6th Brainstorming Session

Dates: 11-12th July 2014

Place: Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai

Theme: Challenges before NARS in National Food Production

Major Recommendations of the Conference

  1. Indian Agriculture should aim at market-specific, export-oriented crop production and value addition for increased market share.

  2. Efforts should be made to bridge the gap between yield potential and actual yield realized on the farm.

  3. Integrated farming system should be adopted in drylands.

  4. Technology should be developed to cultivate onion in rain-fed/low-irrigation conditions and throughout the year.

  5. Green fodder production should be increased, utilizing common property resources. Fodder- seed production should be brought under national seed chain.

  6. Use of modern biotechnological interventions like embryo transfer, IVF, ovum pick-up, cloning etc. should be adopted for faster multiplication of elite cows and buffaloes.

  7. Greater policy focus, private investment in mariculture, deep sea fishing and community based management are essential to sustain marine fish production.

  8. Quality seed availability, effective diseases management, and quality assurance should be ensured to sustain the growth of aquaculture sector.