5th Brainstorming Session
Recommendation of the “Brain storming session on agriculture research and education: Role of SAU/SVU/SHU/SFU- Expectations and responsibilities” held at IARI, New Delhi on 18-05-2013
- A large gap in the human resource availability and requirement has greatly affected both quality of teaching and research capacities particularly in disciplines of veterinary, dairy, fisheries and other allied fields. It was suggested that educational institutes in these disciplines should increase their intake capacity. Efforts also need to be made to fill up the existing vacant research and teaching positions in various academic institutions on priority.
- Basic science disciplines are being marginalized in SAUs teaching programs. A larger focus in the initial years should be on basic science subjects so that students have a strong academic background.
- Appropriate linkages and communication among IAUA‘s and with ICAR should be developed specially to address the education system in totality so as to improve skills and knowledge, to reduce inbreeding and to enhance exposure, both at national and international level, of students, teachers, researchers and extension specialists.
- The State universities should initiate sandwich education and research programmes with other universities, ICAR institutes and overseas organization for providing a fillip to their activities.
- National performance indicators should be developed for evaluation of students, teachers and accreditation of the Universities. These indicators should be integral part of the policy on higher education.
- ICAR should institute a dedicated education promotion fund at least Rs.100 crores to each university during 12th five year plan for strengthening infrastructure and human resource for making state universities internationally competent.
- IAUA should develop a database on various indicators and activities to enlarge its role in participation and be involved in informed opinions.
- Large overlapping in research programs within ICAR institutes and between ICAR institutes and SAUs was a major concern. There was a definite need to avoid this. It was suggested that ICAR institutes should undertake basic research and applied component should be left to SAUs. Linkages between ICAR and State institutions should be developed to ensure avoidance of duplication. More and more state universities should be involved in Network and Platform research programmers.
- The State universities should develop technologies on precision farming, protected cultivation, integrated farming systems for natural resource conservation and making the enterprises economical and sustainable.
- Public-private partnership model should be explored for technology development and their dissemination.