G.B. held on 27 Dec., 2013 at Jaipur approved the Revision of IAUA Bye- Laws vide subject 10 to be implemented from 01.01.2013


Memorandum of Association and Bye Laws


Reg. No.3498 – 10.11.67


(Society Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 as applied to the Union Territory of Delhi)



  1. NAME
    The name of the Society is “Indian Agricultural Universities Association” which includes all allied sciences hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.
    The office of the Association shall be at NASC Complex, PUSA, New Delhi-110012.
    1. To serve as inter-agricultural university organization
    2. To promote, support and to undertake such programs as may help to improve norms and standards in education, research, training and extension in agricultural universities.
    3. To act as a bureau of information and to facilitate communication, coordination and mutual consultation amongst agricultural universities.
    4. To act as a liaison between the agricultural universities, ICAR and the Government (Central as well as the State).
    5. To co-ordinate and cooperate with Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, University Grants Commission and other universities or bodies (national or international) in matters of common interest.
    6. To act as representative of agricultural universities of India.
    7. To help maintain the autonomous character of agricultural universities.
    8. To facilitate exchange of teaching, research and extension personnel.
    9. To appoint or recommend, wherever necessary, a common representative of the Association at any conference – national or international on agricultural education, research, extension or allied programs.
    10. To assist agricultural universities in obtaining recognition for their degrees, diplomas and examinations from other universities – Indian as well as foreign.
    11. To undertake, organize and facilitate conferences, seminars, workshops, lectures and research projects in agricultural and allied programs.
    12. To promote sports, youth welfare, students services, cultural programs, farmers education and such other activities as are conducive to the betterment and welfare of students or teachers and others among member universities.
    13. To act as a service agency to agricultural universities in whatever manner it may be required or prescribed.
    14. To undertake, facilitate and provide for publication of newsletters, research papers, books and journals.
    15. To invest and deal with funds of the Association and to vary, alter or transpose such investments from time to time as deemed fit.
    16. To sell, mortgage, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer or dispose of or deal with all or any property, movable or immovable of the Association for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.
    17. To construct, maintain, alter, improve or develop any building or works necessary or convenient for the activities of the Association.
    18. To receive donations, fees and other charges as may be permissible under the bye-laws.
    19. To create administrative, ministerial and other necessary posts and to make appointments thereto.
    20. To establish a Provident Fund for the benefit of the employees of the Association.
    21. To do or get done all such other activities and things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the objectives of the Association.


  • 1. Interpretation

    In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-

    1. “The Association” means the Indian Agricultural Universities Association.
    2. “The Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the Association.
    3. “The President” means the President of the Association.
    4. “The Vice-President” means the Vice-President of the Association.
    5. “Secretary General” means Secretary General of the Association.
    6. “Treasurer” mean Treasurer of the Association
    7. “Member” means a member of the Executive Committee and/or of the Association.
    8. “Prescribed” means prescribed by Bye-Laws framed and approved by the General Body by the Association.
  • 2. Members

    There shall be two categories of members:

    1. Regular Members
    2. Affiliate Members
  • 3. Qualification for Membership

    1. For Regular Membership

      All universities and Institution deemed to be Universities which provide for an integrated program of teaching, research and extension education in agricultural and allied sciences shall be qualified to become regular members after paying prescribed fees.
    2. The membership except in the case of Founder Members shall be sought by means of an application to be made to the Association. The Association shall have the right to accept or reject any application for membership made to it.
  • 4. Admission Fee

    1. Application for membership shall be made along with an admission fee which may be prescribed from time to time by the Association.
  • 5. Annual Subscription by Members

    1. All members of the Association shall pay within the end of May of every year an Annual Subscription which may be prescribed by the Association from time to time.
  • 6. Nomination of Representatives

    1. The Vice-Chancellor of the Member University/ institution shall represent the member university/institution on the Association. If the Vice-Chancellor of the member University/Institution is not able to represent, an Officer of the Institution, preferably the person next in rank as may be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor shall represent the University/Institution.
  • 7. Authorities of the Association

    1. The following shall be the authorities of the Association
    2. General Body
    3. Executive Committee
    4. General Body: The General Body shall consist of all the members of the Association. Policy decisions of the Association shall be taken by the General Body according to majority vote. Only the regular members of the Association shall have the power to vote.
    5. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary General, Treasurer and three persons elected as members of the Executive Committee at the Annual General Body Meeting from among the regular members. The past President of the Association will also be an Exofficio member of the Executive Committee so long as he holds the office of Vice-Chancellor of a member Agricultural University.
  • The affairs of the Association shall be carried out by the Executive Committee. All the members of Executive Committee are to be invited to attend all Executive Committee meetings.
  • 8. Office bearers

    1. The office bearers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary General and the Treasurer.
  • 9. Election of Office bearers

    1. The President, Vice-President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer shall be from among the regular members.
    2. They shall be elected by a majority vote of the representatives of the regular members at the Annual General Body meeting of the Association.
    3. When, for any reason, the office of the President falls vacant, the Vice-President shall immediately assume office as President, until the next duly elected person assumes office.
    4. The Secretary General and Treasurer are authorized to operate the Association’s Bank Accounts.
    5. If for any reason, the office of the Secretary General and Treasurer falls vacant, the President is authorized to fill the vacancy by nominating any member of the Executive Committee until the next elections. Likewise the President is also authorized to fill in the vacancies that may fall vacant during the year, until the next duly elected person assumes office.
  • 10. Term of office of the Members of the Executive Committee

    1. The term of office of the members of the Executive Committee shall commence on a date not later than one month after the date of election and shall be for a period of one year or until the successor officers or member is elected.
  • 11. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee

    1. The Executive Committee shall present to the Association each year at the Annual General Meeting the audited statement of accounts of the Association and the budget estimates of the following financial year. The statement of accounts shall be audited by the auditors appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. The agenda for the Annual General Body Meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary General under the direction of the Executive Committee.
    3. The Executive Committee shall see that action is taken on all the decisions taken by the Association.
  • 12. Responsibilities of Office bearers

    1. President: The President shall preside at the meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee during his/her tenure of office.

      He/she shall deliver an address to the delegates at the Annual Convention. He/she shall have the authority to decide upon the place and date of the meetings of the authorities of the Association.
    2. Vice-President: The Vice-President of the Association shall perform the duties of the President in case of the absence of the latter and such other duties which may be assigned to him/her by the President. In case of absence of the Vice-President also, a person elected by the members present shall perform the duties of the President at such meetings.
    3. Secretary General: The Secretary General shall act as Secretary to the Executive Committee. He/she shall attend to the implementation and/or execution of plans, policies and programs and decisions of the General Body and the Executive Committee.
    4. Treasurer : The Treasurer shall get the accounts of the association audited regularly. Further, he/she shall prepare annual budget of the association and present the same to the Executive Committee and to the General Body Meeting.
    5. As per the provisions made in the objectives of Memorandum of Association vide para 3(xix), the Executive Committee shall appoint personnel for day to day works of the IAUA office. These appointments shall be made on contract basis with suitable emoluments qualifications and experience. The head of office would act as Executive Secretary.
  • 13. Meetings

    1. Annual Meeting of General Body:
      The Association shall hold atleast one meeting in every calendar year to be designated as the Annual General Body Meeting and such meeting shall be convened not later than 15 months of the last Annual General Body Meeting. The Association may also hold a Convention once every year. The quorum for the Annual General Body meeting shall be 1/3 of the total regular members.
    2. Special Meeting of General Body:
      The Association shall hold special meetings of the General Body upon the call of the Executive Committee or at the call of the 1/3 of the regular members for the purposes to be specified in the call.
    3. Decisions in Meetings of General Body:
      Unless otherwise provided in these Bye-laws, the decisions of the Association can be taken in its General Body Meetings on the basis of majority vote of members present, if the Members present constitute the quorum.
    4. Meetings of the Executive Committee:
      The Executive Committee shall meet atleast once in a quarter. The decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote of the members present, if the members present constitute the quorum. The quorum for the Executive Committee shall be three of which one of them should be the President or the Secretary General.
    5. Special Meetings & Seminars:
      The Executive Committee may sponsor seminars and workshops on special topics from time to time as it may deem fit in which a broader and more specialized representation from participating institutions and agencies may be invited.
  • 14. Finances

    1. At any regular meetings, the Executive Committee shall decide upon the sources of obtaining the funds necessary for meeting the expenses of the Association and may also call for additional contribution from the members. Expenditure for all works and activities of the Association shall not exceed the budget estimates of the Association.
  • 15. Committees

    1. The General Body and/or the Executive Committee shall constitute such committees as they may find desirable for carrying out the activities of the Association.
  • 16. Delegation of Powers

    1. The Association at its General Body Meeting may by a resolution delegate to the Executive Committee or any officer of the Association all or any of its powers as deemed fit.
  • 17. Suits by and against the Association

    1. The Association may sue or be sued in the name of the Secretary General of the Association.
  • 18. Annual list of Managing Body to be filed

    1. Once in every year, or before the fourteenth day succeeding the day on which the annual general meeting of the Association is held, a list shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies of the names, addresses and occupations of the members of the Executive Committee then entrusted with the management of the affairs of the Association.
  • 19. Amendments

    1. The Memorandum and Regulations of the Association may be altered or amended at any General Body Meeting of the Association by a 2/3 majority vote of the regular members in attendance. If the members present constitute a quorum, provided the notice of such proposed alternation or amendment together with full text thereof with the name of the mover shall have been distributed by the Secretary General to all members so as to allow at atleast 30 clear days before the date of meeting.
  • 20. Alternation, Extension or Abridgement of the objects of the Association:

    1. Whenever it shall appear to the Executive Committee that it is advisable to alter, extend or abridge any objects of the Association or to amalgamate the Association wholly or partially with any other body or institution or organization, the Executive Committee may submit the proposition to the members of the Association in a written or printed report and may convene a special meeting for the consideration thereof according to the regulations of the Association but no such preposition shall be carried into effect unless such report shall have been delivered or sent by post to every member of the Association at least ten days previous to the Special General Body meeting convened by the Executive Committee for the consideration thereof not unless such preposition shall have been agreed to by the votes of threefifths of the members delivered in person or by proxy, and confirmed by the votes of three-fifths of the members present at a second special General Body meeting convened by the Executive Committee at an interval of one month after the former meeting of the General Body.
  • 21. a) Dissolution of the Society:

    1. The income and properties of the Society howsoever derived shall be applied towards the promotion of the objectives mentioned in the Memorandum of Association (bye-laws). No portion of the income or property of the Society shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly by way of profit to persons who at any time are/have been members of the Society or to any of them or to any person claiming through them or any of them provided that nothing, herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any member there to or other person in return for any service rendered to the Society.
    2. b) On the winding or dissolution of the Society, if there shall remain after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Society or to any of them but shall be dealt with in such manner as the Indian Council of Agricultural Research may determine in accordance with the provisions of the Society act.
    3. c) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Executive Committee shall have the power to take over, acquire (by purchase, gift, exchange, lease, hire or otherwise) museum collection/ immovable property endowment and other funds together with any attendant obligations so that neither the transaction nor the terms and conditions, where under it is concluded, is inconsistent with objects of the Society or the policy of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and no immovable property shall be disposed of either by sale, or otherwise except with the prior approval of Indian Council of Agricultural Research having been obtained in this behalf.
  • 22. Publications

    1. The Secretary General shall be responsible for issuing the proceedings of the Annual General Body Meeting and the papers presented at the convention in the form of publications.
  • 23. General

    1. The Association shall have the power to make byelaws as it may deem necessary for regulating the procedure for conducting its own business and such other matters not provided for in the bye-laws.
    2. It is also made clear that representatives of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation) be invited to participate in all the Executive Committee and General Body Meeting of the Association.















Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations

Reg, No,3498 - 10,11.67


(Society Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 as applied to the Union Territory of Delhi)



  1. NAME
    The name ofthe Society is "Indian Agricultural Universities Association",hereinafter referred to as the "Association",
    The office of the Association shall be at New Delhi. Camp Office shall be at the head-quarters of the Association President and ofthe Secretary-Treasurer of the year or such other place SIS may be decided by the Executive Committee from time to time,
    1. Toserve as inter-agricultural university organisation,
    2. To promote, support and to undertake such programmes as may},-slpto improve norms and standards in educat-e 1')., research, training and extension in agricultural universities.
    3. To act as a bureau of information and to facilitate communication, coordination and mutual consultation amongst agricultural universities.
    4. To act as a liaision between the agricultural universities and the Government (Central as well as the State Government),
    5. To co-ordinate and cooperate with Indian Council of Agricultrual Research, Council of Scientificand Indus trial Research, Department of Science and Technology, University Grants Commission and other universities or bodies (national or: international) in matters of common interest,
    6. To act as representative of agricultural universities of India.
    7. Tohelp to maintain the autonomous character of agaricultual universities,
    8. To facilitate exchange of members of the teaching, research and extension staff.
    9. 1'0 appoint or recommend, where necessary, a commonrepresentative ofthe Assocationat any conference- national or international on agricultural education, research, extension or allied programmee.
    10. Toassist agricultural univereit.iesin obtaining recognition for their degrees, diplomas and examinations from other univeraities - Indian lUI well ae foreign.
    11. To undertake, organise and facilitate conferences,eeminal'S,wprkshops, lectures and research l>rojects in agricultural and allied programmes.
    12. To establish and maintain a sports organisation for promoting sports among member universities.
    13. To establish and maintain organisation dealing with youth welfare, student services, cultural programmes; farmers education and such other activities as are conducive to the betterment and welfare of students or teachers and others.
    14. To act as a service agency to agricultural universities in whatever manner it may be required or prescribed.
    15. To undertake, facilitate and provide for publication of newsletters,research papers,books and journals.
    16. To invest and deal with funds and monies of the Association and to vary, alter or transpose such investments from.time to time.
    17. To sell, mortagage, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer 01' dispose of or deal with all or any property, movable or immovable of the Association for the furtherence of the objects of the Association.
    18. To construct, maintain, alter, improve or develop any building or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Association.
    19. To receive donations and to demand and receive payment ofsuch fees and other charges'as may be authorised by the bye-laws.
    20. To create administrative, ministerial and other necessary posts and to make appointments there to.
    21. To establish a Provident Fund for the benefit of the employees of the Association.
    22. Todo or get done all such other acts and things as are conduciveor incidental to the attainment of the objects of the Association.
    The names, addresses, occupations and desginations of the present members of the Executive Committee to whom-the management of the affairs of.the Association are entrusted as required under Section 2 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) are the following:
  5. Sl. No. Name Desgination & Address Occupation

    A copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Association certified to be a correct copy by three members of the Executive Committee, is filed with the Registrar of Societies, Delhi along with the Memorandum of Association.

  6. We the eerveral persons, whose names and addresses are given below, having associated ourselvesfor the purpose deecsribed in the Memorandum of Association do hereby subscribe our names in this Memorandum of Association and set OUI' several and respective seals hereunder and for ourselves into 8 Society under Act XXI of 1860, This date of Nov., 1967.
  7. Sl. No. Name and address of members Signature on the seals
    1. Shri P.N. Thapar,
    Punjab Agricultural University,
    2. Shri V. Pulla Reddi,
    Vice -Chancellor,
    Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University,
    3. Dr. J.S. Patel,
    Jawaharlnl Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,
    4. Shri D.P. Singh,
    U.P. Agricultural University,
    5. Dr. K.C. Naik,
    University of Agricultural Sciences,
    6. Dr. S.N. Das Gupta,
    Kalyani University, Kalyani.
    7. Dr. K Ramiah,
    Orissa Agricultural Univereity,
    8. Dr. G.S. Mahajani,
    Udaipur University, Udaipur.
    9. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan,
    Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
    New Delhi.



  1. Interpretation

    In these Rules, unless the context othewise requires -

    1. "The Association" means the Indian Agricultural Universities Association,
    2. "The Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the Association.
    3. "The President" means the President ofthe Association.
    4. "Member" means a member of' the Executive Committee and/or of the Association.
    5. "Secretary-cum-Treasurer" means Secretary-cum Treasurer of the Association.
    6. "Prescribed" means prescribed by Bye-Laws framed by the Executive Committe.eand/or by the Association.
  2. Members

    There shall be two categories of members :

    1. Regular Members
    2. Affiliate Members
  3. Qualification for Membership
    1. For Regular Membership:

      All Universities and Institutions deemed to be Univereities which provide for an intergrated programme ofteaching, research and extension education in agricultural sciences shall be qualified to become regular members.
    2. For Affiliate Members:

      All Institutions or Agencies or Foundations which are gel rely interested in and are capable of contributing to the promotion of the objects of the Associar, .1 shall be qualified to become Affiliate Members.

    The Regular Members shall include the following Founder Members:

    1. Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University, Pantnagar.
    2. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
    3. Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar.
    4. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi -Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur.
    5. University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
    6. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad.
    7. University of Udaipur, Udaipur.
    8. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

    The membership except in the case of Founder Members shall be sought by means of an application to be made to the Association. The Associa tion shall ha ve the righ t to accept or reject any application for memberehip made to it.

  4. Admission Fee
    Application for membership shall be made alongwith an admission fee which may be prescribed from time to time by the Association.
  5. Annual Subscription by Members
    All members of the Association shall pay within the end of May of every year an Annual Subscription which may be prescribed by the Association from time to time.
  6. Nomination of Representatives
    The Chief Executive Officer of the Member Institutions shall represent the member Institution on the Association. If the Chief Executive Officer of the member Institution is not able to represent the Institution, an Officer of the Institution, preferably the person next in rank as may be nominated by the Chief Executive Officer shall represent the Institution.
  7. Authorities of the Association

    The following shall be the a uthorities of the Association

    1. General Body
    2. Executive Committee
    3. General Body: The General Body shall consist of all the Members of the Association. Policy decisions of the Association shall be taken by the General Body according to majority vote. Only the regular members of the Association shall have the power to vote.
    4. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President and Secretary-cum-Treasurer' and three persons elected as members of the Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting from among the regular members ..The retiring President of the Association will also be a member of the Executive Committee so long as 'he holds the office of Vice-Chancellor of a member Agricultural University.

    The affairs of the Associa tion shall be carried out by the Executive Committee. All the members are to be invited to atten~ all Executive Committee meetings.

  8. Officers
    The Officers of the Association shall be the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary-cum-Treasurer.
  9. Election of Officers
    The President, Vice-President andthe Secretary -cum- Treasuer shall be from among those representing the regular members. They shali be elected by a majority vote of the representatives of the regular members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

    When, for any reason, the office of the President falls vacant, the Vice-President shall immediately assume office as President, until the next duly elected person assumes office.

    In addition to the Secretary-Treasurer, the,President is also empowered to operate the Association's Bank Accounts.

    If for any reason, the office of the Secretary- Treasurer falls vacant, the President is authorised to fill the vacancy by nominating any member of the Executive Committee, until the next elections. Likewise the President is also authorised to fill in the vacancies that may fall vacant during the year, until the next duly elected person assumes office,

  10. Term of office of die Members of the Executive Committee

    The term of office of the members of the Executive Committee shall commence on a date not later than one month after the date of election and shall be for a period ofone year or until the successor officer or member is elected.

  11. Duties of the Executive Committee
    1. The Executive Committee shall present to the Association each year at the Annual General Meeting the audited etatement of accounts of-the Association and the budget estimates ofthe followingfinancial year .The statement ofaccounts shall be audited by the auditors appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. The agenda for the Annual General Body Meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary-cum-Treasurer under the direction of the Executive Committee.
    3. The Executive Committee shall see that action is taken on all the decisions taken by the Association.
  12. Duties of Officers
    1. President: The President shall preside at the meetings of the Assocation and the Executive Committee during his tenure of office.

      He shall deliver an address to the delegates. at the Annual Convention. He shall have the authority to decide upon the place and date of the meetings of the authorities of the Association.

    2. Vice-President: The Vice-President of the Association shall perform the duties of the President in case of the absence of the latter and such other duties which may be assigned to him by the President. In ease ofabsence of the Vice- President also, a person elected by the members present shall perform the duties of the President at such meetings.
    3. Secretary-cum-Treasurer : The Secretary-cum- Treasurer shall act as Secretary to the Executive Committee. Heshall attend to the implementation and/or execution ofplans, policiesand programmes and decisions ofthe General Bodyand the Executive Committee.
  13. Meetings
    1. Annual Meeting of General Body:
      The Association shall hold atleast one meeting in every calendar year to be designa ted as the Annual General Body Meeting and such meeting shall be convened not later than 15 months of the last Annual General Body Meeting. The Association may also hold a Convention once every year. The quorum for the Annual General Bodymeeting shall be 1/3 of the total regular members.
    2. Special Meeting of General Body:
      The Association shall hold special meetings of the General Body upon the can of the Executive Committee orat the call ofthe 1/3ofthe regular members for the purposes to be -specifiedin the call.
    3. Decisions in Meetings of General Body:
      Unless otherwise provided in these Rules and Regulations, the decisions ofthe Association can be taken in its General BodyMeetings on the basis of majority vote ofmembers present if the Members present constitute the quorum.
    4. Meetings of the Executive Committee:
      The Executive Committee shall meet aUeast once in a quarter. The decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote of the members present, if the members present constitute the quorum. The quorum for the Executive Committee shall be three-of which one should be the President or the Secretary.
    5. Special Meetings & Seminars:
      The Executive Committee may sponsor seminars and workshops on special topics from time to time as it may deem fit in which a broader and more specialised representation from participating institutions and agencies may be invited.
  14. Finances
    At any regular meeting, the Executive Committee shall decide upon the sources of obtaining the funds necessary for meeting the expenses of the Association and may also call for additional contribution from the members. Expenditure for all works and activities of the Association shall not exceed the budget estimates of the Association.
  15. Committees
    The General Body and/or the Executive Committee shall constitute such committees as they may find desireable for carrying out the activities of the Association.
  16. Delegation of Powers
    The Association at its General Body Meeting may by a resolution delegate to the Executive Committee or any officer of the Association all or any of its powers as deemed fit.
  17. Suits by and against The Association
    The Association may sue or be sued in the name of the Secretary-cum-Treasurer of the Association.
  18. AnnualU.t of Managing Body to be filed
    Once in every year, 01' before the fourteenth day succeeding the day on which the annual general meeting of the Association is held, a list shall he filed with the Registrar of Societies of the names, addresses and occupations of the members of the Executive Committee then entrusted with the management of the affairs of the Association.
  19. Amendments
    The Memorandum and Regulations of the Association may be altered or amendedat any General Body Meeting of the Association by a 2/3 majority vote of the regular members in attendance. If the members present constitute a quroum, provided that notice of such proposed alternation or amendment together with full text thereof With the name of the mover shall have been distributed by the Secretary-cum-Treasurer to all members so as to allow at atleast 30 clear days before the date of the meeting.
  20. Alternation, Extension or Abridgement of the objects of the Association:
    Whenever it shall appear to the Executive Committee that it is advisable to alter, extend or abridge any objects of the Association 01' to amalgamate the Association wholly or partially with any other body or institution or organisation, the Executive Committee may submit the proposition to the members of the Association in a written or printed report and may convene a special meeting for the consideration thereof according to the regulations of the Association but no such preposition shall be carried into effect unless such report shall have been delivered or sent by post to every member of the Aseociation at least ten days previous to the special meeting convened by the Executive Committee for the consideration thereof not unless such preposition shall have been agreed to by the votes of'threefifths of the members delivered in person or by proxy, and confirmed by the votes of three-fifths of the members present at a second special meeting convened by the Executive Committee at an interval of one month after the former meeting.
  21.      a. Dissolution of the Society:
    1. The income and properties of the Society howsoever derived shall be applied towards the promotion of the objects mentioned in the Memorandum ofAssociation. Noportion ofthe income and property of the Society shall be-paid or transfered, directly or indirectly by way ofprofit to perscne who at any time are/have been members ofthe Society or toany ofthem 01' to any person claiming throug them or any of them provided that nothing, herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any member there to or other person in return for any service rendered to the Society.

    2. Onthe winding or dissolution of the Society, if there ehall remain after the satisfaction ofall debts and liabili ties, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Society or to any of them but shall be dealt with in such manner as the Indian Council of Agricultural Research may determine.
    3. In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Executive Committee ehall have the power to take over, acquire (by purchase, gift, exchange, lease, hire or otherwise) museum collection/immovable property, endowment and other funds together with any attendant obligations so that neither the transaction nor the terms and conditions, whereunder it is concluded, is inconsistent with objects of the Society or the policy of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, and no immovable property shall be diepoeed of either by ea le, or otherwise except with the prior approval of Indian Council of Agricultural Research having been obtained in this behalf.
  22. Publication.
    The Secretary-cum-Treasurer shall be responsible for issuing the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and of the papers presented at the conventions in the form of publications.
  23. General
    The Association shall have the power to make bye-laws as it may deem necessary for regulating the procedure for conducting its own business and such other matters not provided for in the rules and regulations.

    It is also made clear that the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation) representatives be invited to participate in all the Executive Committee and General. Body Meeting of the Association.