January - March 2015


Prof M.C. Varshneya
Dr K.S. Khokar
Dr K.M. Bujarbaruah
Dr N. C. Patel
Dr V.S. Tomar
Dr A.R. Pathak
Dr A.K. Gahlot


Dr R.P. Singh
Executive-Secretary, IAUA
Dr Kirti Singh
Ex-Chairman, ASRB
Dr C.S. Cbakrabarti
Ex-President, IAUA (2013)& Ex-VC,WBUAFS, Kolkata
Dr Ramendra Singh
Ex-Chief Agronomist, FAICAR
Mr R.S. Gupta
Mr Ex-Editor (English), T-9, ICAR



Prof.Panjab Singh appointed Chancellor, RLBCAU, Jhansi

Prof. Panjab Singh
Prof. Panjab Singh joined as Chancellor of Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi. Bom in 1942 atAnantpur, (Mirzapurdistrict).

Prof. Singh started his career as Assistant Professor and rose to the position of Secretary, DARE, and Director-General, ICAR. He served as Director IARI, New Delhi; and VC, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur. VC, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Prof. Singh also served as Regional Plant Production and Protection Officer in Food and Agricultural Organization at Bangkok (Thailand). He is presently President, Foundation for Advancement of Agriculture and Rural Development and Advisor, RKDF group of institutions.

Prof. Singh is the elected Fellow of four scientific societies; and was President of five scientific societies. He was the Chairman or Member of various national and international scientific bodies, board of governors, board of management and advisory boards both at national and international levels. He had been consultant to the FAO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank etc. Prof. Singh is also decorated with D.Sc.(honoris causa) by six universities, viz., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T.N.); V.B.S. Poorvanchal University, Jaunpur (U.P.); Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad; Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur; and Rajendra Agricultural University, Samastipur (Bihar). Prof. Singh is bestowed with distinguished liT, Kharagpur Alumunus Award, Life-Time Achievement Awards of Indian Society ofAgronomy and Range Management Society of India.

Prof. Singh has also been Chairman/Member of, Search Committee for senior position like VCs of State and Central Universities, Chairman, UGC, Committies for Directors of National Level Institutes, National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI), Hyderabad and others.

Prof. Singh has also served as memberon the ScientificAdvisory Committee to the Cabinet (CSAE-C) for two terms and is presentlyAdvisor (Agricultural and Rural Technology) in the office of Principal Scientific Advisor, Government of India, New Delhi.

Prof. Singh made significant scientific contributions in the fields of water management and in crop production and management systems besides providing leadership in shaping up of national and state level education and research institutions and universities.

Focus on Universities: Events and Achievements

New Universities



University Building
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies was established under an Act of the Government of Kerala on 20 November 2010; it started functioning on 1April 2011. It is the first Fisheries University in India under the Ministry of Fisheries and fifth in the world. It has its headquarters at Panangad, Cochin, in the erstwhile campus of College of Fisheries sprawling over 80 acres. The academic faculty of the university also caters to the needs of the industry and research in fisheries and ocean studies.

It initiated many programmes in fisheries and ocean sciences. Its postgraduate programmes are in tune with the goal fixed in "Vision 2020" document. At presentit has one UG and 33 PG programmeswith 610 students. There are Massive open Online Courses (MOOCs) in 23 disciplines. In infrastructure development a five-storied academic complex has been developed along with Ocean Science campus at the Fisheries Station in Puduveypue. There are swimming pool, state-of-the-artlaboratoriesetc.

The university introduced the farming of Vannamei shrimp for the first in Kerala, suited to the ecosystem of the state. To help usher in the Second Blue Revolution in the country, the university is organised an International Conferenceon Blue Economyat Kochi during 6-8 February.

Prof. (Dr.) B. Madhusoodan Kurup, was the founder VC, the vibrant force behind all these remarkable achievementsof the Varsity.


University Building
Recognizing the importance of Horticulture and its growth potential in Telangana, the Government of Telangana while adopting Dr YSR Horticultural University Act (Act No. 30 of 2007) to the State of Telangana established the Sri Kondan Laxman Telegana state Horticultural University, with head quarters at Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The university started functioning on 23 Dec. 2004.

The university has 2 horticultural polytechnics and 2 horticultural colleges (with 424 students in UG programme, 48 in Master programme, 16 in Ph.D. and 100.in Polytechnics). Besides, the ICAR (JRF/SRF) students from different parts of the country are also pursuing their degree programme inthe university.The university has 1 KVKand 11 research stations in the state, looking after horticultural research and extension.


  • To train man power through imparting refresher courses and training programmes to education organizers and horticultural programmes to horticultural officers and stake-holders of the state.
  • To conduct need-based, location-specific, problem-solving, and the farmer & industry friendly new technologies. It also addressess the existing problems of the farming community and collaborate with the national and intemational organizations. It refines and generates technologies for production processing, value addition as well as marketing and international trade of horticultural produce and products.
  • It organizes extension programmes at village level and training programme tofield staffandthe linedepartments.


Besides its role in imparting education, the university has 11 Research Stations located in Telangana state which conduct basic location-specific, problem-solving and applied research for overall developmentof horticultural crops inthe state ofTelangana. Its contributions and achievements in the field of Education, Research and Extension areasfollows:

  • The Fruit Research Station, Sangareddy,( Medak district) , the oldest Research Station, stands second in the country in terms of maintenance of mango, guava, and custard apple germs-plasms.
  • Itdeveloped high-density plantingsystems for mango andguava.
  • It developed e-solution for Horticulture - the ICATplatform for real time solution of the problems of farmers for 4 major horticultural crops l.e., mango, banana, chilli andtomato.
  • It acquired the germ-plasm in vegetable crops and maintained it at Vegetable Research Station, Rajendranagar for development of new varieties.
  • The KVK, Ramagirikhilla, conducted 8 trainings, 5 field-level demonstrations, 8 method demonstrations and 26 diagnostic visits on different horticultural and agricultural aspects in2015-16.
  • It disseminated need-based technical information through print media and electric media, and organized Kisan melas, exhibitions and Rythusadassu forthe benefit offarm clientele.
  • The KVK, Ramagirikhilla, (Karimnagar District) is disseminating the Horticulture and allied technologies tothe farm clientele.

Centeral Universities


Regional Agriculture Fair 2015-16

Dignitaries on Dais
A Regional Agriculture Fair, 2015-16 was organized during 3-5 Feb. 2016 at College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, M,zoram on Animal resources for integrated farming system. The fair was sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Govemmentof India. Lt. Gen. (Retd) Shri Nirbhay Sharma, Governo~ of Mizoram, inaugurated the fair in the presence of R. Lalrinawma, Deputy Speaker, Govemment of Mizoram, ( the guest of honor), and Prof.M. Premjit Singh,VC.
More than 800 farmers from all districts of Mizoram and other NEH states actively participated inthe fair.There were 36 stalls set up by26 representatives from ATMAs, KVKs, NGOs, SHGs and Farmers' Clubs across the NEH states. Some of the innovative products displayed in the exhibition included scented black rice of Manipur improved breeds of pigs and domesticated birds along with fortified animal feed block from Aizawl, (Mizoram); budded plants of Khasi Mardarin and improved variety of vegetable seeds from Arunalchal Pradesh etc.
Shri Nirbhay Sharma initiated the forum by addressing the challenges faced by agricultural scientists and veterinarians in imparting knowledge to the farmers and explained how the initiatives like CAU RegionalAgri-Fair help in bridging the gap between the local farmers and scientists.A Kisan Goshthi, was held, chaired by Prof. M. Premjit Singh, VC; Dr A.K. Pandey, Dean, College of Horticulture and F?rest.ry, Pasighat; Dr Pramod Kumar Pandey, Dean, College of Fisheries, Lembucherra; Dr G.T. Patel, Assistant Prof., College of agricultural Engineering and Post-Harvest Technology, Ranipool, (Slkkim); and Dr. K. Momocha Singh, Dean, College of P.G.Studies, Barapani.

Prof. M. Premjit Singh, VC congratulated the farmers and scientists as well asthe students and Deans ofconstituent colleges, officers and all the delegates for successfully organizing the event, and also appreciated the co-operation of departments of govemmentincluding ATMAs, KVKs, SHGs, NGOs and Farmers' Clubs in Mizoram. A certificate of participation was handed over to each farmer and organization as atoken ofappreciation fortheir efforts.
Dignitaries present on the final day were -The chief guest offunction Mr. Liansailova, (lAS) Retd., Vice- Chairman, Planning Board, Government of Mizoram; Dr A.C. Varshney, VC, DUVASU, Mathura; Dr Abhijit Mitra, Director, National Research Centre on Mithun, Jharnapani, Nagaland.



H.E. Shri Pranab Mukherjee
with outer dignitaries
54th Convocation

The 54" Convocation of Post- Graduate School of the university was held on 5 Feb. 2016. H.E. Shri Pranab Mukherjee, President of India, was the chief guest. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, presided over the function. Dr S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE & Director-General ICAR- Dr V L. Chopra, former ";ember,' Plannig Commission; and Dr R.S. Paroda, Chairman, TAAS& former Direclor General, ICAR, also graced the occasion. Shri Pranab Mukhe~ee, presented the medals and awards to the students and faculty. In the convocation address, he emphasized that the globalization of agriculture has increased the prospects for processed food commodities manifold.The critical issuesthat hinderthe development of rural agri-businesses need to be addressed. Proliferation of the recently launched,'Start-up India'tothe ruralsector could providefillip to the setting up of agro-based enterprises. The "Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav" programmeof the IARI,underwhich each scientistwill adopt a Village,should aim atchanging agriCUlture from subsistence farming tocommercialfarming.

Dr T. Mohapatra, Director, presented his report on the significant research achievements of the institute during 2015. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, released 15 IARIvarieties of differentcrops. Duringthis convocation 242 candidates (120 M.Sc., 7 M.Tech. and 115 Ph.D.) were awarded degrees, including 16 (11 M.Sc. and 5 Ph.D.) Internallonalstudents. MsSupria Priyadarsani, M.Tech.,Post-harvest Technology; and Ms. Saritha M., Ph.D., Microbiology were awarded the 'BestStudentoftheYearAwards'.

Five students each in M.Sc. and Ph.D. received IARI Merit Medals. Five faculty members of the institute, viz., Dr DR Biswas (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry), Dr Man Singh (Water Science and Technology), Dr A. Talukdar (Genetics), Dr V.K. Sehgal (Agricultural Physics), and Dr Dinesh Kumar (Agronomy) received 'Best Teacher Award -2015' fortheirachievements inacademics. The XVI Dr B.P. Pal Medal for the year 2015 was awarded to Dr G.P. Singh, Principal Scientist, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi, for his outstanding research contributions on Wheat Breading and Genetics. The XVI Hari Krishna Shastri Memorial Award for the year 2015 was awarded 10 Dr Tirtha Kumar Dalla, Principal Scientist, Animal Biotechnology Centre, NDRI, Kamal, for his outstanding research contribution in the area of Animal Biotechnology; and the XIX Sukumar Basu Memorial Award for biennium 2013-14 was awarded to Dr R.Asoken, Principal Scientist, IIHR, Bengaluru, for his outstanding research contributions on Development of Pioneering MolecularTechniquesfor Pest Management.

46th Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Lecture

Dr Soumya Swimanathan
delivering lecture
The 46th Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr Soumya Swaminathan, DirectorGeneral, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, on 4 Feb. 2016 on the topic 'Nutrition and health challenges for India and possible solutions'. Dr R.S. Paroda, Chainman,Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi,presided over the function.



12th Annual Convocation
H.E. Shri O.P. Kohli
with VC and others

The 12th Annual convocation of the university was held on 5 Feb. 2016 at sports complex of the university. H.E. Shri O.P. Kohli, Governor of Gujarat & Chancellor, presided over the convocation function. Shri Tapan Misra, Director, Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad, was the chief guest, who inspired the young graduates and post-graduates. Shri Chhatrasinh Mori, Minister of State, Food & Civil Supplies Consumer Affairs, was the guest of honor, who delivered the convocation address. Total 495 degrees were conferred to the students, in which 301 graduates and 194 post-graduate who had completed their studies and passed their examination from various faculties received their degrees. Total 20 gold medals, 52 medals and 13 prizes were awarded to these achievers.

Inauguration of Liquid Bio-fertilizer Plant and Department of Microbiology Building
H.E. Shri O.P. Kohli

H.E. Shri O.P. Kohli, Governor of Gujrat, inaugurated new building of Department of Agricultural Microbiology, on 5 Feb. 2016. It has advanced facility of central laboratory of excellence with bioreactors of 1,200 litres capacity for bio-fertilizer production and automatic bottling plant. This infrastructure will facilitate bio¬ diversity studies of different agriculturally beneficial micro-organisms and mass multiplication of bio fertilizers to augment the NPK requirement of crops, reduce the cost of cultivation, sustain soil fertility and increase the yield for the ultimate benefit of the farming community.


Seed Fair

Prof. K.M. Bujarbaruah
visiting seed fair
A Seed Fair was organized on 4 Mar. 2016 at the university, under the DBT project on 'Preserving future genetic resources through capacity building of women fanners and utilization for livelihood improvement', to sensitize the local farmers for conservation and adoption of traditional rice varieties as livelihood options. Dr K.M. Bujarbaruah, VC, in his inaugural speech, stressed upon forging partnerships for skill delivery in the seed sector of this region. Farmers, multi-national seed companies like M/S Bayer Crop Science, Syngenta; organic seed company like M/S Farm2Food; as well as scientists and students participated in it. The fair helped in giving market exposure to the seed- grower groups 'Annam -Brahma1 formed under the project, besides micro- seed propagation and organic seed production.

International Agrl-Hortl Show 2016

Dr K.M. Bujarbaruah
at university pavilion
The University participated in the 3rd Assam International Agri-Horti Show- 2016 held during 6-9 Jan. 2016 at College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara. The Show aimed to promote agri-preneurship, agri-tourism and agri-export in Assam and other north eastern states. The beautifully decorated and information-rich AAU pavilion attracted the visitors.


MOU for Food Products Technology

Dr S.S. Siwach and Mrs Babita
Girdhar holding MoU document
Taking a leap forward in its public private partnership programme, the university inked a pact with a private sector company, M/S Nutri Basket (India) on 2 Jan. 2016, and granted a non-exclusive license for use of its food products technologies. Under the pact, the company would use food product technologies developed by Foods and Nutrition Department of the university, for the preparation of bajra (Pearl millet} biscuits and gluten free maize biscuits.

Dr S.S. Siwach, Director of Research on behalf of the university; Mrs. Babita Girdhar on behalf of Nutri Basket (India), signed the MoU in the presence of Dr Ram Singh, Director, Human Resource Management. Dr Singh said that a wide range of processing and value added technologies are available in the university.

Dr S.K. Sethi, Principal Scientist, Business Planning and Development Unit; Dr Pinki Boora, Head; and Dr Asha Kawatra, Professor, Department of Foods and Nutrition, were present.

Visit of U.S. Delegation

Dr K.S. Khokhar, with the
U.S. embassy experts
A two-member delegation comprising Mr Douglas Fouler, Economic Officer; and Ms Michelle Janzen, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi, called on Dr K.S. Khokhar, VC, on 21 Jan. 2016. The objective of the US Embassy officials was to understand progress and constraints of agriculture in Haryana as well as achievements and research priorities of the university for exploring collaboration in the areas of mutual benefit.

Visit Of Swaziland Farm Experts For Maize Technology

Dr K.S. Khokhar, releasing
compendium of training course
A six-member delegation, which included agricultural scientists and extension officers from Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Swaziland, visited the university on 8 March 2016 to learn good cultivation practices of maize crop advocated by the university and followed by Haryana farmers. A training Of 1 week On good cultivation practices of maize was organized by Academy of Agricultural Research and Education Management of the university at its Regional Research Station, Uchani, Karnal. They were exposed to all aspects of cultivation of maize, including different practices, integrated disease and insect-pest management, seed production, post-harvest technology and marketing.


Training on Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers Right Act

Dr KJC Katoch, VC,
with participants
An awareness and training programme on Protection of Plant I Varieties and Farmers Right Act ' (PPV & FRA) was organized at village Bahri in Dharampur block of district Mandi on 23 Mar. 2016 by KVK, Mandi. Dr K.K. Katoch, VC, shared that the farmers are the main source of seed supply in the country and abOUt 87 percent Of the Seed requirement of the country was being met by the them. To safeguard the interest of farmers the government introduced this act. He laid emphasis on conservation of the local crop varieties for the food security of the nation.Shri Chandershekhar, Vice-Chairman, H.P. State Handicrafts and Handloom Corporation Ltd, while presiding over the function, asked the farmers to seek guidance from the scientists to raise good crops to raise their economic status. Dr P.K. Mehta, Director of Extension Education, advised the farmers to maintain a strong linkage with the university and itsKVKs.

Training for Farmers of Chamba District

Dr K.K. Katoch, VC with
university officials
Two days training programme for the farmers of the Salooni area, Chamba district, was organized jointly by Regional Research Substation of the university and Agricultural Technology ManagementAgency, Chamba, during 13-14 Feb. 2016. Smt. Asha Kumari, former Minister and local MLA, the chief guest, asked the farming community to use modern scientific technology to increase theirfarm production and increase the income. While presiding over the function, Dr K.K. Katoch, VC, said that Chamba district has lot of potential due to the presence of varied agroclimatic zones. As the farming community was using very low dose of fertilizers and chemicals, they were contributing to the society by producing safe food. He advocated protected cultivation, water conservation and protection of plant varieties.


Interdisciplinary Approach for Infectious Diseases and Food Safety

Dr Ashok Kumar,
delivering speech
The School of Public Health and zoonoses organized a program on 19 Feb. 2016 International school on one health: a team science approach for protection of animal, human and environmental health" with integrated view on infectious diseases, food safety and zoonoses.

Dr A.S. Nanda, VC, laid stress on such collaborations among medical professionals, veterinarians, environmentalists and biologists for achieving the goal of One Health for efficient control of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases. Dr Ashok Kumar, ADG (Animal Health), ICAR, was the guest of honour who complimented the efforts put in by School of Public Health and Zoonoses, towards One Health through its collaborations with various international universities in Canada, Berlin, the UK and Australia.

Visit of Bangladesh Delegates

Welcome the delegates
from Bangladesh
A delegation comprising eight members from Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh, visited the university on 20 Jan. 2016 under the leadership of Mr Kazi Wasiuddin, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Government of Bangladesh. Their aim was to study farm success achieved through private and public sector support. The officials of Bangladesh included Mr Khan Shahidul Huque, Mr Ashim Kumar Bala, Mr Mohammad Moktar Hossain, Mr Mirza Mohammad Ali Reza, Mr H.M. Moniruzzaman, Mr SardarAmanullah, Mr Bipine Chandra Biswas and Dr R.C. Upadhyay, consultant, were part of the delegation.


National Conference on Hill Agriculture

Dr KJC Katoch, VC,
with participants
A three-day national conference on Hill Agriculture in Perspective was organized by Directorate of Experiment Station, during 26¬ 28 Feb. 2016. H.E. Dr K.K. Paul, Governor of Uttarakhand, inaugurated the conference and Dr Mangala Rai, VC, presided overthe inaugural session. The themes chosen for the seminar included Marketing and trade, Temperate fruits, Vegetables and flowers, Livestock improvement, Drudgery reduction, Processing and value addition, Soil and water conservation, and Improvement of potential crops. The researchable and policy guidelines as well as recommendations from the conference and experts of the field will be sent to the Government for policy formulation. A galaxy of scientists including the VC, CAU, Imphal; Director, IVRI, Izatnagar; and Director, VPKAS, Almora, discussed the issues existing in agriculture and livestock production in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, North-Eastern Hills region and Uttarakhand hills.

Farmers' Fair

Inauguration of
farmers' fair
A Kisan Mela was organized at the university campus during 10-13 Mar. 2016. Dr T. Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE, & DG, ICAR, inaugurated the fair in a ceremony at Stevenson stadium of university. On this occasion, 10 progressive farmers selected from different districts of Uttarakhand were also honoured.

On 10 Mar. 2016 Dr Mohapatra, delivered a special lecture for the scientists and researchers of the university. He underlined the importance of research in biotechnology and climate change that causes stress on agriculture. He laid emphasis on research relating to environment-conservation processes like photosynthesis enhancement in plants for absorption of carbon from the environment, decreasing methane gas released by the animals, using micro-organisms through bio-technology to increase soil fertility etc., He advised that innovative area-wise research programmes should be developed.

Dr Mangala Rai, presenting
awards to participants
Dr Mangala Rai, presenting awards to participants Dr Mangala Rai, VC, while introducing Dr Mohapatra, gave an overview of global-climate cycle and Indian agriculture, and gave important suggestions. He presented prizes to the winners of different competitions held during the fair and different categories of stalls put up in the fair. The stall of M/sA.H. Associates, Rudrapurwas awarded the Overall Best Stall trophy; and of M/s Punjab Motors, Rudrapur, was given Best Performance Stall prize. More than 225 firms registered themselves in the fair. N.E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre of the university sold seeds of about 11 lakhs, which was a record for winter season (rabi) fair. The event attracted thousands of farmers from the U.P., Bihar, Punjab, Haryana and other states of India besides those from Uttarakhand.


1 - Convocation

Maj. Gen. Shri Kant,
presenting memento to
S M Radha Mohan Singh
The university organized its first convocation in Indira Gandhi Auditorium, CCSHAU, Hisar, on the 151st birth anniversary of Lala Lajpat Rai, the legendary freedom fighter on 28 Jan. 2016. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Was the Chief Maj. Gen. Shri Kant, presenting memento guest, whereas H.E.Prof. Kaptan Singh to S M Radha Mohan Singh Solanki, Governor & Chancellor, presided over the programme; Shri Om Parkash Dhankar, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Minister, Haryana; and Dr Kamal Gupta, Chief Parliamentary Sec
retary, were present as the guests of honour. Total 316 students were awarded degree and 21 were bestowed with gold medals for excellence in their respective areas.

Visit of Prof. Peter Martens

Prof. Peter Mertens,
delivering lecture
Prof. Peter Mertens, world renowned virologist in the field of Arobovirus research, who is currently Research Leader of Arbovirus Molecular Research Group and Head of Pirbight Institute's Vector borne viral disease programme on his visit to the university delivered a talk On Virus variation, taxonomy, nomenclature and classification on 19 Feb. 2016. He discussed in detail about the need of classification, systems of nomenclature for new viruses including Baltimore classification. He also informed regarding International Committee for Nomenclature of New Viruses and the processes for identification of new viruses. He discussed in detail about the diseases caused by Bluetongue virus that has caused high mortality in sheep in the past in Europe as well as in India. He reported different serotypes of this virus from his laboratory and wide variations among these serotypes.

On this occasion Maj. Gen. Shri Kant, expressed the hope that MoU with Pirbright Institute will help exchange the scientists and students between the institutes and more collaborated research projects on animal health will be started.


Paneer Making Demonstration

On farm demonstration of
dairy farm product
Twelve on farm demonstrations on Dairying and Milk Processing were organized by College of Dairy Technology, Warud (Pusad) for the farmers and milk producers of 12 villages with high milk production in the nearby region of Pusad (Yavatmal District) during 16-27 Mar. 2016, in association with ATMA, Yavatmal. Total 516 farmers of 12 villages attended. The demonstration of platform test for quality control, separation of fat using cream separator and paneer making at cottage level were shown to the farmers.

Experts from Israel

M/S Sakal Agrowon & Delivering Change Foundation initiated a Smart Village programme which aims to develop Agri- Centric villages. In this connection, experts, Dr Ziv Matalon and Dr Ophir Levy from Israel, who have experience in developing agriculture and allied business projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, visited Bombay Veterinary College on 13 Jan. 2016 to meet the veterinarians specialized in cows, goats and poultry, insemination technician and agriculture extension specialist.


MOU with Andreas Stihl Pvt. Ltd., Pune

The university signed MoU with M/S Andreas Stihl Pvt. Ltd., on 11 Jan. 2015. The Stihl manufacturer a wide range of power-driven, hand-held tools worldwide. The products made and marketed by Stihl include chain-saws, brush cutters, hedge trimmers, mist blowers, high-pressure cleaners and a number of t accessories to perform various farm operations, thereby reducing effort and increasing efficiency.

As a part of MoU, display centre of Stihl products was established at farm machinery testing laboratory, DrA.S. CAE, MPKV, Rahuri. Under Andreas Stihl scholarship programme, Andreas Stihl Pvt. Ltd. provided financial assistance in the form of scholarship of Rs 5000/- per month for 4 years B.Tech. (Agri. Engng.) students and Rs 7500/- per month for 2 years to M.Tech. (Agri. Engng.) students. M/S Stihl will also arrange 3-4 days training programme for scientists and technicians of the university on selection, operation, repair and maintenance of powertools.

Dr Kokate, Director, Extension Education, was the chairman at the inaugural function of Display Centre of STIHL Products. Other university officials, faculty members and students were also present. Dr. Kokate, in his presidential address stressed the need for collaboration of university and industry for upliftment of the farmers' community.


Dr K.P. Vishwanatha, VC,
The university and NSS wing of Government of Maharashtra, jointly organized a social and a cultural competition 'Utkarsha 2015-16' during 5-7 Feb. 2016. Total 16 universities with 325 NSS volunteers as well as 50 team managers and officials attended this programme.

It is a program organized to promote talent and skills of NSS volunteers. All the subjects and themes of the competitions are based on the social issues and problems handled under various programmes of National Service Scheme, to solve the burning problems of the society, to find solutions & do social awareness programs of such solutions. Therefore, this program is called as "Utkarsha" Social Cultural Competition.


31" North Zone Inter-University Youth Festival

Dr Daljeet Singh Cheema
awarding certificates
The 31st North Zone Inter-University Youth Festival 'Goonj' 2015 was organized at the university, during 14-18 Jan. 2016. The festival was organized jointly by the university and Association of Indian Universities under the aegis of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. Total 26 universities participated in it from the states of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Haryana. There were 1000 contestants in 29 events held during the festival. Mr S.K. Sharma, Secretary, AIU underlined the need for motivating the students to participate in non-academic events such as these festivals. Dr Om Gauri Dutt Sharma, Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Jalandhar and alumnus of PAU inaugurated the festival. Dr Daljeet Singh Cheema, Education Minister, Punjab, was the chief guest at the prize-distribution function.

Annual Review Meeting of AICRP

Dr BS Dhillon with
The Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery was held at Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, during 28-30 Jan. 2016. Dr B.S. Dhillon, VC, was the c h i e f g u e s t and Dr K. Alagusundaram, DDG (Engng), ICAR, chaired the inaugural session. Dr K.K. Singh, ADG (Farm Mechanization) and Dr C.R. Mehta, Project co-ordinator, FIM scheme, attended the meeting. There were 100 delegates from different fields such as Research Engineers from ICAR institutes, national/state agricultural universities and engineers and officials working in government and semi-government organizations and manufacturers.


2nd Convocation

delivering Certificates
The second convocation of the university was held at Durbar Hall, Raj Bhavan on 27 Feb. 2016 in the presence of H.E. Dr K. Rosaiah, Chancellor & Governor, Tamil Nadu and; Mr K.A. Jayapal, Minister of Fisheries and Pro-Chancellor. Dr J.K. Jena, DDG (Fisheries), ICAR, was the chief guest . Mr K. Vijaya Kumar, (IAS), Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, also attended the function. Prof. Baskaran Manimaran, VC, delivered the welcome address and report of the university. Total 54 graduates were conferred degrees in person, which included 2 Ph.D., 19 Master of Fisheries Science and 33 Bachelor of Fisheries Science degrees. Further, a total of 9 graduates and postgraduates received their degrees in absentia in the convocation. Dr K. Rathnakumar, Registrar, declared the 15 medal winners foracademic excellence.


AP Farmers at KVK, Hiriyur

Farmers visited KVK
Around 50 farmers of tank-water management project from Anantapura district, (Andhra Pradesh), visited the KVK, Babbur farm, Hiriyur, on 4 Feb. 2016. They were trained on tank water management, seed production in onion, cultivation aspects of groundnut, and the pest and disease management in redgram. Farmers were taken to Hemadala village for discussion with tank users group. Mr Siddappa of Hemadala village explained about group activities and the crops being managed under the technical guidance of KVK Hiriyur. He shared his experience of integrated farming in 1 acre land. Mr Sreedhar Reddy informed that the messages on crop management are received in Kannada and he translates and sends these to otherfarmers.

Scientific Management for Cashew Cultivation

Dr C. Vasudevappa, VC,
A district level seminar on Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Cashew was organized on 21 Jan. 2016 at Thumari village, (Sagar taluk, Shivamogga district).
Dr C. Vasudevappa, VC, in his inaugural speech, told that a Cashew Development Centre will be established at Thumari village to encourage varietal development and scientific cashew cultivation for increased production, which will be a boon to cashew growers in future. He also released a technical folder on scientific management of cashew.

Dr T.H. Gowda, Director of Extension, released a folder on Integrated Management of Insects and Pests in Cashew and exhorted the farmers to adopt new technologies in cashew cultivation to get increased yield. Shri S. Chandrashekar, President, Cashew Grower's Association, Thumari village, presiding over the programme, expressed that Thumari is the major belt of cashew and the farmers can update the knowledge on scientific cultivation and protection of cashew and implement it.Dr Y. Vishwanath Shetty and Shri Arun Kumar, were the guests; and progressive farmer Shri Chandrashekara Udupa, Dr J. Dinakara Adiga, Shri H. Narayanswamy, Jayalaxmi N. Hegde, Shri Nagarajappa Adivappar were resource persons in the programme. More than 200 fanners or farm women were present during the programme. There was afarmerscientist interaction after technical session.


5th Convocation

Dr S. Sbivashankarappa
with VC and others
The fifth convocation of the university was organized on 27 Jan. 2016. Total 19 UHS 38 Donors gold medals were awarded to the eligible graduate and post graduate students. Further 386 B.Sc.(Hort), 87 14 Ph.D.(Hort-) degrees were also confirmed to the eligible s t u d e n t s . Dr S h a m a n ur Shivashankarappa, Minister for Horticulture Agro-marketing and Pro- Chancellor, presided over the function. DrAshok Dalwai, (IAS) Additional Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India, was the chief guest. He delivered the convocation address. Dr D.L. Maheshwar, VC, Members of Board of Management; Members of Academic Council, staff and students were presentduring the convocation.


Foundation of Veterinary Colleges

Shri Harish Rawat
with V.C.
Shri Harish Rawat, chief minister, Uttarakhand, laid the foundation stone of College of Veterinary Sciences at village Gahad, (district Pauri Garhwal), on 2 Mar. 2016. He also laid foundation stone of College of Veterinary Sciences at Ratanpur, (district Rudraprayag), in the presence of Dr Harak Singh Rawat, Agriculture Minister. Shri Harish Rawat, informed that the college would help the fanners of the region who are presently facing acute shortage of veterinary services. Prof Mathew Prasad, VC, emphasized that animal husbandry is crucial in augmenting the income of farmers in the hills, particularly be cause most of the holdings are small or marginal.

Contribution to Genepool of MAP at NBPGR

The university scientists contributed planting material of several strains of various medicinal plants at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources. The planting material and seeds contributed includes those of Digitalis lanata (tilpushpi), Digitalis purpurea (neeli tilpushpi), Hedychium spicatum (kapoor kachri), Rheum emodi (rhuburb arena), Picromiza kurrooa (kutki), Valeriana jatamansi (tagar) and Withania somnifera (ashwagandha). UIN is also being obtained for it.



Eminent Engineer Award To Dr D.C. Joshl

The Institute of Engineers (India) conferred Eminent Engineer award for 2015-16 to Dr D.C. Joshi, Dean, College of FPTBE, in recognition of his contribution in the profession of agricultural engineering in the country. Shri Mohanbhai Kundariya, Minister of State, presented him the plaque during NCAE-2016on Feb. 2016 at the university.

FISVPT award to Dr A.M. Thaker

Dr D.C. Joshi, receiving
the award

Dr A.M. Thaker,
receiving the award
Dr A.M. Thaker, Principal & Dean, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry was honoured with Fellowship of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (FISVPT), in view of his contribution in the field of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology and activities of the society.

H.E. Dr Kaptan Singh Solanki, Governor of Haryana, presented him the award in presence of Dr Gurbachan Singh, Chairman, ASRB, New Delhi and, Dr A.K. Srivastava, Director/VC, NDRI, Karnal, at the inaugural function of 15th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology held at NDRI, Karnal, on 14 Jan. 2016.


ICAR Norman Borlaug Chair in International Agriculture

Dr B.K. Sarmah
Dr B.K. Sarmah, Director, DBT-AAU Centre & Professor, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, was awarded the ICAR Norman Borlaug Chair in International Agriculture on 1 Mar. 2016.

It was given for the project: "Development of cisgenic chickpeas resistant to pod borers. The project is for five years, which can be extendable by another 5 years if considered necessary by the committee.

Plant Health Management Symposium Award to Students

Participants at Symposium
A symposium on plant health management in north east india, was organized by North¬ East Zonal Chapter of Indian Phytopathological Society & ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, (Meghalaya) during 15-16 Jan. 2016. Ms. Himadri Kaushik, Ph.D. scholar, Department of Plant Pathology, was awarded M.J. Narasimhan Award for her paper, "Persistence and viability of Metarhizium anisopliae in the tea ecosystem of Assam". Ms. Merrylina Marak, M.Sc. student, received the best oral presentation award for her paper, "Eco-friendly approaches for the management of Flacherie disease of muga silkworm, Antheraea assama under the agro-climatic conditions of Assam". The Best Poster Presentation awards were bagged by Ms Sarodee Boruah, Ph.D., and Mr Pranjal K. Kaman, M.Sc, for their papers: "Combined effect of nanoparticle and biocontrol agents has higher efficacy against plant pathogens" and "Biogenic synthesis of myconanoparticle (Ag nanoparticle) and management of soil borne plant pathogen" respectively.


Best Poster Award for Research on Medicinal Plants

simerjot singh receiving
the award
The 15th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology on Nutritional pharmacology and toxicology beyond calories, held during 14¬ 16 Jan. 2016 at NDRI, Karnal examined the research investigations on medicinal plants being conducted at the university. The research paper on Evaluation of antibacterial, anthelminthic and anti-inflammatory activity of Murraya koenigii (lemon grass) leaves, authored by Simerjot Singh, Harpreet Singh, Pallavi Bhardwaj, Saloni Singla, Vinod Kumar Dumka and Suresh Kumar Sharma, was adjudged the best amongst more than 100 papers. The society conferred the 'Best Poster Award'to it.

Laurels to NCC Cadets

Participants during
the republic day
A team of 1 Punjab R&V SQN NCC, commanded by Lt. Col. Tushar Upasani won one gold, one silver and three bronze medals in equestrian competitions at Republic Day A team of 1 Punjab R&V SQN NCC, commanded by Lt. Col. Tushar Upasani won one gold, one silver and three bronze medals in equestrian competitions aat Republic Day

Award to Athletes at Inter-Agricultural Sports Meet

Mr. Arshdeep Singh
Mr Arshdeep Singh, student, College of Veterinary Science, was declared the fastest male athlete at 16th All India Inter-Agricultural Universities Sports and Games Meet held at TNAU, Coimbatore, during 22-26 Feb. 2016. More than 50 institutes participated in this meet. Mr. Arshdeep Singh was also declared the best athlete at this meet.

National Recognition to Dr L.D. Singla

Dr L.D. Singla, receiving award
Dr L.D. Singla, Professor, Department of Veterinary Parasitology, was honoured with Smt Nisha Mani Parija Oration Award -2014 by Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology in recognition of his valuable contributions and achievements in the field of parasitic zoonoses. The award was presented to him at the 25th National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology and National Symposium on 'One health approach - plausible solution for sustainable parasite control' held during 17-19 Feb. 2016 at TNVASU, Chennai.


First Prize at Avishkar- 2015

Mr. Arshdeep Singh
The Inter-University Research Convention, Avishkar 2015 was organized at Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune during 10-12 January, 2016. Total 10 students from the university participated in the event. Mr. Atul Shivaji Walunj, student of fourth year of B.V.Sc. & A.H. from Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai won the first prize in Humanities, Languages and Fine Arts theme (U.G.) category. His project title was 'Conservation of dead natural resources using innovative bio-fine art technique: taxidermy'. Dr S.A. Gaikwad, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy was the mentor for this project.

Outstanding Research Paper Award

Dr S.M. Wankhede,
receiving award
Dr S.M. Wankhede, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Akola, received the outstanding research paper award on Effect of Emblica officinalis (Amla) and vitamin E addition in diet on growth performance of broiler chicken reared under nutritional stress. The team members were A.S. Patil, S.M. Wankhede and V.R. Kale. It was published in Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 2014. It was selected for Animal Nutrition Society of India's Outstanding Research Paper Award for the year 2014-15. Dr S.M. Wankhede received the award in the 16th Biennial Animal Nutrition Conference held at NDRI, Karnal, during 6-8 Feb.2016.


Dr Meera D. Ansal
Prime Minister Fellowship to Ms Rajpreet Kaur Goraya

Ms Rajpreet Kaur Goraya, Ph.D. student, Department of Food Science & Technology, was awarded Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research. Ms. Goraya, is amongst the 12 candidates declared successful by Confederation of Indian Industry. Ms Goraya would be partnering with Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd who will provide 50 percent of the fellowship as the sponsoring industry, and the balance 50 percent will be given by the government. The Prime Minister's Fellowship Scheme is a Public-Private- Partnership initiative for bringing the academia and the industry on one platform for industrial R&D.

Ms. Mitaly Bansal
Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award

Ms Mitaly Bansal, Ph.D. student, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, was awarded Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award, for her excellent research achievements. Ms. Bansal is carrying out her Ph.D. with Dr Parveen Chhuneja, Senior Molecular Geneticist, SAB, as her major advisor. At John Innes Centre, the U.K. with an International Fellowship under the supervision of Dr Cristobal Uauy, the topic of her doctoral research is : 'Rust disease in wheat'. The recipients of the Jeanie Borlaug Laube WIT award are invited to Annual Borlaug Global Rust Initiative Technical Workshop and at a training programme at CIMMYT in Obregon, Mexico.

New Vice-Chancellors

Prof. K.M.L. Pathak joins as VC, DUVASU, Mathura

Prof. K.M.L. Pathak
Prof. K.M.L. Pathak joined as VC, DUVASU, Mathura, on 3 Mar. 2016. Born in village Naraura, (District Etah, UP). He did his B.V.Sc. & A.H.; M.V.Sc; and Ph.D. with academic excellence from GBPUAT, Pantnagar. He obtained Post-Doctorate in Biotechnology from University of Salford, the UK. Prof. Pathak served various organizations since 1981 in various capacities, viz., Senior Research Fellow, Research Associate and faculty member at GBPUAT, Pantnagar; Professor, HoD and Head, PG Faculty and Director (Research) at Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Director, National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner, and Deputy Director-General (Animal Sciences), ICAR (2010¬ 15). For his excellent academic services, he received numerous prestigious honours and awards including Doctor of Science (Honoris causa) from NDUVS, Jabalpur and DUVASU, Mathura; Life-Time Achievement Award, DrRajendra Prasad Award, DrB.V. Rao Gold Medal, Dr R.S. Swami Nathan Iyer Memorial Award, Best University Teacher Award, Smt. Niranjani Parija Oration Award, Distinguished Veterinarian Award, Agriculture Leadership Award and Puratchi Thalaivi Selvi J Jayalalithaa Endowment Award. Various societies also recognized his workand Honoured him as Fellow, viz., National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Academy of Veterinary Sciences, Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research and Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology. His leadership skills are well evident through his functioning as President, National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (2014-2016); President, Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology; Member Ad-hoc Working Group on Non-Tsetse Transmitted Animal Trypanosomiosis, OIE, Paris; Member in Boards of Management or Governing Bodies of national research institutes, DADF, State universities of Agriculture or Veterinary and Animal Sciences, State Go Seva Ayog and Expert Member in many national committees dealing with Livestock and Poultry Science Policies, Biotechnology, Food and Bio-safety and regulatory issues.

Prof. Gaya Prasad joins as VC, SVBPUAT, Meerut

Prof. Gaya Prasad
Prof. Gaya Prasad joined as VC, SVBPUAT, Meerut on 10 Mar. 2016. He did Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry in 1977; Masters in Veterinary Science (Bacteriology) in 1979; and Ph.D. in Microbiology and Public Health in 1984 from GBPUAT, Pantnagar. He obtained 2 year Post-Doctoral Fellowship at M.D. Anderson Hospital and Cancer Institute, University of Texas; Cancer Centre, Science Park Research Division, Smithville, Texas, the USAfrom October 1986 to September 1988.

Prof. Prasad held various positions including Acting Director-cum- Vice Chancellor, IVRI, Izatnagar; Assistant Director General (Animal Health), ICAR, New Delhi; founder Head, Department of Animal Biotechnology, CCSHAU, Hisar; Co-ordinator, Human Resource Development Programme funded by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India at CCSHAU, Hisar.

Prof. Gaya Prasad received numerous awards including Best Technology Provider Award of National Award of Technology Board (2013), Department of Science Technology, Government of India to IVRI; received Rs. 10 lakhs and a trophy as Acting Director, IVRI from H.E. Shri Pranab Mukherjee, President of India;

Dr P. Bhattacharya Memorial Award (2009-2010), from NAAS, New Delhi; Rafi Ahmad Kindwai Award (2008), ICAR, New Delhi; Prof. Vyas Memorial Award (2008), Association of Microbiologist of India, New Delhi; Dr. Richard Masillamony Oration Award (2008), Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology, Chennai; Dr C.V. Canan Memorial Award (2008), Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists; J.B. Bhatt Memorial Award (in 2005 and 2006); Best Research Paper Award, Association of Microbiologists of India, New Delhi. Two patents were also granted in his name: Patent No. 261631, July 2014 granted to Prasad, G, Singh H. & Minakshi (2014). "Development of novel set of primer pair to detect the presence of buffalo tissue". Patent No. 261685, July 2014, granted to Prasad, G, Singh H. & Minakshi (2014). "Development of novel set of primer pair to detect the presence of cattle tissue". He was Fellow of National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (2002); Association of Microbiologists of India (2004); National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2008); Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research (2012); and Indian Virological Society (2013). He published more than 200 works research papers, book chapters, review articles, popular science articles, books, national reports, etc.

Prof. Purnendu Biswas joins as VC, WBUAFS, Kolkata

Prof. Pumendu Biswas
Prof. Purnendu Biswas joined as VC, WBUAFS, r Kolkata on 11 Feb. 2016. He was Professor in Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, and officiated as VC since 6 Aug. 2014. He has teaching experience of more than 29 years in the university and at BCKV, Mohanpur. He published 33 papers in national and 6 in international research journals. Prof. Biswas was honoured with Dr S.P. Arora, Best Research Paper award by Animal Nutrition Society of India in 2007 at Bengaluru. He was also decorated with Life-Time Achievement Award for his outstanding activities by CLFMA in 2015. Prof. Biswas was also engaged in the extension & research works like improvement of livelihood through livestock farming by the poor and tribal women. He successfully developed Mineral Deficiency Maps and thereafter developed Area-specific mineral supplements for livestock under the name UAFSMIN-P, which is a commercial product from WBUAFS, Kolkata.

Dr R.C. Srivastava joins as VC, RAU, Pusa

Dr R C Srivastava
Dr Ramesh Chandra Srivastava took over the charge of VC on 22 Jan. 2016. Born on 1 Jul. 1956 atAllahabad, he did B.Sc. (Agricultural Engineering) from Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad; and M.Sc. and Ph.D in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering during year 1978 and 1993, respectively from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

During his service career of 39 years in Indian Council of Agricultural Research, he held positions, viz. Principal Scientist and Programme Leader (2011 onward), Director, CARI, Port Blair (2006 - 2011), . Principal Scientist and Programme Leader (1998- 2006), Senior Scientist (1983-1998) and Scientist (1978-1983).Dr Srivastava is a - Fellow National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; recipient of Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award (2003-04); Vasant Rao Naik Award (2001 and 2006), Rajendra Prasad Puruskar (2009 and 2010); He is also Fellow Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers; Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Fellow, Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists; recipient of Commendation Medal of ISAE, ASPEE Award of ISAE; Fellow, Confederation of Horticulture Association of India.

Dr Srivastava published 142 research papers in research journals, 27 invited papers in international and national conferences, 205 papers presented in conferences/ symposiums/ seminars, 16 books published on different subjects, 43 book chapters, 33 training manuals and 14 reports/ reviews