Dr Praveen Rao Velchala is the Vice-Chancellor of the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar.


Dr. Praveen Rao Velchala, Special Officer
Professor JayashankarTelangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Ph.: 040–24015122; Mobile: 09849029245;


In accordance with the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014) the state of Telangana was formed on 2nd June 2014. Accordingly, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) was bifurcated into two operational entities and the Telangana part was established as Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) vide GO Ms No. 9 Agriculture and Cooperation (Agri III) Department, Govt. of Telangana dated 05-08-2014 and published in Part I, Extraordinary of the Telangana Gazette dated the 3rd September, 2014 at pages 1-2.

The PJTSAU has five constituent Colleges, three in Agriculture), one each in Agricultural Engineering and Technology and Home Science. In addition, there are nine Polytechnics (seven in Agriculture, one each in Seed Technology and Agricultural Engineering). There are sixteen Agricultural Research Stations, including three Regional Agricultural Research Stations, nine District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centres (DAATTCs), six Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) spread across the state and one each of Extension Education Institute (EEI), Agricultural Information and Communication Centre (AI&CC), Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), Electronic Media Wing and Farmers Call Centre at Hyderabad with scientific, supporting and administrative staff, apart from a good contingent of labour force.

It caters to the needs of an enterprising farming community of Telangana, which is endowed with abundant natural resources, diverse soil and agro-climatic conditions suitable for varied cropping systems and has the potential to become the ‘Seed bowl of India”. The Mandate of the University is to produce trained human resource through Teaching, generate agricultural technologies through Research and disseminate the same to the famers through Extension.


The PJTSAU is governed by Board of Management (BoM) with Vice-Chancellor of the University as its Chairperson. The Vice-Chancellor is supported by the University Officers viz., Faculty Deans (Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Home Science), Dean of PG studies, Dean of Student Affairs, Director of Research, Director of Extension, Director of Polytechnics, Dean Basic Science & Humanities, Registrar, Comptroller, University Librarian, Controller of Examinations and Estate Officer in handling academic, research, extension, administration and financial matters.

The College Administration is under the control of Associate Deans while the Regional Agricultural Research Stations is under Associate Directors of Research. The DAATTCs and KVKs are headed by Coordinators and Program Coordinators, respectively. The individual Research Station is headed by a Senior Scientist designated as the Head of the Station.

Educational Programmes

The PJTSAU offers Bachelors Degree (UG) programmes in Agriculture, Home Science, Agricultural Engineering and Technology and Commercial Agriculture & Business Management.

In addition, it offers Master’s Degree (PG) programmes in 24 disciplines and Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) programmes in 17 disciplines from Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Technology, and Home Science Faculties. The PJTSAU also offers two year Diploma in Agriculture and Seed Technology in Local Telugu Language, three year Diploma in Agricultural Engineering and one year PG Diploma in Nutritional Therapy, and Food Analysis and Quality Control in English medium to train mid level para-technical workers.

Significant Achievements :

  • The University has started a Certificate Course for Young Practicing Farmers for ninety days in the name of Telangana Yuva Ruthu Sagubadi of the state with an objective of imparting skills and knowledge in Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Sericulture etc. for the first time in the country.

  • An innovative Student Radio program entitled Chenu Kaburulu was started with an objective of linking the technological knowledge to the farming community of Telangana, utilizing the students creativity. This program is focused mainly to create, promote and broadcast the factual information on best farm and home practices for farming families through radio communication.

  • Sustained efforts of the University Scientists resulted in development and release of 105 improved crop varieties and hybrids of different crops. Some of the recently released rice varieties are RNR 15048, JGL 18047, maize hybrid like DHM 117, Castor hybrids like PCH 111 and PCH 222, Sorghum variety PSV-56, Bajra hybrid PHB-3, and Redgram varieties PRG-158 and PRG-176 are popular amongst the farming community

  • Developed water saving technologies and new agronomic practices like MSRI, Direct sowing Drum seeder technology to suit the delayed monsoon conditions and also designs of micro irrigation systems and hydraulically efficient, low cost semi permanent sprinkler irrigation system to increase the water productivity

  • Developed and commercialized processed and value added products from millets, fibre crops and natural dyes for textiles, Holi colours and idol painting

  • The University also provides price forecasts for major crops

  • The University also introduced several innovative extension programmes like Flag method of extension and innovative farmers network for transfer of technology.

  • Farmer friendly publications like Vyavasaya Panchangam, information bulletins, "Vyavasayam" a monthly magazine in print media and several crop production CDs in electronic media have also been produced for the benefit of farmers.

  • Information hub for quality life technologies was developed in collaboration with Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) of Home Science, Krishi Vigyan Kendras under 15 major heads and being disseminated through SMS .

  • Developed and hosted web portal Vignan Saadhita for dissemination of messages of health, nutrition, developmental programmes, drudgery reduction technologies etc.

