The Rajendra Agricultural University, Bihar was established in 1971 with headquarters at Pusa in the district of Samastipur with the objective of imparting education in different branches of agriculture and allied sciences, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research in agriculture, undertaking extension of such sciences, specially to rural people of the State, production of breeder seed towards production and multiplication of foundation and certified seed and to plan, organize and conduct training programme. The Governor of Bihar is the Chancellor of the University and the Vice-Chancellor is the Principal Executive and Academic Officer of the University. Under the control of the Vice-Chancellor, there are Deans & Directors, Registrar, Comptroller and other Officers of the University.

As per Rajendra Agricultural University Act, the authorities of the University are - Board of Management, the Senate, the Academic Council, the Finance Committee, the Research Council, the Extension Education Council, the Board of Studies, and the Faculty.

The University imparts resident instructions for various degree programmes, Post Graduate Programmes in agriculture, Veterinary Science, Home Science, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Technology, and Fishery Sciences. There is a semester system of education. Internal evaluation system of education is prevalent for Under Graduate Programmes and external evaluation for Post Graduate Programmes. Admission is taken on the basis of a combined competitive examination.

Research closely integrated with educational programme is a very important activity of the University. The Regional Research Institutes, Research Stations, Centres and Sub-centres in various parts of the State are actively engaged in research and in advent of new technology and its popularization in the farming community.

The University is also engaged in an important responsibility of extension education so that the researches conducted and technology developed by the University are made available to the farming community.

There are University farms attached with various Units for research, imparting instructions to students and training to farmers. The farms are also used for quality seed production of high yielding varieties to be made available to the farmers.

 For detail visit us www.raupusa.com
