MandateIndian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA) has completed 50 years in the year 2017-18. It was established on 10 Nov, 1967 (Registration no. 3489). There were only 9 founder member agricultural universities; and their VCs were: founder president Dr P.N. Thaper, VC, PAU, Chandigarh (now Ludhiana); and members Shri V. Pulla Reddy, VC, APAU (now ANGRAU), Guntur; Dr J.S. Patel, VC, JNKVV, Jabalpur; Shri D.P. Singh, VC, UPAU (now GBPUAT), Pantnagar; Dr K.C. Nair, VC, UAS, Bengaluru; Dr S.N. DasGupta, VC, KU, Kalyani (now BCKV, Mohanpur); Dr K. Ramaiya, VC, OUAT, Bhubaneswar; Dr G.S.Mahajani, VC, UU (now MPUAT), Udaipur; and Dr M.S. Swaminathan, Director, IARI, New Delhi. During theperiod, there has been phenomenon increase in the number of agricultural universities. Till date, we have 69 regular member universities, viz; 61 SAUs, 4 DUs (IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE) and 4 CAUs (Imphal, BHU, DRPCAU and RLBCAU). On specialization, there are 44 Agricultural, 6 Horticultural; 16 Veterinary and Animal Sciences and3 Fishery Science Universities. During the initial 30 years,IAUA organized fewer events, i.e. 24 annual VCs’ conventions during 1972-99; but later the events as well as their types (categories) increased, i.e. 44 events during 1999-2018 which include18 VC’s Conventions, 12 National Symposium, 8 Brain Storming Session, 6 Regional Committee Meetings. IAUA also celebrated the occasion of completing the 50years of its existence, with all the regular activities, by organizing a flagship “IAUA Golden Jubilee International Conference–“Sharing GlobalExperience” during 23rd-25th November,2018 at its headquarters, NASC, Pusa Campus, New Delhi. It was noteworthy that in this conference over 400 leading agricultural education leaders from over 20 Countries including India, China, USA, U.K, Canada, and Netherland, Australia and from several international, such as GCHERA participates in this conference. The main objective of the Association is to promote agricultural research, education and extension in the universities and the states, and thereby rural development in the country. It also acts as a bureau of information to facilitate communication, coordination and mutual consultation among agricultural universities. The Association also acts as a liaison between member universities and government departments to facilitate communication and expedite the needed action in matters of importance. All the SAUs and institutions (deemed-to-be universities and Central Agricultural Universities) in India, which provide an integrated programme of teaching, research and extension education in agricultural sciences, are qualified to become regular members of the Association. The ViceChancellors of member universities constitute the Association’s General Body. The General Body meets once a year to decide the agenda for the next convention and other events and also to adopt to its audited accounts of the year besides approval of the budget estimates for the next financial year, the election ofExecutive Committee (EC) for the following calendar year. The EC of the Association consists of President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and three members. The Executive Committee meets quarterly. The office of the Association is operated by the Executive Secretary who implements the decisions of General Body and Executive Committee on behalf of the Association. A quarterly newsletter is also being published by the Association since 2000, giving important news, events and achievements by member universities for the information of all the members and others interested. An Annual Report is also published, documenting all the activities of the year. The information on events and proceedings are published through the host universities, and the recommendations are also included in website (www.iauaindia.org) and circulated to all the VCs of member universities and other main stake holders. The main source of revenue of the Association is the annual subscription from member universities. The ICAR also provides a nominal grant annually. |
Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee of the Association takes decisions in its quarterly meetings, regarding its day-to-day functioning. Its directions on activities, events and policy matters are referred to the General Body for final approval and ratification. The composition of the Executive Committee during the year 2018 was as follows: Executive Committee
During the year 2018-19, four Quarterly Executive Committee meetings were held, viz. No. 1 of 2018 on 7th Mar 2018 at IAUA Headquarter, New-Delhi No.2 of 2018 on 22nd June 2018 at IAUA Headquarter, New-Delhi No.3 of 2018 on 14th Sep 2018 at IAUA Headquarter, New Delhi; and No.4 of 2018 on 10th Feb 2018 at PAU, Ludhiana. GENERAL BODYThe General Body Meeting was held on 11th Feb 2019, at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab). The agendaitemsfor the meeting were:
The following members were elected :
New Executive Committee Members of 2018
Editorial Board of IAUA NewsletterThe present members of Editorial Board are mentioned below. 1. Dr R. P. Singh, Executive-Secretary, IAUA 2. Dr Kirti Singh, ex-Chairman, ASRB 3. Dr C. S. Chakraborty, ex- President, IAUA (2013) & ex- VC, WBUAFS, Kolkata 4. Dr Ramendra Singh, ex-Chief Agronomist, FAI 5. Mr R. S. Gupta, ex-Editor (English), ICAR EVENTS1) 9th Brain-storming session on: “Alternative Farming Systems Involving Horticulture to Increase Crop Productivity and Doubling Farmers’ Income”, held at Dr. YSP University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh from 3rd May to 4th May, 2018
2) 7th IAUA Regional Meeting of Vice Chancellors on: “Harnessing Potential of Traditional and Modern Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture” held at CSAUAT, Kanpur during 29th– 30th August, 2018
3) IAUA Golden Jubilee International Conference “Agriculture Education-Sharing Global Experience” held at NASC Complex, Pusa Campus during 23rd-25th November, 2018
University curricula should be dynamically updated with twin emphasis on excellence and relevance, in particular keeping in view the needs of majority smallholder farmers, women farmers, and tribal framers to achieve enhanced inclusiveness in science-led development consistent with the several major international declarations, agreements, and initiatives viz., UN SDGs-Agenda 2030, Paris Agreement, CBD,ITPGRFA, PPVFRA etc. Keeping in mind the new initiatives of the Government of India, Namely, Doubling Farmers’ Income, Start-up India, Digital India, Skill India, E-NAM etc., and similar initiatives in other countries, these initiatives should be duly internalized in university curricula for making agriculture attractive and remunerative for the youth. The enhanced employment ability, Income, food and nutritional security should be in synergy with ecological and environmental sustainability 4) 43rd Vice Chancellors Convention: “Artificial Intelligence for Smart Agriculture” held at Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana during 11th– 12th Feb, 2019
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INTERNATIONAL LINKAGES & COLLABORATIONSA. The IAUA expanded and maintained its linkages with international sister Associations and other International organizations in India and abroad, like:
This will facilitate global exchange of views and knowledge in the field of agricultural research, extension and education. B. Visit of the Scientists for International participation during the year 2017-18
AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONSANAND AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, ANANDIDA Research Paper AwardThe research paper entitiled “Development of synbioticlassi containing honey: Studies on probiotic viability, product characteristics and shelf life”, authored by Miss Shruti Sharma, Dr Sreeja V. and Shri Jashbhai B. Prajapati was declared Second best paper published in the Dairy Processing Area in India Journal of Dairy Science for the calender year 2016 by Indian Dairy Association. Dr Sreeja V. received this honour with cash prize of Rs 3000 and certificates for the authors during the 46th Dairy Industry Conference and Dairy Expo at Adlux International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Angamali, Kochi during 8-10th Feb. 2018. Best Teacher AwardDr Kamlesh A. Sadariya, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology received the “BEST TEACHER AWARD” in the Faculty of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Anand for the year 2016-17 fromH.E. Shri O.P. Kohli, Governor of Gujarat, Shri R.C Faldu Agriculture minister during the 14th Annual convocation ceremony held at Anand Agricultural University on 2 Jan. 2018. Breed Registration Certificate AwardNational Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries jointly organized the Animal Breed Registration Certificates Award Ceremonyat Krishi Bhawan, New Delhion10 Jan. 2018. Thefunction was organized to award Breed Registration to the stackholders/applicants for the newly recognized and registered breeds of livestock during the year. Anand Agricultural University, Sahjeevan Trust and Ram Rahim Kachchhi-Sindhi Ashwapalak Sahkari Mandali Ltd jointly characterized Kachchhi-Sindhi horse breed, and now Kachchhi-Sindhi horse breed is recognized as a 7th equine breed. Dr D. N. Rank on behalf of AAU received the breed registration certificates from Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister, at New Delhi. Bharat Shiksha Ratan AwardDr Y.C.Zala, Principal & Dean, International Agribusiness Management Institute, AAU, Anand received prestigious “Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award for Best Personalities” for outstanding achievement in education, research and extension in the field of Agriculture,especially in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management from Economic Growth Foundation, Delhi on 7 Apr 2018. The Award was given on the occasion of a seminar on “Globalization of economic growth & social development”. INSA Visiting Scientist Award: 2018-2019DrSubrotaHatiwas selected for INSA Visiting Scientist Award: 2018-2019, by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi for conducting the research work on Characterization of bioactive peptides from fermented soy milk.Dr Hati is working in Food & Nutritional Biotechnology Division, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali, (Punjab), under the mentorship of Dr Kiran. The entire expenses will be borne by the INSA, New Delhi under INSA Visiting Scientist programme. Award to Dr B.D. PatelDr B. D. Patel, Agronomist & PI, AICRP-Weed Management, AAU, Anand, received prestigious UPL Limited Award-2018 for “Effective transfer of plant-protection technologies to the farmers”. The honour was conferred for significant contribution in the field of Weed Science to disseminate weed-management technologies to the farming community from PPAG (Plant Protection Association of Gujarat) on 29 Sep 2018. The award was given on the occasion of a state-level seminar on “Uttar GujaratnaBadhayatiPakoma Pak Paksanraxan”, organized by PPAG at Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, S. K. Nagar (Gujarat). Best Centre AwardThe Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research, Modipuram (Meerut) was adjudged and conferred the “Best Centre Award 2016-2018”an All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming System of Agricultural Research Station, (Agriculture University, Kota). CHAUDHARY CHARAN SINGH HARYANA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, HISARKVK Kurukshetra AwardPandit Deendayal Upadhay Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Puraskar 2017 to KVK Kurukshetra of the University won this award for commendable work is agriculture in Zone-2. Prof. K.P. Singh, VC, received this award from Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi.The award carries a plaque and a cheque for Rs. 2.25 lakhs. Shri Narender Modi, Prime Minister, inaugurated the programme and Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’& Welfare, presided over the function. CHAUDHARY SARWAN KUMAR HIMACHAL PRADESH KRISHI VISHVAVIDYALAYA, PALAMPURKVK, Mandi first in Zone- IKrishi Vigyan Kendra, Mandi of the university received ‘Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Puraskar’ in Zone-I (comprising 70 KVKs ) from the Prime Minister on 17 March at New Delhi. Award for VCProf. Ashok Kumar Sarial, VC, was honoured with the Best Teacher Award at CCS Haryana Agricultural University. The award, consisting of Rs 10,000, at rophy and acitation was awarded to him by Prof K.P. Singh,Vice-Chancellor,HAU in an impressive ceremony. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, while serving as Professor (Genetics & Plant Breeding) at HAU before his selection as VC in August 2016, made significant contributions in teaching and research and motivated his students to opt for plant breeding. Asaresult nine of the 17 gold medals of Agriculture College, Kaul, (where he served) were bagged by his students. DR Y.S.R. HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, TADEPALLIGUDEMPandit Deendayal Upadhyay Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Puraskar-2017Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Venkataramannagudemreceived “Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Puraskar-2017” from the ICAR in Zone-X. PM ShriNarendra Modipresented the award to Dr R.V.S.K.Reddy, Director of Extension and Dr E.Karuna Sree, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Venkataramannagudem on 17 Mar. 2018 during the National Conference of KVKs and Krishi Unnati Mela held at IARIcampus, New Delhi from 15 to 17 Mar. 2018. AICRP on Fruits (Citrus), Citrus Research Station, Tirupati was awarded the Best ICAR-AICRP (FRUITS) Centre for 2017-18 at 5th Group Discussion of ICAR-AICRP held at NRC, Banana, Trichy from 15-18 Feb. 2018. Dr A. Sujatha, Dean of Student Affairs received Dr Anand Prakash award for outstanding research contributions in the field of pest management of Horticultural Crops, especially coconut eriophyid mite at 16th AZRA International Conference on Applied Zoological Research for Sustain-able Agriculture & Food Security organized by Applied Zoologists Research Association, Odisha and Department of Entomology & Agricultural Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi from 9-11 Feb. 2018. Dr N.B.V.Chalapathi Rao, Senior Scientist (Entomology) received 1st Best oral presentation of Prof. P. Kameswara Rao Award for 2017-18 for the research paper entitled “Successful management of coconut black headed caterpillar Opisinaarenosellaoutbreak in Andhra Pradesh through biological control”. The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, presented IARI merit medal to Dr K. Ravindra Kumar, Scientist (Hort.), HRS, Kovvur, in 56th Convocation programme held at IARI, New Delhi on 9 Feb. 2018. It was given for his research work entitled “Studies on plant gametophyte in Tagetesspp”. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Agriculture Minister, handed him over his Ph.D. (Hort.) degree. GURU ANGAD DEV VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, LUDHIANANational recognition to KVKKrishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Booh (TaranTaran), operational under GADVASU, was awarded at national level under Swachh Bharat Mission by Shri Radhna Mohan Singh, Union Cabinet Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, on 8 Mar at Annual Conference of Vice Chancellors of Agricultural Universities and Directors of ICAR-institutes at New Delhi. Out of 680 KVKs operational in India, KVK, Taran got third prize in “Swachhta Award”. Laurels to NCC Cadet at National Level in Republic Day CampShri Vikas Garg, a 3rd year BVSc & AH student, won a Gold Medal in Tent Pegging Competition at Republic Day Camp, which was held at New Delhi during Republic Day celebrations, A cadet of 1 Pb. R&V SQN NCC, GADVASU, he competed with the riders of 17 other directorates from all over India. In spite of his hectic schedule in a professional degree course, he pursued his dream of riding the horse. Overall Champion ship Runner up in Inter-Agri Youth FestivalThe 18th Inter-Agricultural Universities Youth Festival 2017-2018 competitions were held at Shri Venkateshwara Veterinary University, Tirupati, (Andhra Pradesh). In this mega festival total 1300 students participated from 51 universities of the country. This university won overall Championship Runner up. Scientists bring laurels for instituteH.E. Prof. Kaptan Singh Salanki, the Governor of Haryana, conferred Fellow of Indian Society of Veterniary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Dr S.Rampal, DSW-cum-EO and Dr Suresh Kumar Sharma, Professor, Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology at 17th Annual Conference of India Society of Veterniary Pharmacology and Toxicology and at National symposium on ‘Combating antimicrobial resistance’,held at Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterniary and Animal Sciences, Hisar. These scientists were honoured for their contribution in the field of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology. Dr Suresh Kumar Sharma and Dr S.P.S. Saini chaired the different Scientific Sessions in the Conference. The Conference was attended by more than 200 delegates from different parts of the country. Out of 3 young Scientist Awards of the Society, two were bagged by students of GADVASU. Dr Pallavi Bhardwaj and Dr Rashmi Sagar, Ph.D. students of Pharmacology and Toxicology, were awarded Dr R Natarajan and Dr J.V.Anjaria Young Scientist Awards respectively, for their excellent research work in the field of Pharmacokinetics and Ethnopharmacology respectively. GOVIND BALLABH PANT UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY, PANTNAGARMahindra Samridhi AwardPantnagar University was honoured with Mahindra Samirdhi Agri Award 2018, instituted by M/s Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Prof. A.K. Misra, VC, received the award from Shri Radha Mohan Singh Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare. This award was given under Krishi Shiksha Samman (Agricultural University of the year) category. The award carries a trophy, a certificate and a cash prize of Rs 1,11,000. The award ceremony was held in Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi on 7 Mar 2018. Best university awardH.E. Dr K.K. Paul, the Governor of Uttarakhand, presented ‘Best University of Uttarakhand-2017’ award to Pantnagar University on 27 Feb. 2018 at RajBhawan, Dehradun. The award carries a running trophy, citation and Rs. 2.00 lakhs. This is the third time consecutively that Pantvarsity was honored for this award. Earlier, in 2016 and 2017 also Pantvarsity was honored with this prestigious Governors’ award for the year 2015 and 2016. The amount of Rs 2 lakhs will be utilized for modernizing the library services. TV 100 Education Excellence AwardPantnagar University was awarded ‘TV 100 Education Excellence Award 2018’ for being the best agricultural university. Prof. A.K. Misra, Vice-Chancellor of Pantvarsity, received the award by the Shri Santosh Gangwar, Union Minister of State (independent charge), Labour and Employment, on 29 May 2018. The award function of this third Education Excellence Award of TV 100 was organized in the Constitution Club at New Delhi in which Shri Santosh Gangwar was the Chief Guest. Award to University ScientistsPantvarsity fetched six prizes in National Mango Festival-2018, organized at DehraDun by Horticulture and Food Processing Department of Uttarakhand during 16-17 July 2018.Shri Subhodh Uniyal,Minister of Agriculture and Horticulture of Uttarakhand, presented these prizes to the team of Horticulture Research Centre of the university which had put its stall in the festival. These prizes included first prize for exhibiting maximum number of varieties, i.e. 117, by any organization in the fest. The five prizes included one first prize and four second prizes in different categories of mango for producing specific and high-quality varieties exhibited under hybrid/exotic varieties group. A large number of organizations from all-over the country participated in this mango festival. Dr Biswajit Pramanick of College of Agriculture received Young Scientist Award from Society of Tropical Agriculture on the occasion of ‘7th international conference on agriculture, horticulture and plant sciences’ in, Shimla during 28-29 June 2018. He also received the Best-paper presentation award during the conference for his oral presentation on the topic ‘Integrated farming system : a prospective approach towards sustainable agriculture’. Dr Sanjay Kumar of Sugarcane Research Centre, at Kashipur received Global Extension Excellence Award at International Conference, held at Kualalumpur, Malaysia, during 10-13 July 2018, on presentation of his research paper. Award to Veterinary studentsStudents of College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences of Pantvarsity excelled on many fronts,
INDIRA GANDHI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, RAIPURSTRASA AwardDr S.B. Verulkar, Head, Department of Plant Molecular, Biology and Biotechnology, IGKV, Raipur, received the Plaque of Appreciation (STRASA award) for his role in the implementation of the IRRI – led Stress-tolerant rice for Africa and South Asia project, and his important involvement and leadership in the development and promotion of drought-tolerant rice varieties on 3 May 2018 at National Agricultural Science Complex, New Delhi. This award was presented by Dr Uma Shankar Singh, Director, IRRI, South Asia Regional Centre, STRASA, South ASIA Regional Coordinator, International Rice Research Institute and Dr Abdelbagi M. Ismail, Principal Scientist, IRRI Representative to East and South Africa and STRASA, Project Leader, International Rice Research Institute. JUNAGADH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, JUNAGADHHarit Ratna and Harit Puraskar-2017 AwardDr A.R. Pathak, ViceChancellor,received“Harit Ratna”award of All India Agriculture Students Association. Harit Puraskar-2017 for the Best Director of Students’ Welfare amongall State Agricultural Universities of India is bagged by Dr P.V. Patel, DSW,Junagadh Agricultural University,Junagadh.Shri Sarabananda Sonowal,Chief Minister of Assam,gav Mahindra Samriddhi Award to JAUThe MahendraSamriddhi award to JAU, Junagadh was given as recognition of new innovative outcome in the field of nanotechnology. The award was conferred by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture, Government of India, and Shri Anand Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra & Mahindra group, in an award ceremony at New Delhi on 6 Mar. 2018. Award was received by Dr A.R. Pathak, VC; Dr V.P. Chovatia, Director of Research; Dr A.M. Parakhia, Director of Extension Education and Dr H.P. Gajera, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, JAU, Junagadh. Best KVK of the year - Runner-up awardIn its 8th edition of award, National Best KVK of the year - Runner-up Mahindra Samriddhi Agri India Award – 2018 was conferred to the KVK, Nana Kandhasar. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture, Government of India and Shri Anand Mahindra, Chairman Mahindra &Mahindragroup presented the award in a ceremony at New Delhi on 6 Mar. 2018.Award was received by Dr A.R. Pathak, VC; Dr Mahendra Singh Chandawat,Senior Scientist and Head, KVK, Nana Kandhasar; Dr A.M. Parakhia, Director Extension Education, Dr V.P. Chovatia, Director Research. KVK, Nana Khandhasar promoted the use of bio- pesticides for cost-effective management of pests and diseases, especially the use of sawaj (Beauveria bassiana) for the control of pink bollworm in cotton crop and use of Trichoderma for effective management of stemrot in ground nut. Best Scientist Award by ICAR- AICRPDr K.D. Mungra, Associate Research Scientist , JAU, Jamnagar was selected for Best Scientist Award(2017-18) by ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on PearlMillet, Jodhpur and Society for Millet Research (ICAR-Indian Institute of Millet Research), Hyderabad for its outstanding performance in the area of quality work and publications made during the year 2017-18 for pearl millet improvement. DrBalrajSingh,VCofAgricultureUniversity,Jodhpurpresentedhim theawardduringtheeventofa53rdAnnualgroupmeetingof ICAR- AICRPonPearlmilletduring23-24Mar.2018. Lt. Amit Singh Memorial Award 2017-18 for best AICRP (VC) Coordinating CentreLt. Amit Singh Memorial Award 2017-18 for the best AICRP (VC) Co-ordinating Centre was conferred to Vegetable Research Station, JAU, Junagadh on 18 May, 2018. All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops was started during the 4thfive-year plan in 1970-71, to provide a national level platform for multi-location testing of the vegetable technologies developed by various research institutes and state agricultural universities, to identify region specific recommendations. The head quarterof the project is at Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi. Presently the AICRP (Vegetable Crops) is a network of 36 regular and 18 voluntary centres. The AICRP centres are located in different agro-climatic zones of the country. The centres in the network include the ICAR institutes, central institutes, state agricultural and traditional universities and a few other public and private research organizations. KERALA UNIVERSITY OF FISHERIES AND OCEAN STUDIES, PANANGADKUFOS Scientist Bags WAS Fellow AwardDr K. Dinesh, Head of Department of Aquaculture, KUFOS, won theWorld Aquaculture Society Fellow Award-2018. The Award has instituted by the Society in 2011. DrDinesh is the second Indian to receive this award, after late Prof. M.C. Nandeeshain in 2012. The award was presented to Dr Dinesh in August 2018at Montpellier, France.Dr K. Dinesh also received a Certificate of Appreciation from WAS Asian Pacific Chapter, Bangkok, (Thailand) for serving the WAS Asian Pacific Chapter, as the Director from 2016 to 2018. MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL AND FISHERY SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, NAGPURState level Krishi GuravPurskarState level Krishi GuravPurskar, was awarded to Dr Mukund Kadam, for his significant contribution in Scientific Poultry farming for livelihood development in Vidharbah region of Maharashtra. Best Oral Presentation awardDr SariputLandge, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, NagpurVeterinary College, wasconferred the Best Oral Presentation award in Indian Veterinary Extension Professionals National Conference on “Shaping livestock extension advisory services for Doubling farmer’s income”, held at Veterinary College, Vinobanagar, Shivamogga 577204 (Karnataka) during 29-31 Jan. 2017. Young Scientist AwardDr M.S. Bawaskar, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, NVC, Nagpur, received“Prof. S.S. HonnapagollYoungScientist Award- 2017 “ at XVth annual convention of Indian Society for AdvancementofCaninePracticeduring7–9Feb.2018,heldatNTR, College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, Krishnaa, (Andhra Pradesh) 521101. Award for Best Article on Canine Reproduction and BreedingDr A.D. Patil, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, NVC, Nagpur received, ISACP award for the “Best article on canine reproduction and breeding” in Indian Journal of Canine Practice 2017. First prize in ‘Avishkar- 2017’ to Dr. P.R. BalageDr P.R. Balage, M.V.Scscholor from Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, COVAS, Parbhani, bagged first prize in 12th Maharashtra State level Research Convention ÁVISHKAR – 2017’; it was held at Mahatma Puhle Krishi Vidaypeeth, Rahuri from 15-17 Jan. 2018. Dr Balge presented a research case on “A novel surgical approach for the bilateral contracted tendon in calves” in the research convention. The recipient is awarded a trophy, certificate and cash prize of Rs 5000 with fellowship for the next 2 years. He also brought the Champions trophy to the university. FNAPM award to Dr A.V. KhanvilkarDr A.V. Khanvilkar, Associate Professor, Department of Livestock Production and Management, KNPCVS, Shirwal, received Fellow National of Indian Society of Animal Production and Management and held on 11 April 2018 at SDAU, Dhantiwada, (Gujarat), DrJaykrishna, DDG, (Animal Science), ICAR, New Delhi presented the award. And DrKachiya Patel, Director, Animal Husbandry, Government of Gujarat was also present. Best Teacher award to Dr M.V. IngawaleDr M.V. Ingawale, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, PGIVAS, Akola, received Best Teacher Award from Senior Veterinary Foundation, Pune on 27 May, 2018. ShriKantilalUmap, Commissioner, Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Maharashtra, presented him the award. The award was given for contribution in teaching, research and extension. Selection of Dr Supriya Rathod as Chief OfficerDrSupriya Rathod, Alumnus of KNPCVS, Shirwal (2008-2013) was selected as Chief Officer (Municipal Corporation) through examination conducted by Maharashtra Public Service Commission, in 2017. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Life-Time Achievement National Award to Dr Sachin W. BondeDrSachin W. Bonde, I/C Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur received Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Life-Time Achievement National Award on 18 Aug2018 at Bengaluru. The award was given by International Institute for Social and Economic Reforms, Bengaluru, for distinguished contributions to the development of the Nation and achieving outstanding excellence in the field of Teaching, Research and Publication. ‘Best Citizen of India Award 2018’ to Prof. (Dr) V. D. AherDr V. D. Aher, Professor & Head, Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, COVAS, Parbhani, was conferred ‘The Best Citizen of India Award-2018’. It was given by International Publishing House: ‘The World’s Most Leading Biographical Specialists’,recently. Dr Aher was awarded for his immense contribution in teaching, research and extension activities in Marathwada region of Maharashtra. Honouring the efforts of Dr Aher in the spread of science for awareness and making an empowered farmers society. M/S Chaturang Praitishthan, Parbhani felicitated Dr. V D. Aher, as a member receiving this prestigious award. During the felicitation and the memento handed over Krishi Bhushan Shri Kantraoji Deshmukh and Chief Guest Dr Vamanrao Jadhav, Dean SRTMU, Nanded and Mr Sunil Deshmukh, Chairman, Standing Committee, Municipal Corporation, Parbhani. Best Poster Presentation AwardShri Neelagiri Shreya Rao and Shri Mahesh Dhangar, final year students under guidance of Dr Rupali Charjan, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Histology , Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur received Best Poster Presentation Award. It was given for their posters “Comparative morphological study on skull of some Indian wild carnivores and omnivores” and “Hair casting: an alteration for scanning electron microscopy for species identification”. The occasion was XII Annual Convention of Association of Indian Zoo &Wildlife Veterinarian & National Conference’, held during 29-30 Sep2018 at College of Veterinary and AnimalSciences ,GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. ‘Innovative young agriculture scientist’ award to Dr. R. D. SuryawanshiDr Rahul D.Suryawanshi, Assistant professor, Department of Veterinary Public Health, COVAS, Udgir, received ‘Innovative Young Agriculture Scientist Award’ in Krishithon-Yuva Sanman-2018, Nashik Shri Ashok RaoChavhan, former Chief Minister on 22 Nov. 2018. Second prize for best oral presentation to Dr Shital ChopdeDr Shital Chopde, Assistant Professor, Department of AnimalNutrition, Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, received second prize for best oral presentation for ‘Effect of feeding Moringa oleifera leaf meal - incorporated concentrate mixture on performance of goats’ in XI Biennial Conference (ANACON-2018), heldat Patna during 19 -21 Nov. 2018. NAVSARI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, NAVSARIBest Krishi Vigyan Kendra Award (Zone-VIII) 2017The 10th National Conference of KVKs of the ICAR was held at the IARI campus, New Delhi on 17 March, 2018. Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, graced the occasion. He handed over the “Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Krishi Vigyan Protshahan Puraskar 2017: Zonal (Zone-VIII)" to Dr P.D. Varma in recognition of outstanding contributions in the respective category. ORISSA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY, BHUBANESWARAcademic ExcellenceA final year B.Tech. (Agric. Engng.) student of College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Mr. JyotiRanjanBarik, secured first position in the All India GATE-2018 examination. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, presented the award to Prof. S. Pasupalak, VC, on behalf of the University at New Delhi on 8th Mar. 2018. Champion in AGRIUNIFEST – 2018The OUAT emerged overall Champion of the 18th AGRIUNIFEST organized by ICAR at Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, (Andhra Pradesh) held during 12th to 16th Feb. 2018. Prof S. Pasupalak, VC, felicitated the team at a special function organized on 19 Mar. 2018. Award to KVKsKrishiVigyan Kendra, Bargarh received the second prize ofSwachhataPakhwada Award-2017 under KrishiVigyan Kendra category instituted by ICAR. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Minister, Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India, presented the award to Prof. S. Pasupalak, VC, in a special function at New Delhi on 8 Mar. 2018. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadrak was ranked 1st in ICAR-ATARI Kolkata Zone and received Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Krishi Vigyan Protshahan Puraskar, 2017 from Prime Minister of India on 17 March,2018 during the KrishiUnnatiMela organized at ICAR, New Delhi. PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, LUDHIANAAward to StudentsMrPawandeep Singh and Mr Rupinder Singh, students of B.Tech. (Food Technology), Department of Food Science and Technology, Punjab Agricultural University, were honoured with the national award for his start up idea “Utilization of sugarcane juice in production of kheer”. MsDivyansha and MsAshpreet Kaur from the Department of Apparel and Textile Science were also awarded with the same award for their start up idea. The PAU students received the award during a national start-up summit organized by Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, on 1-2 June, 2018. Seventy participants from 22 universities participated in the summit, out of which total 10 prizes were announced and the PAU won two prizes SAM HIGGINBOTTOM UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES, PRAYAGRAJ
SWAMI KESHWANAND RAJASTHAN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, BIKANERHonour to Miss KhyatiShekhawatKhyati Shekhawat (B.Sc. 1 Year ) of Community Science secured Fourth position in ‘On the spot painting’ event of Fine Arts category in Agri Unifest 2018 at Tirupati (A.P.), held during 12-16 Feb. 2018. SHER E KASHMIR UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY, JAMMUICAR AwardThe SKUAST (Jammu) was awarded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for securing second position in PG Scholarships to its graduates under programme category Veterinary & Fisheries Science amongst the 73 Agricultural Universities across the country. The award was presented by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare to Dr Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST of Jammu during the Inaugural Session of the Annual Vice-Chancellors Conference of Agricultural Universities and interface meeting with ICAR Institute Directors at New Delhi. UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SCIENCES, SHIVAMOGGAISEE Fellow Award to Dr T. H. GowdaDr T. H. Gowda, Director of Extension, UAHS, Shivamogga participated and presented research paper entitled “Integrated farming system a way for sustainable income generation to desperate farmers: A success story in southern transition zone of Karnataka”. The research paper was presented in National seminar on “Integrated farming system for enhancing farmers income and nutritional security”. It was held at West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, IARI, New Delhi organized by Indian Society of Extension Education. On this occasion, he was bestowed with ISEE fellow award. This honour was conferred on him by Reverend Swami Sarvalokananda, Secretary, Rama Krishna Mission Ashram, Kolkata; DrS.S. Singh, Director, Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata; and Dr Baldeo Singh, President, ISEE, IARI, New Delhi. UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, RAICHURGlobal Champion Award for eSAP TechnologyThe UAS, Raichur has bagged the prestigious World Summit on the Information Society Award for the year 2018, for designing and developing eSAP (electronic Solutions against Agricultural Pests), an ICT application for crop health management. The eSAP was the only ICT application from India considered for the honour. The Award was presented by Mr Houlin Zhao, Secretary General of International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, Switzerland on 20Mar. 2018 which included the Citation from WSIS forum. Dr I. Shankergoud, Director of Research, UAS, Raichur and Dr. Prabhuraj. A, eSAP Leader received the award. UNIVERSITY OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCES, BAGALKOTSpecial Achievements in NSSNSS volunteers participated in various NIC, National parades, Youth Festival and brought laurels to the University. NSS state Best University, Best Coordinator Award AND Best Volunteers award
JRF AwardDuring 2016-17, the B.Sc. (Horticulture) graduates of University bagged maximum of 10 JRFs out of 22 in the 22nd AIEEA-PG 2016 conducted by ICAR It ranked First Place in the Horticulture & Forestry category from the ICAR, New Delhi. Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Gol, presented the award to University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot during the Annual Vice Chancellors Conference of the Agricultural Universities and Interface meeting with ICAR Institute Directors held during 14-15 Feb. 2017 at New Delhi. MEMBERS OF IAUAComplete list of Member Universities of IAUA, New Delhi is given below: State Agricultural Universities
FINANCE, BUDGET AND AUDIT REPORTThe main source of revenue of the Association is the subscription from member universities. In addition, the ICAR also provides a good assistance of Rs 20 lakhs annually for organizing national - level events like Annual Conventions, National Symposia and Brain-storming sessions etc. The audited Statement of Accounts for the Year 2018-19 is given in Annexure 1. It shows that total income of the Association is Rs. 11010203 (i.e., Rs.6800000 as membership subscription, and Rs.577300 as interest from bank) and total expenditure Rs. 9349546 At the close of the financial year 2018-19, the Association has fixed deposits of Rs. 26617125 (Rupees Two crore sixty six lakhs seventeen thousand one hundred twenty five), which will be Rs. 37270932 (Rs. Three crore seventy two lakhs seventy thousand nine hundred thirty two) on its maturity in 2020. During the year IAUA GOLDEN JUBILEE convention held and received Registration fees of Rs 599997, Grant from ICAR of Rs 600000 and Grant from Director Extension of Rs 100000 and spent Rs 4009987 on the same. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Association thanks Dr. H.C. Sharma, VC, Dr YSPUSF, Nauni, (Dist.) Solan, (Himachal Pradesh) for hosting 9th Brainstorming Session; Prof. Sushil Solomon, VC, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpurorganized 7th IAUA Regional Committee Meeting; Dr. N.C. Patel, President, IAUA & VC, AAU, Anand, organized IAUA Golden Jubilee International Conference at NASC, PUSA, (N. Delhi) and Dr. B.S Dhillon, VC, PAU, Ludhiana for hosting 43rd VCs Convention at PAU. Sd/- dt : 00.00.2019
Auditor's ReportWe have audited the attached Balance Sheet of INDIAN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITIES ASSOCIATION, PUSA CAMPUS, NEW DELHI as at 31st March 2019 together with Income & Expenditure Account and Receipts & Payment Accounts for the year ended as on that date. We certify that the said accounts are true and correct in terms of the books of account produced before us and explanations given during the year.
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