at Patna during 12-14 December 1997.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Agricultural education in the twenty-first century.


1.      Agricultural education in the twenty-first century.

2.      Education for sustainability in agricultural development.

3.      Partnership between State agricultural universities, ICAR, Non-Government Organizations and the industrial and commercial enterprises.

4.      Inter-university mobility of teachers and students.

5.      Manpower planning.

6.      Agricultural education for women.


1.      Programmes should be strengthened for research on integrated management of nutrients, pests, weeds and farming systems, and on location- specific agricultural package of practices.

2.      Schools of agri-business be established that will have linkage with and support from private sector.

3.      Researches on tissue-culture technology for banana and sugarcane for export production should be strengthened.

4.      There should be some percentage of reservation of women, based on the nature of duties, at the time of recruitment both in State Agricultural Department and State agricultural universities in the country.

5.      Home Science courses should include Biotechnology and Information Technology.

6.      Priority attention is needed on well-equipped laboratories, modernization of facilities, development of education technology cell and skill-development programme through rural experience.

7.      Education should be reoriented to develop capabilities for evolving new plant types with in-built potential for disease and pest resistance, resistance to abiotic stresses etc.


The twenty-fifth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad Campus during 3-4 April 2000.  The following topics were selected for discussion at the Convention.


Agricultural education in India: need for re-orientation. 


1.      Challenges of the twenty-first century for agricultural education.

2.      Curriculum for undergraduate and post-graduate programmes.

3.      Stake- holders’ perspective on agricultural education.

4.      Operationalising the excellence in agricultural education.

5.      Right sizing of agricultural universities in the country. 

6.      Experiential learning in agriculture.

7.      Strategic plan for agricultural education.


1.      There is a need to re-orient agricultural education in the country.  The challenges of food security, profitability of large- and small-scale agricultural production systems and the pressures imposed by the increasing commercialization and globalization of agriculture and related activities necessitate re-orientation and restructuring of curricula in undergraduate and post-graduate programmes offered by State agricultural universities on consideration of stake-holders’ perspective.

2.      It is imperative to make degree programmes more skill, technology and application oriented, with some flexibility, to attract the students to study agriculture and other related subjects.

3.      A thorough nation-wide debate is needed on restricting the admissions to undergraduate and post-graduate programmes based on manpower requirement.

4.      There is need to keep a check on the mushrooming of new colleges either under or outside the State agricultural universities system.

5.      Graduates should be trained in an integrated way to understand the complexities of agriculture. They should also be trained to acquire skills needed to process and market as well as manage the excess produce.  The missing links in the existing system should be abridged.

6.      The Human Resource Planning is an aspect that should receive due attention to prevent any further addition to the already swollen pool of educated unemployed youth.  Strong and enduring links should be established between State agricultural universities and the agro-industries to optimize resource utilization and for proper harnessing of technologies generated in the laboratories and fields of State agricultural universities.

7.      Involvement of industry for sponsoring research projects in State agricultural universities for generation of technology beneficial to industry and farming community need to be encouraged.

8.      Strengthening of linkage is required between traditional universities and State agricultural universities in fundamental research for sharing infrastructural and trained manpower.

9.      Designing norms for right sizing of university and departments in the institution  needs nation-wide debate.

10.  Establishment of a system to distinguish between performer and non-performer in the institution is required to maintain the tempo of efficiency.

11.  Uniformity in academic standards has to be achieved.

12.  Constitution of a few task force is necessary in the agricultural universities to address the critical issues in evaluating the standard of education, research and technology transfer.


The twenty sixth Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association was held on 23rd & 24th October 2001 in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatoor, Tamil Nadu.  


Agricultural research and education improvement through institutional linkage.


  1. As State Agricultural Universities are facing financial crisis, adequate financial    support may be provided by the State Government concerned to the SAUs as per the mandate established. Also the ICAR may provide the funding support through enhanced sanction of catch up grant/Development grant.                                                                   

2.      Third generation Universities are suffering from financial crisis.  Hence, they may be supported by ICAR at least in the frontier areas so as to equip men and materials in such universities.

3.      ICAR should make it mandatory for the private KVKs funded by ICAR to have effective linkages with SAUs. 

4.      The Institutes established by Government of India, ICAR and other PSUs located nearby SAUs should establish functional linkages for which MOUs may be drawn.  For this ICAR can take a lead and suggest modalities.

5.      Any reorientation of the policy/research programmes should have the objectives of improving income entitlement of the majority of the farmers namely, small and marginal farmers particularly in the WTO era.

6.      It is high time to invest more on Horticulture and non food crops since more employment generation and export advantage are observed in this sector.

7.      The research focus may be on evolving suitable technologies for those crops that have both comparative and competitive advantage.            

8.      Further agricultural research programme must focus on reduction in costs of  production of agricultural commodities so as to make them competitive.

9.      Feed back from farmers must be taken into account for making transfer of technology more effective.  In this regard, service Institutions like input, finance and marketing may be involved in transfer technology.     

10.  Increased allocation for extension by SAUs will yield higher dividends as it is found that only   2 percent of the total out lay of the budget is allocated by SAUs for extension.  

  1. A task force comprising of identified Vice-Chancellors of the SAUs of the region may be formed and they may apprise to the different State Government for the  funding support needed by the SAU in the State concerned.

12.  The TANWA kind of innovative model implemented in Tamil Nadu benefiting specific women clientele group can be replicated for other areas and states.  

13.  Mountain Universities Forum needs to be created for making in-depth analysis of mountain Agriculture and to prepare a suitable action plan to overcome the problems.   


Recommendations of 27th Convention held at Acharya Ranga Agricultural Hyderabad 9-11 December 2002

1. To improve agricultural production and productivity, it is essential to have inter-institutional collaboration between all stake-holders, i.e. farmers, scientists, Governments, NGOs etc. (Action - Agril Universities and ICAR)

2. The research organizations as well as private sector should collaborate and share resources to effectively utilize the benefit of advances in gene revolution, GM technology and biotechnology, because the existing options available to us are less rewarding and are unsustainable. (Action - Agril. Universities and ICAR Institutes)

3. There is need to reorient our agricultural education, research, extension and development activities to face the changing needs and emerging challenges through IT enabled services, renewed transfer of technology cells in SAUs and people’s participation for equitable distribution of natural resources, improving irrigation water use efficiency etc.(Action - Agril. Universities)

4. For rainfed areas (100 millian ha), research is needed on watershed development and alternative farming systems besides attention to integrated pest and nutrient management. (Action - Agril. Universities)

5. Steps are to be taken to maximize productivity, training on sanitary and phytosanitary measures, introduction of job-oriented courses, and increase in employment opportunities including those for women. (Action - State Govts. And Agril. Universities)

6. Quality infrastructure has to be developed for value addition to utilize surplus or perishable farm produce and for reduction of post-harvest losses Extension personnel have to act as agents of information and knowledge communication. (Action - Agril. Universities)

7. Potential of information technology and distance education should be fully tapped by the ICAR and the SAUs, simultaneously revamping the curricula in view of a global competition in the wake of WTO, and to keep pace with the rapid advances taking place  in research and technology generation. The research institutions and line government organizations should foster linkages in distance education. The students are also to be sensitized on issues related to climate change, and the degradation of soil, water and bio-diversity, in addition to the laws, rights and issues connected with GATT, WTO, IPR etc. (ction - ICAR, Agril. Universities and State Govts.)

8. The government policies should be directed to encourage financial institutions towards infrastructure upgradation, market development, and the export incentives and facilities to effectively tap the frontier areas of science and technology by SAUs, and other institutions etc.(Action - Union and State Govts.)

9. The share of R & D in the total GDP should be atleast 1% (2% of agriculture GDP) for the development of quality infrastructure, agricultural processing and value addition, especially of horticultural and vegetable produce. (Action - Union and State Govts.)

10. The ICAR should consider funding of the SAUs to upgrade their financial status and to enable them to generate their own resources, evolve better crop varieties etc for sustaining agricultural, livestock and fishery productivity and ensuring food security. (ction - ICAR)

11. The SAUs should have IPR cells for providing technical support to Plant Variety Protection and for educating the farmers regarding their rights as breeder and farmer and also patenting of products and legal and other practical issues. (Action - Agril. Universities)

12.  Our standards for benchmarking quality must match the international standards. The Government policies on land reforms, credit, finance, taxation, pricing of farm produce etc. therefore need suitable modification in tune with the requirements of liberalized economy, with adequate empowerment to the States to adopt the relevant import-export policies. There should be single-window clearance for agro-based industries, and export-promotion zones should be established in different areas to cater to their specific needs. (Action - Union and State Govts.)


The Twenty eighth Convention

The 28th Convention was held at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (K), Srinagar on 29-30 June' 2004.

Theme:- "Orient Agricultural Education towards Future needs and opportunities"


1. Employment orientation to Agriculture Education.

2. Pros and Cons of Private Agricultural Education.

3. SAU Model Act implementation.

4. Niche Agriculture and Required Academic Orientation.

Major Recommendations

• Agricultural Education should orient the mindset and prepare the students in knowledge the skills capable of covering rural based strategic opportunities into self employment.

• Restructure agriculture education to meet the demand driven manpower requirement of private sector enterprises.

• Graduates of Agriculture and allied fields be also groomed as service providers, authorized suppliers of agricultural inputs.

• The establishment of private agricultural institutions should be subject to approval of ICAR and the Accreditation Board.

• Distance education may be encouraged only in the areas not requiring practical trainings such as agri-business management, economics etc.

• Appointment of the Vice-Chancellor, members to statutory bodies like BOM and/ or EC should vest with the Chancellor.

• Research and Extension Councils should include progressive farmers (Krishi Bushan/ Krishi Pandits etc) and Academic Councils should include an academician from traditional university and agro-industry based SAU graduate as members.

• Each agro-ecological situation being suited for a few crops and commodities. SAUs with the assistance of ICAR and IAUA should identify such niche crops and commodities and focus in their academic programmes, besides issues of food and feed security.

• Approach to niche agriculture be made in holishe manner to cover entire gamut of activities including production, processing, marketing and export to create "Centres of excellence" for the purpose of each SAU.

• Sufficient budgetary support for agricultural education and research in SAUs both by Central and State funding agencies is imperative. Allocation should reflect at least 2% of GDP in agriculture.

• ICAR assistance to SAUs should be increased to a minimum of one third of total annual budget. Liberal financial support by ICAR for networking of institutions and maintenance of IT infrastructure under Development Grant was emphasized.

The Twenty Ninth Convention

The 29th Convention was held at Ch. Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar on 12-13 January 2005

Theme:- "Quality of Agricultural Education in the context of National and International Commitments"

Sub Themes:-

  1. Governance
  2. Accountability
  3. Relevance of Education in SAUs

Major Recommendations

  1. ICAR should have a major role in regulatory planning, formulation of norms, accreditation and integrated development of education and avoidable proliferation of the institutes. ICAR should have statutory powers.
  2. Specific commitments covering education in GATS be made in consultation with stake holders before making commitments on commercialization of education and training which may pose risks to public sector education.
  3. Education as service has a huge global market. In this industry, students are consumers, teachers are service providers and institutions are organizers. GOI through extensive privatization, commercialization and deregulation should encourage this process in higher education.
  4. In light of provisions included in GATS.

(i) Affirm Public Sector Agricultural Education (PSAE) as a social good, since it influences lives of millions of small and marginal farmers,

(ii) Closely monitor the futuristic discussions/negotiations to safeguard Indian interest,

(iii) Create a discussion forum to play a proactive role to impress upon the importance of PSAE.

(iv) IAUA and ICAR should coordinate the work.

  1. 5. Education for entrepreneurship should be promoted. It should include changes in market place through change in education system.
  2. SAUs should sign exchange agreements with international and national institutions with cosmopolite outlook.
  3. Our education system should have paradigm shift based on faculty-student model, ICT application in agricultural, education for professional farmers, education for competitiveness, education for executives, education for serving the poor, education for voluntary sector, education for human values and ethical conduct and education for educators.
  4. Outsourcing of faculty and networking among SAUs and national institute should be encouraged to prepare students for MNCs.
  5. SAUs should have Think Tank, Task Force and WTO cell/agribusiness Centre.
  6. We should have task force at national level to prepare ourselves for international Negotiation, modernize and reorient mindset for capital investment.
  7. Mobility within and between NARs/SAUs/DUs networking and ICAR/SAUs participation of Ph.D. students in academic activities should be encouraged.
  8. India can be service provider in developing countries for helping HRD in Africa, Middle East etc. in that context, India should set up a consortium for logistic support. Exchange of students and faculty with foreign institutes should be institutionalized.
  9. International research should be more strategic in its application, and we should move from commodity centre to system approach, disciplinary to inter-disciplinary research, combine traditional knowledge with modern science and bring in right balance between national and international agenda.
  10. We should adopt quality improvement as a comprehensive international goal, develop appropriate learning environment, establish educational technology and establish quality circles for total quality management. Improvement in quality should be viewed in context of measurable parameters like accountability, creativity, leadership, appreciation, team work.
  11. A uniform work load system for teachers/scientists/extension workers should be followed in all SAUs.
  12. Changing technologies and globalization requires holistic approach to cater to quality in agricultural education vis-a-vis international commitments, food security and frontier sciences, i.e. biotechnology, remote sensing, I.T. connectivity, etc. to ultimately benefit our rural people.
  13. A draft proposal on accountability in SAUs be prepared by ICAR for uniform measure of accountability and this be debated by SAUs for consensus.

ThE THIRTIETH  Convention

The 30th Convention was held at Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat) on 27-28 December 2005

Theme:- "Effective Management of Agriculture Waste"

Sub Themes:-

  1. Crop residue recycling/management.
  2. Energy generation from Agricultural Waste.
  3. Discussion of Recommendations.
  4. Discussion of Universities Problems.
  5. Microbial Interventions for efficient utilization of Agricultural Waste.
  6. Advances in processing technology for Agricultural waste management.
  7. Dairying and poultry farming waste management.
  8. Fisheries and marine products waste management.
  9. Fruits and vegetables waste management.
  10. Management of Agro Industrial waste.

Major Recommendations

  1. Treatment of city wastewater should be made mandatory for using it in agriculture and industrial wastewater and domestic sewage water should be segregated.
  2. Treatment methods and the minimum standards of the use of sewage water need to be standardized as per soil, crop and weather condition.
  3. The house was of the opinion that a task force be constituted to compile information already available on various aspects in the use of sewage water in agriculture. The task force be asked to identify critical gap and researchable areas.
  4. The convention also emphasized on very effective and selective use of biomass for energy generation. The exploitation of ratanjyol (Jatropha) for energy generation be made with care by growing it only on the degraded/marginal lands.
  5. Further the convention felt that about 50 million tones of fruits and vegetable waste that is currently available should be efficiently utilized for various value added products and areas of management of fruits and vegetable waste should be identified and prioritized.
  6. It was suggested to established referral laboratories for monitoring and guiding the residues in fruits and vegetables to overcome the rejection of export consignment and health hazards and thus to avoid the wastage.

ThE THIRTy first  Convention

Recommendations of 31st Convention held at CSAUA&T, Kanpur on 9-10 December 2006

Theme:- "Role of SAUs in Ushering Second Green Revolution"

Sub Themes:-

  1. The Goal of SAUs and other agricultural educational institutions should be "every scholar an entrepreneur" integrating business management principles with major applied courses.
  2. The Home science colleges may be restructured as College of Human Sciences with both male and female scholars mastering disciplines like nutrition and post-harvest technology.
  3. Agriculture should be introduced at school level.
  4. A system for according recognition to farm graduates to provide extension and other services by recognizing them as Registered Farm Practitioners should be developed.
  5. Self Help Groups and Producer Companies of Farm graduates could be formed to avail of the new credit faculties for undertaking production of several production, high quality hybrid seeds, bio-fertilizers, etc.
  6. SAUs and ICAR institutes should upscale their research activities in export oriented agricultural and horticultural commodities.
  7. Grower's association should be formed and involved in production, post-harvest management and export decisions to ensure sustainability.
  8. Land reforms in various states including consolidation, ceiling limits and lease markets should be accomplished on priority basis.
  9. To create awareness among the farmers about new technology, more stress should be given on participatory approach.
  10. Technology generation, technology transfer and commercialization of technologies with the participation of all the stakeholders should be strongly promoted.
  11. The technology transfer system must concentrate more on cost effective technologies for maximizing net returns of farmers.
  12. There is an urgent need to have more information flow and knowledge regarding Right to Information Act.
  13. The IAUA may be kept informed by the universities about various issues arising out of the requests received under RTI Act, and the relevant/useful information should be published in the IAUA Newsletter.
  14. Strong linkages should be established between farmers and scientists.
  15. Social engineering should be geared up in order to improve economic status of the fanners by adopting a new technology.
  16. Krishi Mahotsav which was adopted by the Gujrat, the other states should also implement in order to educate farmers.


The Thirty Second  Convention

The 32nd Annual Convention of VCs was held on December 20-21, 2007 at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi.

Theme:- "Diversification in India Agriculture"

The major recommendations are:-

  • Massive education programme backed by infrastructure and policy support is needed to change mind set of farmers to produce more, through farming systems.
  • Series of network projects for high-tech agriculture at micro level needed to increase productivity of main market-led crops.
  • On farm training of scientist and farmers with the involvement of public – private partnership is needed for diversification in agriculture.
  • Organic farming research areas be demarcated for the best utilization of suitable crops available in different soil and climate conditions.
  • Certification of organic agricultural produce be organized through referral laboratories established at the A.Us in collaboration with state line departments; to facilitate timely proper    marketing.
  • Apiculture, floriculture, horticulture, vegetable production Agro-forestry, mushroom, fish and various live stocks as per the different climate offer tremendous potential for   diversification in farming.
  • Special emphasis be given for the crops/live stocks of export potential with the chain of value addition and quality assurance through marketing intelligence and established norms.
  • Contract farming on selected high value crops/live stocks through mechanization is highly desired for diversification in farming with the support of timely inputs supply.
  • Various location specific farming system perspective models be establish and popularized for higher and quality production.
  • Emphasis on new applied areas of research i.e. crops modeling, nano-technology, climate change and pollution-effect on farming be given priority for diversification.
  • Diversification in agriculture should lead to more economic production, employment opportunities, recycling of organic crops/animal waste and to conserve the natural resource.


The 33rd IAUA VCs Annual Convention-2008 was organized at Anand Agricultural University, Anand during 4-5, December, 2008.

Theme:- "Climate Change and its Effect on Agriculture"

The following recommendations are made from different technical sessions :-

  • There should be long-term experiment on study of effect of climate change on agriculture. Therefore, Department of Agril.Meteorology should be started in each Agricul
  • The Weather forecast should be developed for smaller areas maximum for a grid of 50 km for the farmer.
  • All SAUs should install AWS at their research stations.
  • SAU should strengthen research in climate change and include courses in the syllabus. Anand Agricultural University should lead research on this aspect for which ICAR should give special funds to Anand Agricultural University.
  • All SAUs should strengthen human resources in use of GIS and use of space products to study effect of climate change in Agriculture.
  • Climate variability and its effects on pests and diseases should be studied.
  • All SAUs should appoint a Nodal Officer to study performance of agricultural universities and arrange rowing seminar at regional level in consultation with NAARM.
  • Use of satellite data in agriculture should be encouraged and GIS should be used as a tool.
  • Green house cultivation is recommended in Himalayan region to protect the crops from extreme climate.
  • Effect of climate change on animal production and reproduction need to be addressed and evaluated using various models.
  • Need to evaluate and monitor the effect of climate change on prevailing disease pattern and emergence of new diseases.
  • Real estimates of green house gases should be developed in Indian context to assess the impact on human life.
  • Livestock based farming system need to be encouraged to reduce the effect of climate change and increase production per unit of land.
  • Meteorological Departments of SAU’s & ICAR institute need to be strengthened.
  • Need to evaluate and develop appropriate technologies to counteract the effect of climate change on shelf life of dairy products.
  • Reduce the use of the fossil fuels to bring down the GHG emissions.
  • Afforestation programs to be taken with greater zeal, in order that the forests act as fresh CO2 sinks.
  • The research studies need to be promoted regarding the area specific impacts of climate change on human health.
  • Master degree program in Post Harvest Technology for value added products needs to be started in agricultural universities in the country.
  • The nutritive vegetarian and non-vegetarian food having sufficient proteins and vitamins need to be provided to the people to combat the effect of climate changes on human health and increase the immunity status.
  • Effect of climate change on glacier melting and its likely effect on the agricultural production.
  • Rainy days are going to decrease and heavy fall will increase.
  • At different return periods the rainfall intensity will increase.
  • Glacier recovery and growth is decreasing, hence total glacier is decreasing. This will affect floods in many areas.
  • East coast and Gujarat are prone to the incursion of sea water and Western Ghats are prone to landslide.
  • Development and management of water resources, interlinking of rivers and integrated planning.


The 34th Recommendations of IAUA National Seminar

Theme:- "Application of Bio-Nanotechnology in Agricultural and Animal Sciences for Food Security"

A National Seminar on “Application of Bio-Nanotechnology in Agricultural and Animal Sciences for Food Security” was held during 7-8 December 2009 at NDRI, Karnal along with the 34th IAUA Vice Chancellors Convention . Eminent scientists from ICAR, SAUs and other prestigious research institutions including 39 Vice chancellors and 15 Directors of ICAR institutes participated in the deliberations of the Seminar. There was general agreement on the need for charting a road map to achieve excellence in academics and research in nanotechnology by emphasizing on basic research, crop production practices, food & feed processing and preservation, aquaculture production, health and safety issues through bottom up approach. The following recommendations emerged out of the deliberations:

  1. Each AUs should establish a special research initiative similar to NAIP project/Niche Area Scheme in order to enhance nanotechnology in food and agriculture in the National Agriculture Research System.

    • Train the young scientists in the area of nanotechnology for capacity building in the form of trained human resource

    • Introduce bio-nanotechnology component in UG and PG curricula to facilitate hands on practical work experience alongwith theoretical knowledge

    • Encourage hosting of nanotechnology experts at SAUs and ICAR institutes for availing their sabbatical leave.

  2. AUs, ICAR and other like DST, DBT etc can be approached for funds, can take lead by setting up research and education centers in its institutions with emphasis on creation of core capabilities and guide & assist SAUs in doing so, based on a multidisciplinary approach cutting across physical and biological sciences. Further ICAR institutes and SAUs can look for networking with the research communities and agencies working in bio- nanotechnology within India and abroad.

  3. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) should make substantial allocation of funds to initiate bio-nanotechnology based projects in agriculture, dairying, fisheries and veterinary sciences.

  4. Government of India may be approached by AUs for more accessible and commercially focused funding for Small and Medium Enterprises as well as larger companies engaged/entering in the development of nanotechnology based products to support innovation in agricultural production, food processing & preservation, development of drugs and vaccines. These initiatives can be taken through DST, DBT, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry for Industries and Ministry of food Processing; Ministry of Agriculture; and different Development Boards.

  5. Following areas are suggested for research and development and may be taken up on priority by AUs:

  6. Encouragement of the Application of modern tools of nano-biotechnology like molecular breeding. Nanotechnology genomics and proteomics to help selection and characterization of economically important traits, droughts and salt tolerant genes to meet the escalated demand of major cereals like rice and wheat to ensure national food security in future.

  7. Nano-fertilizers for slow & sustained release of nutrients

  8. Smart treatment delivery system such as drugs, pesticides, nutrients, probiotics in human, livestock and fisheries.

  9. Nanotechnology for conserving agriculture products and convert waste into fuels and solvents

  10. There is a need for risk assessment, fix ethical boundaries, formulate appropriate regulations to ensure bio-security & safety

  11. Exploitation of potential to develop Nano based pesticides and insecticides such as Nano sulfur, Nano Silicate, Nano-Alumina etc. for control of pests, insects, bacteria, fungi and viruses

  12. Initiation of an era of commercial use and availability of functional biomolecules such as probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics, food regulations need to be judiciously simplified

  13. Nanotechnology can be exploited for applications in disease control, livestock enhancement, commercial sterilization and extension of shelf life of foods

  14. Develop devices/data loggers for detection of pesticides and fertilizers for life history of agricultural commodities during storage, shipping, and delivery to store.

  15. Design food nanostructure, oral delivery matrices, particulates, emulsions and nano-devices for enhanced food flavor and digestibility.

  16. Develop integrated sensing, monitoring and controlling capabilities with on board intelligence for self-regulation and remote activation for food production, storage and packaging applications.

  17. Design and develop automated integrated networks for monitoring and control of animal and plant production systems, food safety and security, biochemical/biomass processing or environmental monitoring applications.

  18. Develop Nano-bioreactor for the study of enzymatic processes, microbial kinetics, molecular ecology, mixed enzyme systems and rapid assessment of response to environmental factors.


The 35th IAUA Vice-Chancellors Convention Recommendations

Major Recommendation

Summary of Recommendations of the Annual Vice Chancellors Convention of Indian Agricultural Universities Association & National Symposium on
"Tribal Area Development" organized & hosted by OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 7-8 December, 2010

General Recommendation from Vice Chancellor Convention:

  1. The tenure of Vice Chancellor of State Agricultural Universities should be minimum of 5 year & age of their superannuation should be 70 years. Similarly age of superannuation of faculty members should be 65 years as per UGC norms.
  2. The state Govt. should take primary responsibility of Agril. Education. There should be a separate line of funding in state budget for State Agricultural Universities with revision atleast every 2 years.
  3. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) should not be bifurcated or fragmented to 2 or more universities, rather new SAUs with necessary funding, infrastructure & manpower be established if essentially required.
  4. The Private Agricultural Colleges existing in General Universities should be brought under the State Agricultural Universities under National Agricultural System.
  5. The Zonal Research Stations should be strengthened to eater to the need of generating location specific technology.

Specific Recommendation for “Tribal Areas Development”

  1. Intensive literacy drive & checking school dropouts in tribal areas to remove superstitions beliefs, liquor addiction & poverty of Tribals.
  2. Provision of proper market, with market support policy & access to Information & Communication Technology to tribals to make agricultural products remunerative.
  3. Evaluation of all existing welfare schemes on tribal people, identification of reasons for failure or non adoption of technology for refinement and formulation of new schemes/ programmes in an integrated manner.
  4. Establishment of Central Agricultural University/ Specialized National Institutes in the intensive tribal populated zone of the country to address tribal need.
  5. Initiation of Network Project/ AICRP on Tribal Area Research in tribal populated states for solving state specific tribal problems.
  6. Amendment of Forest Conservation (Amendment) Act of 1988, distribution of degraded land amongst tribals & comprehensive acceptable package for displaced persons before undertaking any essential development Project in tribal areas.
  7. Improvement of livestock sector through establishment of viable co-operative societies, fodder cultivation, periodic training on livestock management, provision of soft loan for Animal Sector including backyard poultry, piggery, goatry & fishery.
  8. Ensuring timely supply of quality planting materials of horticultural crops & seeds of other crops viz., cereals , miner millets, pulses etc. as per the need of tribal area.
  9. Integration of primary, secondary & tertiary agricultural activities like kendu based/ sericulture based/ bamboo based products, food processing, beekeeping, mushroom culture along with crop & animal husbandry through Integrated Farming System & Cropping System models for holistic economic growth of tribal people while conserving soil, water and the rich bio-diversity of the region.
  10. Encouragement of Agricultural processing facility in tribal areas in Public Private Partnership mode for value addition and higher return for Agricultural produce.
  11. Need based & problem oriented training through KVKs & training on women empowerment, exposure visit of tribal people of less developed area to the developed tribal area for interaction with successful tribals.
  12. Promotion of Self Help Groups (SHSs)/ Commodity Groups/ Women SHGs etc. to empower the tribals for Agricultural production and marketing of produce in a Co-operative manner for better return through enhanced bargain power.
  13. Soil & water conservation measures like rainwater harvesting, check dams, conservation Agriculture etc. for enhancing cropping intensity & year round employment generation.
  14. Development of small tools & implements for drudgery reduction and appropriate technology for enhancing farm productivity in tribal areas for easy adoption.
  15. Engagement of scheduled tribe agricultural graduates ambassadors through KVKs to win the trust of the tribal people and motivate them for their holistic development.


Recommendations of 36th Convention of VCs of Agril. Universities held on 13-14th Dec, 2011 at AAU, Jorhat (Assam)

  1. Identifying centres of excellence and niche areas in SAUs to be send to ICAR for funding.
  2. ELP may be integrated in the faculty of various disciplines including veterinary and fishery sciences in AUs.
  3. The change of by-laws of IAUA, if any reforms required in the by-laws.
  4. Rules for undergraduate and Post graduate students to facilitate their migration within SAUs.
  5. To identify problems of AICRP projects such as the impact on smooth running of projects due to abolition of permanent positions, timely distribution of funds etc.
  6. Pay structure of the SMS may be equal to that of the teachers.
  7. Re-vamping PG research and uniformity in date of admission across the SAUs to facilitate migration of students.
  8. ICAR to include SAUs in their network projects to conduct research work in frontier areas of Agril. Sciences for the benefit of Indian Farming Community.
  9. Increasing the number and amount of Scholarships/ fellowship at UG and P.G. programme in SAUs for the benefit of the students.


Recommendation of 37th Annual Convention of VCs held at Jaipur during 27-28 December, 2012

Theme: “How to make agriculture more remunerative for small farmers”

  1. Small and marginal farmers all over the country should be encouraged for growing of fruits and vegetables along with livestock and fisheries with the help of incentives from the government in terms of subsidies and/or cluster approach for marketing and strengthening of supply chain to ensure maximum price of their produce.
  2. The small farmers area may be demarcated for specific crops, diversification and they be helped in post harvest technology with processing of crops and animal products with the help of mechanization in farming system where animal component should form an integral part.
  3. Efforts are also needed from the government involving self help groups or farmers co-operatives to create animal hostels by providing infrastructure and financial support for small farmers.
  4. ICT should be popularized by the governments to reach to the individual small farmers more prominently to the interior areas for technology transfer and trainings at village level.
  5. There is need to develop various processing and value addition models applicable to the small farmers where food processing and marketing should be encouraged through small farmers self help group (SHG) and co-operative societies.
  6. Special live stock and fisheries packages be given to the small farmers in the suicide prone district of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and in general to be popularized all over the country.
  7. Special weather based crop insurance policy should be developed for small farmers all over the country to protect them in case of any crises and disasters.
  8. Through the development of SAU’s extension centers at tehsil and village level e-Kios may be installed for timely and speedy dissemination of knowledge.
  9. Refinement and up scaling of technologies particularly for efficient irrigation system and green house cultivation be encouraged to mitigate the effect of climate change in vulnerable areas of the country.
  10. For every agricultural and livestock products value addition at farmers level and bottom up marketing is the need of the hour for enhancing profitability of the small farmers required to be vigorously promoted.
  11. The issue of private agriculture colleges including veterinary may be resolved by ICAR through the IAUA initiatives and interventions.
  12. Specific efforts should be made for conservation of traditional breeds in animal and crop varieties through the support of the government.
  13. A network supported by government of India, ICAR and NABARD etc, may be developed for small farmers in agricultural education system with a dedicated curriculum specifically addressed to small farmers productivity, problems and viability issues.
    One SAU concept may be developed through networking. It should prove the milestone in agriculture for the benefit of small farmers in the country.


38th Vice- Convention on: Centre State Relationship in Agricultural Universities held during 18-20 Dec. 2013 at BAU, Ranchi


  1. For quality assurance in higher education more investment is required. The central and state funding should be enhanced to the tune of 50-50 percent.
  2. Funding should be for development of quality assurance in faculty and student in frontier areas.
  3. As per thrust in XIIth Plan Period, emphasis should be given for small holder farmers (SHF) on their social, crop production and marketing endeavors by providing easy access to agricultural education. Anticipatory research on genomics, climate change, precision farming, protected cultivation and farm mechanization etc. should be implemented.
  4. There is a need for creation of department of climate change in every AUs and to give emphasis on effective management of water and temperature on crop production. It should be totally funded by Central Government initially for 10 years after which it should be taken up by State Govt.
  5. Proposal on climate change should be submitted to the Central Government zone-wise at least from two SAUs in each zone.
  6. Financial and administrative autonomy for development of Agricultural national/regional importance in frontier areas and any other emergency purposes.
    Separate budget for SAUs for agriculture education, research and extension by State Agricultural Department.
  7. National and international linkages for climate change need to be enhanced for quality deliverance.
  8. It was felt technology generators are not involved in transfer of technology. At the same time package of practices are difficult to follow and package of practices recommended by State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) are not followed by the State Governments.
  9. The technology generation system (TGS) should observe sufficient care in recommending technologies for wonder adoption. Technology should be relevant to existing farming situation and location-specific perfected technology capsules should be made.
  10. A professional with animal husbandry background should be recruited in each KVK.
  11. For improving extension activities of the State Department, scientist, farmer, extension personnel and policy maker should come together. Since the talented professionals are not joining KVKs as there is status difference between Assistant Professor/Jr. Scientists and SMS. So appropriate steps should be taken.
  12. The numbers of Subject Matter Specialists (SMSs) in KVKs are not enough. The number of posts of SMS should be increased at least by 3 posts up to 9.
    Since difference between service conditions of scientists of SAUs and KVKs is the biggest block in improving extension activities of State Agricultural Universities, there should be uniformity in qualification, service condition etc.
    Since at present there is no empowerment mechanism for grassroot extension functionaries, the SAUs should develop modules for grassroot extension functionaries.
  13. Modules for empowerment of grassroot extension functionaries should prepare and the effectiveness of other models of extension including PPP should be examined.
  14. The compartmentalization of extension systems should be avoided with by a proper mechanism.
  15. ICT should be effectively harnessed to provide readymade answers.
    A committee should be constituted to look into the matter of SMSs of the KVKs.
  16. As ICAR is going to establish second KVK in each district, hence, at least one KVK should be given to SAU.
  17. Implementation of Model Act of ICAR with financial and administrative autonomy on priority.
  18. Investment plan for SAUs on the basis of 50-50% by the State Government and ICAR for existing establishment and expansion.
  19. There should be uniformity between SAUs with CAU with respect to retirement age of Scientist/Teachers and Vice-Chancellors.
  20. There should be provision of handsome Flexi Budget for SAUs by State Governments for need-based utilization by the University.
  21. The responsibility of payment of retirement benefits to KVKs employees and AICRP employees lies with SAUs. Accordingly, the government should provide the fund for the same.
  22. Climate change project should be started in all Agricultural Universities in a big way and be initially funded by the Union Government through ICAR.
    ICAR be given statutory power on line of UGC for general Universities for better quality deliverance.


39th Vice-Chancellors Convention on: Making World Class Agricultural University in India held during 8-9 Nov. 2014 at NASC Complex, Pusa Campus, New Delhi


  1. It was consensually agreed that we need to move ahead in future without being nostalgic about our glorious past as today none of the Indian university/ agricultural university figures in first top 200 universities of world.
  2. For assessing the performance of Indian universities, there is urgent need to formulate a ranking methodology, governed by the issues and challenges of our higher education system and evolve India specific methodology realizing the importance of Indictors such as global research reputation, regional research reputation, publications, normalized citation impact, total citations, number of highly cited papers, international collaboration and number of PhD degrees awarded in making a world class university.
  3. Government has a crucial role to play in the establishment of world-class universities characterized in agriculture as in USA and other highly ranked countries. For making World-Class University, alignment of key factors such as Talent, Resources and Governance is required. The universities must also give due importance for the quality assurance of higher agricultural education.
    There is need to counter major issues and challenges relating to higher education in India such as moderate quality barring few centres of excellence; low access and inequity, highly inequitable distribution across gender, location and socio economical groups; weak networking among Indian Universities; over emphasis on lecture based teaching pedagogy; fragile cultural diversity and lack of trusted institutional mechanism for university-industry interface and social interface.
  4. The cultural diversity of the university needs to be encouraged by having several indicators and performance should be measured by indicators such as quality of teaching and learning outcome, curriculum, quality research, social inclusion, balanced subject / discipline growth, Inter-state & Inter-university Collaboration. There should be emphasis on digitalization of agricultural universities. In order to improve education and research, there is need of advancement in infrastructure, smart class rooms and next generation based orientation in biotechnological aspects.
  5. There is urgent need to motivate young Indians to Agriculture which is the need of day. Agricultural education and research should be made more attractive to attract young talent. To attract the best staff, students and funding we need to be focused on important global issues. For achieving this, there is also need of modernization of research, increased use of ICT tools towards enhancing quality education, research and technology development capabilities and also to inculcate corporate practices in them.
  6. There is a need for a new vision for agriculture according to which by 2020, we should do a 40/20/20 i.e. task to build on Green Economy by increasing productivity by 40%, emission by 20% and rural poverty by 20%. The impact of climate change will be greatest in some of the most populous countries of the world as they struggle to cope with feeding a rapidly expanding population. Therefore, we need to mobilize all the scientific acumen, resource conservation technologies for adaptation and mitigation as well as work for developing climate smart centers.
  7. Success should be measured in terms of quality of what we do which does not always translate into the higher levels of international rankings and therefore, other measures of impact, including impact on the quality of life of people are more important than rankings.
  8. There should be emphasis on the development of laboratories working for diagnostic, agricultural machinery development, food technological including organic food certification systems apart from bio-safety and weather forecasting facilities etc. in agricultural universities. There is urgent need of 24x7 Power supply for agricultural universities as a first step towards making of world class in terms of education and research. There should be development of facilities in Hazardous material and waste management for safety.
  9. Sports, culture and social service mantra should be promoted in universities for providing strong sense of national integrity, unity, ethics and pragmatism among students.


40thVice-Chancellors Convention on: "Pre Positioning Agricultural Universities for Target Food Production by 2030" held at ANGRAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during 2-3 December, 2015


  1. Farm Planning according to the needs of local farmers should be adopted for achieving target food production by 2030.
  2. Identification of local area problems for designing location specific strategies to resolve them.
  3. To promote animal based integrated farming system and horticulture based integrated farming system to replace the mono cropping for enhancing the soil health and livelihood of the farmers.
  4. Development of new technologies of processing to reutilize the damaged crops as an alternative feed for the animal sector in the affected areas.
  5. Improving the sustainability of farming.
  6. Liberal financial support from State and Central governments to Agriculture University to strengthen agricultural research, education and extension.
  7. Adapting Indian Council of Agricultural Research Model act for implementation of strategies for strengthening research, teaching and extension in SAUs.
  8. Establishing farmers' academy to train the farmers by the trained farmers and strengthen HRD in field level.
  9. To achieve high standards, agriculture polytechnics and diploma courses should be introduced as part of HRD.
  10. For excellence in education, MoUs with national and international universities, establishing virtual classrooms, master classrooms to share the best technologies and experiences across the agricultural universities of the world.
  11. Importance of soil health cards and awareness on fertilizer use based on soil health card data, are given due importance.


41thVice-Chancellors Convention on: "Food for Health under Climate Change" held at KU, Gandhinagar, Gujarat during 20th -21st December, 2016


  1. Establishment of early warning system to mitigate and devise managemental plan related to climate change in the country.
  2. Establishment of efficient data base management system for agriculture and allied fields to develop policy tools.
  3. Policy shall be developed for burning crops, diversification, cold refrigeration and digital documentations in agriculture.
  4. Policy shall be developed for river cross linking, integrated farming, climate smart agriculture, organic farming etc.
  5. Seed storage systems should be implemented in a decentralized manner.
  6. Development of technologies for the agriculture by - product utilization needs to be implemented properly to reduce wastes. Various Agricultural Universities should take initiative for its proper implementation and utilization.
  7. To devise and standardize the protocol for animal waste management in India.
  8. Organization of One Health One World programme in collaboration with Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and World Health Organization (WHO) for production of healthy food under climate change.
  9. In Fisheries sector, due to climate change, especially there is dying up of streams in hills and mountains where stock broods are sustained for reproduction for the next season, the Government should take steps to establish gene banks and breeding units of all indigenous species to release sufficient young ones as a part of river ranging to sustain the stock.
  10. Waste water from different sources (municipal, industries, hydroelectric plants) to be properly treated and reused for aquaculture.


42nd Vice-Chancellors Convention on: "Globalization of Agricultural Education: Role and Responsibilities of Indian Agricultural Universities" held at MPUAT, Udaipur during 17th - 19th November, 2017


  1. The bifurcation of DARE should not be initiated and present status of DARE be maintained as the interaction between research and education needs to be strengthened under the flagship of ICAR.
  2. The recommendation of V Deans Committee for inclusion a course on Ancient Agriculture Heritage should be adopted in Toto for all SAUs and other Universities involved in agricultural education.
  3. Hon'ble Prime Minister has launched a movement for doubling the income of farmers, so our emphasis should be given on Integrated Farming System approach and also inclusion of unexploited avenues of agriculture.
  4. The course curriculum and research projects needs to be viewed periodically and the framing of course contents as well as research planning should be based on past experience and need of future by exploiting the new fields in research and teaching.
  5. In the tune of para-medical courses, new certificate/diploma courses need to be formulated in agriculture and allied sciences for development of skill in rural youth and women to achieve the goal of doubling the income of farming community.
  6. To maintain uniformity among the agricultural graduates there is a need to have a similar curriculum, similar semester, examination and evaluation pattern. For foreign students a language course in English of three months duration should be made mandatory before the enrolment for the degree.
  7. More emphasis is given to promotion of various technologies to utilize agro-waste for generating energy.
  8. Under Faculty Development Programme the participants from SAUs also be exempted from paying the fee at NAARM, Hyderabad as this facility is being availed by ICAR Institutes for their scientists. This will attract more Scientists to attend programmes at NAARM.
  9. As agriculture education has now become a professional degree, hence the Distance Education Policy should be discouraged for agriculture courses as agriculture education involves a lot of practical training.
  10. Before approving any new college or University under PPP mode or private sector, state government should ensure that the institute fulfil all the basic requirements as per the guidelines of ICAR. One member from ICAR should also be included in the committee for the purpose for approval of college.
  11. A Policy Paper on globalization of agricultural education incorporating the exchange of knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences be submitted to GOI for skill development, empowerment of women, building linkages with industry and other bodies so as to develop our graduates as Job Providers rather than Job Seekers.